The Cryptal Show — Episode 20: Phase Two Coin Listing Competition Winners!

9 min readMay 3, 2018


Show Notes:

· [00:00:11] Phase Two officially closes and Phase Three starts. Winners of Phase Two and a warning to spammers.

· [00:03:29] How new members of the community can get involved in Phase Three, ways to promote your audience. Update on the rate of points equivalent to USD.

· [00:06:46] Update on affiliate competition and problems with the existing affiliate competition programs out there.

· [00:08:33] Prizes for bringing in the top sales, announcement on the launch of the new tools and banners and the exchange rate of the current affiliate/referral program. Update on Mr. Amin.


Phase Two officially closes and Phase Three starts. Winners of Phase Two and a warning to spammers.

What did one fork said to another fork? *Fork* you. What did that other fork say to that fork? *Fork* you too. Yes. Did you just laugh at your own joke? I was like, oh, he’s doomed. Welcome to the Daily Cryptal Show. Welcome to first of May. Yes, first of May, that’s a bit easier, isn’t it? Yeah, first of May and what does that mean? That means Phase Two official closes, Phase Two of coin listing competition officially closed and we’re starting Phase Three. So, that means we’re announcing Phase Two winners and Phase Two winners congratulations, you did a great job at engaging your community because this is what this competition is all about. It’s engaging your community and getting them to support and grow your coin and get listed with us. So, without further ado, top five coins that made it to Phase Two, list. Bitcoin W Spectrum, number one, number two, Mooncoin, number three, Experience Points, number four, Wagerr, number five, Ebitcoin. Congrats, guys again without your community and without you guys supporting your coin you wouldn’t be winning this competition.

So, they’ve all gotten on the exchange? Yes, you’re all getting listed and very excited to have you guys onboard. How you going to reach out to them? Yeah, of course, yeah, I will be emailing you guys. This is also going to get published all across all our social media networks. So, you’ll hear about it and you’ll hear from me for sure. Cool, so, there’s going to be a few questions raised about, why are those five the winners if there was some other ones which were ranked higher in the coin competition based on the point value. As we were tallying up the points and double checking everything before we announce this today it became very clear that there was a handful of people that have been playing this system, that’s a nice way of saying spamming using the fake emails, big teams of bots and people in certain countries in one geo-location at the same size which is very identifiable, spammers. Yes, so pretty much if you don’t play nice and then I’ll reject those away wiping you which we’ve done. So, you’re welcome to participate again in this month, you know who you are, people that have been spamming, it’s very easy, we will catch you again if you do it again and going forward and now we’ve really announced this now.

Anyone who spams is just going to be cut, so not only will they be removed from being able to compete in the new coin listing, they’re not going to go on the exchange as well. So, we only want people that are here playing by the rules, they really have the community that supports them and they’re not being dodgy. It’s not what we wanted to eat our way, we’re playing by the rules so is everyone else. So, it’s only fair that the people who have played by the rules win.

How new members of the community can get involved in Phase Three, ways to promote your audience. Update on the rate of points equivalent to USD.

Right, and for the Phase Three competition, we’re setting the point countering back to zero. So, anyone joining in for Phase Three, that means you are all on the same level to compete. So, it’s going to be, yeah. So, submit your coin, compete. Okay, and are the doors still open for new coins? Yes, it is, of course, yeah. Okay. I mean, what do you mean? For Phase Three, of course. Yes, so somebody is watching, they’re part of the community, what do they do to get involved? Submit your new coin, you submit the coin, it’s yeah, boy you know the link, coin listing, yeah, just click, yeah, somewhere there. So, on that page somewhere there is add coin, gotta go through the doggie. You’re right. And you get on board, so now’s the best time to do it, the start of the month, the later in the month the harder it’s going to be.

Starting today we have a new script for the new coin comm, new script for the new coin comm, bit of a tongue twister. Phase Three, we’ve had two months now so, we’ve got some data about what’s working, what isn’t working. There’s been some feedback about certain things, might be a little bit buggy, we can improve etc, etc. So, that those have been working really hard on that. The, I guess the big difference is really the high leverage point. So, with the core teams in the backend where we’re communicating and saying effective ways to promote your audience are the following. Which are things like emailing your list, putting an embeddable widget on your website, going out to Reddit, to your social accounts? Yes. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So, now we’re building in a feedback mechanism for the core team. So, when you do one of these high leverage points or high leverage tasks you go to the point count, you submit the URL where your promotion is live, we will then verify and approve that.

So, we’ve really bumped up with points quite high for this, that’s going to be 5,000 points per task which is accepted. So, if you go through and get a few of those done you can just pump yourself up right away. Yeah, I know some of you guys, like, from the ports, team of some of the other points have already been doing this. So, now, we’re absolutely going to make it official for you guys to earn, you know, these points. Awesome and another big change is the points which you’ll be rewarded with for participating in the ICO which is paid in terms of our ICO tokens. Yeah. So, previously it was regardless of the value or quantity of tokens which you were first purchasing, you receive 1,000 points. So, we’ve changed it around a little bit to now, it’s basically a weighted scale, the more you are participate in the dollar value the more you are being rewarded with points. So, equivalent of 1 USD equals one point. If you participate with 500 US equivalent in CRD tokens you get 500 points. If somebody would like to participate with one million dollars in USD. I would really love to give you a million points. Yes. And I’m quite comfortable to say, you’ll probably win the competition. Yeah. All time.

Update on affiliate competition and problems with the existing affiliate competition programs out there.

Talking about competitions our affiliate competition starts today. I am personally excited about this about absolutely everything. I’m sorry I know you love the coin competition like a child but my new favorite child within the business is affiliate competition. I got started 10 years ago online as an affiliate so I’ve been on the other side, I know what it’s like to be in an affiliate, I know what it’s like to work with merchants and basically, we want to be the go-to affiliate program in this industry. I know some that exists just don’t provide the support when you have an issue no one responds to you, when your clicks aren’t tracking nobody gets back to you, when you want to get some banners, when you want to ask about Sub-IDs or postbacks, JavaScript postbacks, sorry no, like a JavaScript Widget.

Basically, you want to be able to track, we’ll do this for you, we are here to help you succeed as opposed to other people are like. Just bring us revenue and then do not contact us because we don’t want to help you. It’s just amazing that lot’s of the other exchanges and companies in this industry today don’t provide support whereas the affiliate industry as a whole, the affiliate networks will literally fly you to the Playboy mansion to get your business. No promises on the playboy mansion. Yeah, no I was going to check it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen anymore but that’s what we are going to do guys. We will do what needs to be done to secure your business for the long-term starting off with cash and CRD tokens; disclaimer.

Prizes for bringing in the top sales, announcement on the launch of the new tools and banners and the exchange rate of the current affiliate/referral program. Update on Mr. Amin.

So, starting today until the 19th of June which is the end of the ICO unless it finishes earlier if it sales out. Whoever brings in the most sales wins CRD tokens. So, it’s going to be the top 10 people, they’re going to win prizes, the first is going to get 20,000 US equivalent in CRD, next one down is I think 15 or 10, going off memory then it’s five, four, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, all the way down, I think the last five win a 1000 each.

We’ve got some tools, we’ve got some really awesome banners and starting tomorrow we’re going to launch the new embedder tools for the popups, sticky footers, exit pops, redirect scripts. Yeah. Doggie, you know all about those things, don’t you? Again, we want you to succeed, we want to make this easy for you. If you have a blog reach out to us. We’ll work with you to build content and meanwhile we’ll jump on your podcast, our men would jump on a YouTube video with you, he’ll do an interview with you, he’ll go to your office with, we’ll do a daily Cryptal Show in your office. Are you running an AMA, we’ll turn up, we’ll create your content or co-create your content, you can own it and then you can work your affiliate link on it and commissions, that’s what we want to do. It’s a two-tiered, not two-tiered that’s confusing, kind of two-pronged affiliate program which means we’re giving commissions on the exchange and we’re also giving commissions on the ICO platform. So, when you’re providing the ICO platform first you get the commissions based on a sale but then all of the people who purchase or just register A.K.A. elite even if they don’t purchase it’s still tracked against your unique code and then as the exchange opens you’re going to get a lifetime commission on the training fees.

Basically, the industry standard with the affiliate/referral program for the exchanges is 20% for the lifetime fees or I should say 20% of the trading fees for the lifetime value of the customer but I think 20%’s a bit cheap. So, it’s a sliding scale, the more you bring in the higher your commission structure goes. At the moment, we’ve got the top level I believe at 50 or 55 percent as opposed to 20%. So, if you consider a lifetime value of customer who trades with us versus somebody else at 20% that’s huge. Another thing to consider is because you can exchange top tier exchanges like Linex, Bitrex, Pollinex through us. If people are spending with us as opposed to directly with the third party exchange and you’re getting 50% of the exchange fees through us or I should say upto as opposed to the 20% directly with the other exchange. It’s just something to think about in your marketing angles., we’re going to have an update there, there’s a link to the blog post announcement below and please reach out if you want to help with that.

We’re here to make you succeed when you succeed we succeed. Anything else for today? That’s it, don’t forget to subscribe. One more. What else? Amin, Mr. Amin Katherine. Right. Mr. Amin has been absent lately. Yeah. Because he’s busy, Amin is in Europe, he’s just been in Gibraltar meeting with the regulators. Yeah, it’s just exciting. Yeah, it’s exciting. So, Amin will be jumping on one of these days very very soon or remotely to give us some updates basically, things are progressing. Yep. And we shall have some pretty exciting news for you soon.

Next Steps:

1. Follow us for more updates
2. Visit to participate in our Exchange ICO, (Last chance as we are almost finished!).

