My Mom’s Corruption Ch. 02

9 min readOct 14, 2020


It’s been a week since then and everything feels different somehow. I can’t describe it, or put it to words. I’m no longer bullied sure, but now I have a new nickname…”Momma’s Boy”.It started after mom came to my rescue and got Seth expelled from school. It’s not a bad nickname, just embarrassing. It’s better than being called “The Spick”.Speaking of my mom, I noticed she’s been coming to pick me up later than usual. She’d always apologize for being late and say that she was dealing with a rough customer at the workshop. She’d never say more than that.Until a few days later that is.It was saturday and that meant mom’s day off. We usually plan the whole day out. At 10:30 on that day, she’d make a really good breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, sausage links, etc. Then after breakfast, we’d talk about what sounded fun that day. Normally it would involve going on a car trip to my grandparents and visit for a few hours. They lived a bit out of the city to be precise. Then we’d go to a restaurant for dinner. Closing off that night with ice cream and a movie mom would rent on the tv. But…that never happened. Mom got up early sure, but something was off. I felt it when I woke up. As I entered the kitchen, mom sat at the table in her bathrobe drinking a cup of black coffee. She looked up at me and managed a smile.”Sit down Doug,” mom said, “I need to tell you something.”I sat down at the table. My heart was pounding in my chest. Why did I have the feeling it was going to be bad?Just then the doorbell rang and mom got up to answer the door. There was brief talking before I heard the door close. I turned my head as mom entered the kitchen followed by…Seth?”What the hell is HE doing here?” I said angrily.Mom sighed and sat down across from me. She grabs my hand and squeezes it.”I know this will come at a bit of a shock,” she said softly looking at me, “but this is what I wanted to talk to you about.”I stared back at her blankly.”What?” I replied dumbly.”You see,” she began to say. “I…I’m going on a trip with him.”I pulled my hand away from her as if it shocked me. It did though, my heart was racing in my chest.”WHY!” I said loudly, “WHAT IS GOING ON?!””His father came to visit me at work,” she said, “he told me how sorry his son behaved towards my son and how he’d like to make it up to me.”I looked at her with a disgusted look.”He offered me a trip to the Dominican Republic,” mom said, “the place where I grew up.”She looked excited as she told me that, then looked at Seth. Her expression immediately turned sour.”But he wanted me to take his son with me,” she said looking back at me, “I wanted to take you. But he insisted that take Seth instead.””I know what you are going to say,” she said holding up her hand, “why is he going with me?””Well that is because,” mom stated, “his father thinks I can change him. I don’t know why, but that’s what he thinks.”I looked at Seth, my hate burning on my face.”He knows how much I hate his son,” she said spitefully, “but I’ll try changing his attitude.””Maybe,” I thought.”So why is he here now?” I asked again.”He has something to say to you.” mom said, “go on Seth.”I waited on bated breath. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly.”For what?” mom podded.”I’m sorry for making fun of you and calling you racist slurs.” he said flatly.”And?” mom prodded again.”I’m sorry for being a racist jerk to you and I promise to leave you alone for now on.” he said.”Good,” mom said feigning a little smile on her face.She looks at me again.”And what do you say?” she said.I didn’t want to say it. I hate the guy. I knew it was fake. His apology wasn’t sincere. But mom wanted me to be the bigger man.”I…forgive you,” I said through gritted teeth, “water under the bridge.””Now was that so hard?” mom chuckled, “so that’s what he wanted to say and what I wanted to say also.”Mom stands up.”Now I’m going to my room to change into something better than my bathrobe,” she saidThen she walks down the hall to her bedroom. Closing the door behind her. The moment her door closes, Seth put me in a head-lock and pushes my face into the table.”I’m going to make sure she has a VERY good time on this trip spick!” he hisses in my ear.”By good,” he continued, “I meant that I’ll be fucking her. You won’t be there to stop me. I’ll make sure to record it for you though.”He lets go of me when mom opens her door and walks back into the kitchen. She was wearing a white tshirt with faded blue jeans. Seth whistled at her. “Looking good Mrs. Desper,” he said trying to act sweet.”Stop wasting your time,” she scoffed at him, “I’m not that type of woman who blushes at comments by immature boys.”She turns her back to him and grabs something out of the fridge.”Frigid bitch,” Seth mumbled under his breath.He gives me a dirty look saying “if you say anything I’ll kill you”. I stared defiantly back at him.Mom closes the refrigerator and places a glass of milk before me.”Can I get something to drink too,” asked Seth looking at her, “I’m a guest you know.”Mom grumbled something I couldn’t make out. Seth smirked at her. He knew he was getting under her skin. Mom poured him a glass of water and placed it before him. Slamming it onto the table with a dull thud.”Here,” she said before turning her back to him.He glanced at her shapely ass and watched it move away from him. He downed the water in two gulps before placing the glass back on the table.There was a deep silence between the three of us.”So,” I said breaking the silence, “when do you leave mom?”She slapped her forehead.”A week from now sweetie,” she said, “you’ll be staying at your aunt’s house for the time I’m gone.”It’s kinda sad mom doesn’t trust me to be on my own. I mean, I’m 18 and capable of being independent. But no, she thinks I have to be at a relative’s place.My aunt Maria, is mom’s younger sister. Totally different in every way. While mom is stern and overprotective, aunt Maria is laidback and chill.She’d always allow me to stay up late whenever I stayed over. She’d also give me hush money, whenever she went out for the night. Money which is always stolen by Seth come monday morning. “Okay,” I said.”I’ll explain everything to her then,” mom said as if reading my thoughts.She looks at Seth and sighs.”Even about HIM,” she finished.Aunt Maria was openminded about everything and was a secret keeper. Whatever mom tells her, she keeps to herself. Though she would always ask questions about it. Which drove my mom crazy. After I finished my glass of milk, mom cleared the table. Washing the two glasses and her cup before turning to me afterwards. Seth got up and left flipping her the bird behind her back. The front door closed behind him.”So I was thinking about doing some shopping for my trip” mom said, “want to come with?”My stomach reminds me that I was still hungry while I nodded.”We can stop by that one restaurant afterwards,” mom laughed.We got into her truck and drove to the superstore a little ways from our house. We stopped by the digital camera section, as mom wanted to buy a camera. Then the clothing section. She grabs a bathing suit and goes to the dressing room. I stood guard outside it. “This is awkward,” I thought to myself.Finally mom opens the dressing room door snd shows me the swimsuit she tried on. My jaw dropped. It looked gorgeous on her. The fabric pressing into her ample chest and hugged her backtight. She looked at me shyly. “Well,” she said, “what do you think?””It looks good,” I said.”Well thanks sweetie,” mom said embarrassed, “It’s good to know I still got it. But what do you think about the suit?”I walked around her. The top half like I said was pressing into her breasts, causing her nipples to erect. The bottom half, hugged to her hips and butt. I shook my head.”It looks tight on you,” I said honestly.”Then can you go get another one for me then?” she asks.”Sure,” I replied back.Mom returns to the dressing room, while I go back to the swimsuit section. I felt embarrassed. I knew my mom didn’t mind showing off her figure in swimsuits, but as her son…it was awkward. I looked over the bikinis, one piece swimsuits and rather risque ones too. I knew I had to pick one out. One I would know she’d like.My eyes linger over a two piece swimsuit. It was the one similar to the one she grabbed, but different. Different how? Well, the chest portion of it was thick. Her nipples wouldn’t show if she went swimming or tanning. The bottom portion would still hug to her hips and butt though. Oh well!”This one!” I exclaimed and grabbed it.I rushed back to my mom, who waited patiently inside naked. “Here,” I said opening the door slightly and handing her the swimsuit I picked. She took it from my extended arm and closed the door.”Wow nice choice!” mom said as she tried it on. She steps out and shows me.”Just as I pictured it in my mind,” I thought.She does a complete 180. I nodded my head. If I wasn’t her son, I’d be totally tapping her right now. I felt myself getting an erection. “Fucking sicko,” I scolded myself, “she’s your mom!”Mom notices me adjusting my jeans to hide it. “Hey I take that as a compliment sweetie,” she said laughing.She steps back into the dressing room and changes back into her tshirt and faded blue jeans. “I’m take this one then,” she said.We continued shopping for a bit. Looking at the different sales they had in each aisle. Mom stopped and stared at a beautiful necklace on display. I never had a knack for jewelry. But mom seems to like it. A golden rope like chain holding a white diamond shaped heart.”You like?” said the clerk, “this just went on sale today.””H-how much?” mom asked.”Around 600,” said the clerk, “this was originally 1200. But like I said half off right now.””I-I can’t afford this sadly,” said mom.”Such a shame,” tutted the clerk, “well if you change your mind. Just let me know.”We walked away from the jewelry counter and proceeded to checkout. Mom glances back at where the necklace was and then psys for the items she bought. “You seem to like that necklace mom,” I said as we walked to the car.”Not like,” mom said, “just thought your aunt would like something like that.”I rolled my eyes. “Aunt Maria is a plain jane,” I reminded her, “she doesn’t like jewelry or makeup for that matter.””Since when?” said mom as she starts the truck.”Since forever according to her,” I replied, “She just sells it for money and or gives it to her friends.””Strange,’ mom said, “anyways let’s go eat!” She drives out of the superstore parking lot and drives to the resturant.A day before her fated trip with Seth, we drove to my aunt’s house. The backseat was packed with her two suitcases. Big ones too. I helped her stuff them yesterday. One contained her clothes and underwear, the other her swimsuit and the stuff she bought at the superstore. “So that’s what happened,” said mom to aunt Maria, “I have to go with his son. He thinks I can change Seth.””From what you told me before,” said aunt Maria, “this guy is racist and a jerk.”Mom nodded her head. Her hair slightly waving. “Doug knows about how bad he is,” mom motioned to me, “he even had the guts to say nasty things about me to Doug.””Like what?” said aunt Maria.After Seth left that day, I told mom about what he said to me. “Oh that I was a frigid bitch,” mom began to say, “and that he was going to fuck me. Then something about recording it.”Aunt Maria looked at me.”It’s true aunt Maria,” I said, “it was right after mom went to change in her room.””If he even tries anything,” mom said, “he’ll lose that part in a heartbeat.””You just be safe sis,” said aunt Maria, “don’t let him ruin your trip. Take plenty of pictures for us okay?”Mom nodded her head and gives us both a hug. We watched her drive to the airport where Seth was waiting with his dad. I just hope what he claims he’ll do to her is fake.–79-million

