CRYCASH is the first gaming Ecosystem with a BuyBack program. What’s in it for you?

4 min readJan 26, 2018


Today we would like to explain in detail an important element of the CRYCASH Ecosystem — the BuyBack strategy. It is well known around the world in various fields of economy and finance. But with the arrival of new technologies, like blockchain and cryptocurrencies, this strategy has gained more opportunities. We are the first gaming ICO to introduce this strategy which will stimulate continuous market demand for CRYCASH tokens!

What is BuyBack?

Let’s start with the basics.

A buyback, also known as a repurchase, is the purchase by a company of its outstanding shares that reduces the number of its shares on the open market.

The result of implementing such an operation by the international corporations could be the change of the capital structure, minimization of risks at acquisition, receiving privileges for dividends, etc.

It is fundamental that due to its growth the trust of the community must be placed to the company. If the company is ready to redeem the shares and is prepared to be charged for them, then they receive the actual value. The markets always estimate this process. In this case, there is an element of self-investment of the company in the business that positively affects exchange indicators of the company.

BuyBack is a sign of reliability and gravity of intentions of the management. Application of this approach shows the trust of the company representatives in its success. And if trust is established then the community will follow.

The BuyBack strategy from CRYCASH

Simultaneously, the BuyBack strategy can be applied additionally into the crypto industry for token repurchase. Though our token is utilitarian (utility) and doesn’t give the right for a share of the company or other privileges of the shareholder, we’ll apply the strategy of BuyBack, as it is suitable for achievement of our purpose — to bring a maximum benefit to all participants of CRYCASH ecosystem.

In our project, the BuyBack model will be used for ensuring liquidity of CRYCASH token. It will promote stable demand in the market. Even in spite of the fact that our token isn’t a financial instrument, its holders will profit.

In practice, how does this work?

The best way to describe the principle of BuyBack or repurchase of tokens with a

simple example. Imagine that there is a certain game developing company. It wants to attract a new audience to its product (let it be 100 000). Our Ecosystem provides the following solutions for this:

· Advertising Platform For Game Developers;

· Plink Application;

· CRYCASH CyberSport & Betting Platform.

The above outlined the way in which our Ecosystem is ideal and stable in the implementation of dev’s idea.

The game’s developer addresses and issues a performance of a task where a certain budget is necessary for involvement of 100 000 gamers (let it be $1 000 000). Having a definite budget, we buy our own CRYCASH tokens at the exchange. The commission of CRYCASH is 20% a half of which is paid to the Plink application. Alternatively, the developers themselves can get our tokens at the exchange, avoiding the commission of our platform.

We not only stimulate the demand for our token but also give the chance to everyone to sell them. It is very important that the tokens repurchase is crucial not only to us but also to gamers who can exchange them for other cryptocurrencies. Where can gamers get tokens? In games.

Involvement of players is implemented by the creation of special game tasks and quests on Advertising Platform For Game Developers. They will be available to users of the platform via the Plink application. Having performed the task, gamers receive tokens purchased by us within the BuyBack program and financed by the developer. Their quantity varies depending on the complexity of the performed task and other customer’s requirements.

Advertising Platform allows game developers to top up their account with fiat money as well as with CRYCASH tokens. In case of an account replenishment with fiat money, 5% fee is charged. It is done to incentivize game developers to utilize CRC tokens as means of payment in the ecosystem. Large game developers will be able to enjoy postpaid services of CRYCASH Ecosystem. For the 30% of the raised funds, there will be reservation for token buyback and elimination of cash gaps.

An additional framework for effective application of BuyBack strategy, is the CyberSport platform. It is intended for holding tournaments between gamers and also rates on cybersports events. Prize funds can consist of tokens bought within the BuyBack program. The fund can be formed both from sponsor’s and user’s resources. In other words — players can create prize funds by sharing the cost otherwise it will be allocated by the sponsor.

It should be clarified that 30% of the funds raised within the token sale will be reserved in a special fund to start the BuyBack program. Our further plan is to spend about 80% of the profit from our project for remuneration of the gamers carrying out game tasks of the developers.

The BuyBack program will start in Q1 2018.

BuyBack Advantages

The existence of the BuyBack program in the CRYCASH Ecosystem is an indisputable advantage of our project, as allows us to provide a stable demand for tokens in the market, preserving the decentralized nature of our ecosystem.

Due to BuyBack, our token will become extremely convenient for monetization of the gaming. And for developers it will provide the unique means of promoting their products.

Thousands of participants of our ICO and a number of independent ratings have already given great reviews to our work. Join us in the gaming revolution!




CRYCASH is an independent decentralized ecosystem of products for gamers fueled by its own ERC-20 CRC token with confirmed cooperation with Crytek.