Crypterium News: New license, new prospects

2 min readApr 12, 2018


Crypterium is the first and the biggest cryptobank creating the future, today. We are gradually obtaining licenses for our activities in order to let you use cryptocurrencies in the same way you use fiat money on a daily basis. And we have some great news to share: yesterday, we got licensed to operate as a financial institution, and it’s definitely something we would like to tell you about.

“A financial institution” — now that sounds good!

The new license opens up exciting opportunities for our business. We are now ready to strike partnerships with companies that only work with financial institutions and integrate with more payment systems. The license also shows that we meet high standards for the financial institutions and increases our credibility in the eyes of society.

“We’ve obtained 3 out of 4 licenses that we need for the full launch, and we’re very happy with the progress. It shows the inherent quality of our product. And each step forward grants us a chance to add new features to the Crypterium cryptobank,” — says Gleb Markov, co-founder of Crypterium.

The art of making small steps towards a grand goal

As we mentioned, we already had 2 major licenses in fintech and cryptocurrencies that allow us to conduct related activities legally in accordance with the legislation of Estonia. By the way, that doesn’t mean that we can only operate legally in Estonia, as the services we offer are digital, we can as well operate all over the world.

Each license we obtain either opens up new possibilities for our future operations or allows us to upgrade our current activities. With each one, Crypterium grows increasingly stable and transparent as a business — and we don’t just mean being transparent to our token holders, but also to the authorities. This is obviously crucial for any company, but doubly so for a cryptobank.

The next stop is getting licensed to operate as a payment institution. Let’s build the banking system of the future together!

About Crypterium

Crypterium is building a mobile app that will turn your coins and tokens into money that you can spend with the same ease as cash.

Shop around the world to pay with your coins and tokens at any NFC terminal, or via scanning the QR codes. Make purchases in online stores, pay your bills, or just send money across borders in seconds reliably and for a fraction of a penny.

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