How To Submit Your Crypto Coin for the Coin Listing Competition

4 min readMay 9, 2018



Have you ever wondered how to submit your coin for the Coin Listing Competition hosted by CryptalDash?

It’s actually pretty easy! It will only take you three minutes maximum.

Here’s a step-by-step instruction to help you:


Go to the coin listing page of CryptalDash Website:


On the mid right side of the page, you can find the SUBMIT NEW COIN HERE button. Click on that and it will take you to the entry form of the coin listing competition.


Complete and fill up the form with the necessary details.

*Note: It is important that the person signing up is either one of the 40 numbers and an active member of the community as you will be the one that we’re going to communicate with throughout the whole competition.


We also need you to fill up your social media accounts, your Twitter, your Facebook, your LinkedIn, Telegram, Reddit as all these social media accounts will be used to update you with an announcement for the competition.


Once you’re done, click SEND REQUEST.

And that’s it!

The Coin Listing Competition Team will personally verify your submitted coins.

Always be on the lookout for an email from The CryptalDash for your coin’s verification. We will also be sending instructions on how you can vote for your coin.

You may also check the results of your crypto coin verification directly at The CryptalDash website. Type your coin’s name or abbreviation on the LOOK FOR YOUR COIN search box.

If your coin is listed on the Coin Listing Competition page, that means you’re now officially part of the CryptalDash Coin Listing Competition! Otherwise, The CryptalDash team is still processing your coin verification.

Submit your coins and grow your favorite Cryptocurrency on the CryptalDash Exchange now!

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more updates on Cryptal Dash Exchange!

Check this video below for a more detailed tutorial on how to submit your coin for the Coin Listing Competition and how to get your community involved.

Show Notes:

· [00:00:01] Tutorial on how to submit your coin for the Coin Listing Competition and how to get your community involved.


Tutorial on how to submit your coin for the Coin Listing Competition and how to get your community involved.

Hey guys, so we’re going to show you how to submit your coin in the Coin Listing Competition. It’s actually pretty easy, it will only take you three minutes maximum. So, here we go, first off, let’s go to the website, it is On the mid right side of the page you can find the submit new coin here button, click on that and it will take you to the entry form. Now here, all you really need to do is fill up the form. So, for the purpose of this video, we are going to use my details. So here, we can write my email,, first name, Noni, last name, Ahmet. But it is important that the person signing up is higher than one of the 40 numbers and an active number of the community as you will be the one that we’re going to communicate with throughout the whole competition. Now, we’re just going to fill up the contact number with country code and token name with abbreviation. So here, Cryptal Dash Coin, CRD, as well as your website. So, all of these details, I’m going to do that as we are going to contact you through these details when you’re part of the competition. We also need you to fill up your social media accounts, your Twitter, your Facebook, your LinkedIn, Telegram, Reddit as all these social media accounts will be used to update you with any announcement for the competition. So, it is important that you check them regularly. Once you’re done click, send request and the Coin Listing Competition Team will personally verify your coins. So, once you’re verified you may receive an email with instructions on how to vote for your coin. If you visit the website you can easily find your coin, just click here and type your coin’s name or abbreviation. So, here’s CRD, there you go, you’re officially part of the Cryptal Dash Coin Listing Competition. So see, this is very easy and possible for you. So, submit your coins now.

If you want to know more on how to get your community involved in supporting and building career points, click on the link below for the video and application for your coins. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more updates on Cryptal Dash Exchange. Thanks for watching.

