CryptalDash Update: 7nd January -
Plans for 2019, Crypto Affiliate Challenge, Masternode Program, UI/UX Progress, Whitelisting Functionality

8 min readJan 8, 2019


Happy New Year everyone!

In this update we will cover:

  1. Plans for 2019
  2. Localised Exchanges — CryptalEX
  3. CryptalEX Affiliate Challenge
  4. New UI Development Status and Description of the Market History Panel
  5. Mobile UI
  6. Whitelisting Functionality

1. The PLAN for the New Year — 2019

The cryptocurrency market has been struggling throughout the entire 2018. It truly was a very tough year for most if not all cryptocurrencies. Nevertheless, CryptalDash token (CRD) price has been very stable since the launch of the exchange. The price has been quite volatile, but remained strong against the cryptocurrency king — the Bitcoin. At the end of the year CRD price has been trading near the 160 satoshis area, and this is where CRD was trading back in September 2018. At the same time, The CryptalDash Exchange trade volume has been consistently increasing over the past few months, which shows a growing demand for CRD token. The positive momentum is obvious, as can be observed on the chart below, taken from

Over 2018, CryptalDash team has grown substantially, and so are the plans for 2019. We are very excited for the year ahead as many new exciting features and services are being developed and will be introduced.

New Interface

This month, in January 2019, we are planning to release a completely new exchange interface. It will make a user experience an easy and intuitive trading journey. More on the new UX/UI below.

New Website

A few highly skilled designers just joined the team, and they are working away at creating a completely new website design. The new design will help position us as a world-class exchange.

New Brand

We have listened to the communities feedback regarding the branding of CryptalEX and CryptalDash and we will be rebranding in 2019. The rebranding will ensure consistency of brands between the main exchange, currently, know as The CryptalDash Exchange and all localized exchanges. If you have any suggestions or would like to be involved in the rebranding please reach out to us via the contact form.

New Forum

As CryptalDash community grows, the exchange-to-user and user-to-user interaction becomes more demanding. This year we are planning to launch our forum, with the goal of increasing the knowledge base, user activity and reaction of the customer support.

New Locations

At CryptalDash we realize the cryptocurrency exchange market direction. Understanding all the benefits and full potential of going “local”, our aim is to operate in the local language with tailored integration into that country’s financial institutions, regulations, and payment methods.

CryptalEX is a localized Cryptocurrency Exchange specifically for East-European market, that is linked with the CryptalDash Ecosystem. While this is the first step towards the regulated localisation, next step is to get integrated in Japan, Latin America, Africa, and Middle East.

New Crypto Debit Cards

Crypto debit cards are planned to be released this year, which will allow users to deposit and instantly convert crypto to fiat money. This is a great tool for a day to day use of fiat and cryptocurrencies, that makes it cheap, fast and efficient.

New Coins to be Listed

During the first year when the CryptalDash exchange went live, over 100 coins have been added to our listing. The plan for this year is to hit a number of 500 coins listed. For CryptalDash it means higher trading volume more exposure and liquidity. For our users, it means, more arbitrage opportunities, even faster trade execution time and of course a huge choice of coins/tokens to trade.

2. Crypto Affiliate Challenge

The BETA version of the Affiliate program has been released! Early 2019 will see the Affiliate program rolled out to and to all exchange users. We value each and every Affiliate, thus making everything to make an affiliate experience an educated as well as a profitable way to collaborate with CryptalDash and CryptaEX at the same time. Having said that, we are proud to present an Affiliate Challenge.

An Affiliate Challenge is a training program — a 90 Day Challenge which will teach you how to generate massive traffic and maximize your earnings with CryptalDash Exchange. You can earn commissions, win prizes, access marketing tools and learn new and exciting ways to become an advanced Affiliate.

Visit and enter your details to join the challenge.

3. Masternodes Program Launch

A long waited Masternodes program is soon to be launched. Anyone who purchased at least 1,000,000 (1M) CRD tokens is considered to be a Masternode holder. The main benefit is a monthly reward for performing network maintenance tasks. The table below details the reward potential based on volume targets.

Don’t forget, that the winner of the CryptalEX Affiliate Competition; an affiliate who’s referrals purchased highest amount of CRD tokens, will get a full CRD Masternode as the reward! To become an affiliate, just register at

Notes on the calculations in table above

  • Based on an estimated 60% of fees paid with CRD and 40% other Crypto
  • Based on an estimated 300 active Masternodes at any given time
  • Annual Growth Percentage is based on the current token price of $0.007427 and $7,427 for 1,000,000 CRD tokens.

Please be aware that the tables above are not a promise of future earnings, they are simply data to help you make your own decision.

4. New UI Development Status

The current focus of development is integrating trading dashboard functionality, but we are also working on integrating the new design of “back office” pages, like balances, deposit/withdrawal, KYC process, changes in whitelisting, and other pages. Integrating “back office” pages comes with some rework in the User Experience area, i.e. we are trying to add some new features to the old functions, to name a few:

  • Option to go into the trade active market from the Balances menu
  • Ability to view deposit/withdrawal history near deposit/withdrawals
  • Better withdrawal history (with the ability to track progress in time and option to raise a ticket)

These functions were not presented in previous versions, so along with the integration of the current engine, we are developing these features from scratch.

Having said that, our full focus right now is on integrating trading dashboard, and we are strictly aiming to launch the new trading dashboard in January. However, some part of exchange “back office” pages and some “back office” functions might not be available from the launch date.

To make sure that there will be no problems with using exchange, we will support both old and new UI versions at launch date, so if you will miss some old “back-office” functions in the new UI, you would be able to use old UI for that.

We will release more details on available functions at the launch date in our next developer update.

Market History Panel

We are not changing Market History panel too much; it will contain all basic stuff plus mini-subtabs (same concept as described in previous medium posts). You will also be able to clone the tab or make it full screen.

One thing we plan to add is an option to filter out “small trades”, things like these mini orders for less than $X amount. It would make “reading” market history a bit easier cause spam orders will be filtered.

At the same time, we are considering to implement a global rule for the minimum order size, which might serve the same function (though, the function “convert dust to CRD” should come first).

We are also making sure that all dates will properly come in UTC format (with later transition to the user-specified timezone in the future).

5. Mobile UI

You can check some of our mockups for the mobile UI below. Please note that implementing these mockups into the new UI is still ongoing and final results might differ from the mockups.

We are aiming to have a web-based mobile UI for trading functionality and some other basic functionalities like KYC, deposit, and withdrawals; but mobile UI will have a bit less functionality than desktop UI.

New Mobile UI is responsive and should work for the majority of mobile devices.

In the next update, we will show the new KYC process on mobile and some other screens from mobile.

6. Whitelisting Functionality

We initially introduced whitelisting to increase the security of the Exchange. However, we do realize that for many people whitelisting turned out to be a frustrating experience and in the new version of CryptalDash, it will be fixed.

Reworked whitelisting process will be optional for all users (so you would be able to withdraw to any address by default), but at the same time, you would be able to whitelist any existing token “family” at once. It means that whitelisting of ETH address will enable or disable it for all corresponding ERC-20 tokens (same for NEM tokens and other token “families”). We will also support address book for whitelisting (with names).

Default settings will allow the withdrawal of any currency to anywhere; registering new “whitelist” address will not require selfie anymore.

We are working on making this design live; however, due to some backend and process changes, full implementation of the new whitelist process will not be available at the launch date.

To compensate, we will disable whitelisting for the all users by the new UI launch date. Shortly after, we will introduce proper whitelisting (as described, it will be optional)

That’s all for this update, thank you for reading! Please remember you can always leave your feedback via official Telegram chat or main website.

Please make sure you follow our official social media channels to not miss future posts & announcements.


