Stephen Carbaugh
1 min readDec 31, 2017


Very misleading…you are implying that Volume = Value….they have different titles and meanings for a reason. A single $1 bill can be traded enough times that the total volume would equal $8 trillion and beyond, that doesn’t mean the value is $8 trillion…the value is $1…it was just traded $8 trillion times to equal a volume of $8 trillion. I have a very open mind, opened enough to speculate and be optimistic with my feet still planted firmly on the ground aka realistic. If I wanted to have my head in the clouds I’d go buy a plane ticket, or follow you on medium and read what other “stuff” you’ve written. You have such a strong case of tunnel vision, aka close mindedness, that you are overlooking the most basic facts of finance and accounting…and just math in general. You are using “being open-minded” as an excuse to be borderline reckless. I had to create this account just to point it out so I could at least sleep at night thinking that I did my part to prevent others from being grossly misled. Trust me I want nothing more than for ripple to be worth $90–300. I’d be happy to see it hit $10…But there’s a big difference between being open minded and just plain careless and reckless. I’m a high school science teacher…in Louisiana…and I could see myself having to correct some freshman (in high school, probably without a driver’s license yet) from making this misguided miscalculation…and like I said, I’m a SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL…

