Project update (30.07.2023)

4 min readJul 30, 2023


Hello everyone!

We’re back with another update, and there’s plenty to share with you about what’s been happening at Crypcentral. As always, our goal is to keep you in the loop and well-informed about our project’s ongoing development.

In today’s update, we’ll be focusing on three important aspects:

  1. A detailed look at our progress in game development, along with our strategic plans for the coming months.
  2. An overview of liquidity staking within the Crypcentral ecosystem, explaining what it means for our community.
  3. A preview of the August calendar, highlighting key dates and events that are significant to our project.

Let’s start by delving into our game development, where exciting things are happening, and the future is looking bright.

Progress and future plans for game development

Many of you are likely aware that we’ve just wrapped up a session of beta testing for crypcentralPOP with our community. We’re pleased with the results and feel we learned a great deal, but there’s still more work to do. Since the beta, we’ve been working daily to improve the game based on the feedback we received.

Today, we’re excited to give you a sneak peek into one of these new features:

Healthbar & Healing

That’s right, CrypcentralPOP now boasts a health system! This addition means that when one bubble despawns, it’s no longer a game-ending situation; players have multiple “lives” or health points. You can also heal yourself by popping bubbles.

But here’s the twist: with this new system, players must be more precise when clicking on bubbles. Any misclick can cost you health. Not only does this add a new layer of challenge and excitement to the game, but it also helps us combat the use of macros and autoclickers. Now, players must think twice before clicking haphazardly, as every click matters!

Healthbar & Healing

We believe that these changes will enrich the gameplay experience and make crypcentralPOP even more engaging. As always, we value your opinions and look forward to hearing what you think about this new health system.

Information about liquidity staking

We recognize that liquidity staking has been on the minds of many within our community, and we’re pleased to announce that it’s just around the corner, with a launch planned for early August! One of the reasons it’s taken us some time to get liquidity staking off the ground has been the limited options available on Algorand right now. We want to ensure that we selected an approach that aligns with our project’s unique needs and goals.

After careful consideration, we’ve opted to start with a small pool. This initial pool will be hosted on Cometa. While we believe that Cometa serves our current needs well, we’ll remain vigilant and keep exploring other staking platforms or opportunities that may be available in the future.

We’ll share more details as the launch date approaches, so stay tuned for further updates. As always, your support and patience are greatly appreciated, and we’re eager to take this next step together in the Crypcentral journey!

The August calendar

August is shaping up to be an exciting month for Crypcentral, with a variety of events and milestones that we can’t wait to share with our community. Here’s what we have in store:

  • Giveaways: As is our tradition, we’ll be hosting two giveaways this month. Stay tuned for details and make sure to participate for a chance to win!
  • Token Burn Discussion: We’ve been carefully analyzing our tokenomics and believe that burning some of the as yet unreleased tokens might be a beneficial step for overall project health. However, we value the opinions of our community and will hold a vote using Xballet before making any decisions. Your voice matters to us, so make sure to weigh in on this important issue.
  • Spotlight and Project Update: We’ll be featuring another spotlight and providing another project update toward the end of the month. As always, these updates will offer insights and details on the latest developments within Crypcentral.
  • CrypcentralPOP Weekly Tournament: We’re thrilled to announce the first weekend tournament of crypcentralPOP (open beta), scheduled to be held between 25.08 and 27.08. Get ready to show off your skills, try out new features and compete with fellow players in this exciting event!

Keep an eye on our discord, twitter and reddit channels for more detailed information about each of these events as they approach, and thank you for being an essential part of the Crypcentral journey!

Thank you for reading this post!

July was a month filled with excitement, growth, and plenty of fun, and we’re eager to carry that momentum into August. With new features, community engagement, and thrilling events lined up, we can’t wait to present you with another exciting month of Crypcentral content.

Stay connected, stay engaged, and as always, thank you for being a part of the Crypcentralfam!

