Keith Teare: Crypterium has a great vision that captures the imagination

3 min readApr 16, 2018


Legendary entrepreneur Keith Teare believes that in order to be a success, a company needs to have a global vision.

“I remember when Microsoft began — their vision was “a PC on every desktop”. In 1974, that was a long way away from being real. Crypterium has a great vision that captures the imagination. With Crypterium that vision is “borderless payments using any cryptocurrency in any store,” — he explains.

Find out what else Keith Teare likes about Crypterium and where he sees the crypto market in the future.

Big idea, experienced team, great platform

Successful ideas need good teams. There are many ideas and there are not many good teams. The founders of Crypterium were experienced in the field, they built products and companies before. With Austin Kimm they had a Western-facing, English-speaking executive that was able to communicate globally, and through people like myself they were able to get to a very, very large audience.

But even when you have a great team and you have a great platform, you have to have a vision that captures the imagination. With Crypterium that vision is “borderless payments using any cryptocurrency in any store”. That’s a big idea. It’s gonna take a long time to deliver on that idea properly.

I remember when Microsoft began — their vision was “a PC on every desktop”. In 1974 that was a long way away from being real. A vision should be like that: it should take years, if not decades, to fulfill. So, cross-border payments using any crypto in the store — that’s a big vision, and I think those things are the combination of why it works.”

One world, one citizen, one way of spending money

The worst thing about the world in 2018 is nation states. You know, why is it that I’m English, and he is Ukrainian or Russian, and somebody else is French? Why is it that if I’m English I must use the Pound, if you’re Russian you must use the Ruble, if you’re Chinese you must use the Renminbi? This world is dividing us up into small people with their own little papers. It makes no sense to me, so my passion is globalism: I want one world, one citizen, one way of spending money. That is my passion.

I don’t trust the dollar as much as I trust Bitcoin

It’s kind of interesting where will the whole crypto industry be at the end of this year. It’s like the question “is the United States a successful country?”, and the answer is that it’s too early to tell, and the United States has been around for a couple of hundred years. With crypto, honestly, it’s too early to tell.

Crypto should transform everything. For that to become real, people have to trust it. I don’t trust the dollar as much as I trust Bitcoin. Bitcoin may have gone down recently but guess what: it’s up by seven thousand percent from a year ago, even after it went down. The dollar? It’s the same.

If you ask me “a year from now, will people trust a dollar more than Bitcoin?” Not a chance, no chance. Will Bitcoin be twenty thousand or a hundred thousand or three thousand? I don’t know. But I don’t care because Bitcoin is the future and the dollar is the past.

So I would say 2018 is way too close for me to know the exact answer. It’s also important to say I don’t care because five years from now, crypto will be five to 6% of all GDP worldwide. Today it’s like 0.5%, a year ago it was 0.01%. It’s gonna get a bigger and bigger role in global economics — and that’s all you need to know.

About Crypterium

Crypterium is building a mobile app that will turn your coins and tokens into money that you can spend with the same ease as cash.

Shop around the world to pay with your coins and tokens at any NFC terminal, or via scanning the QR codes. Make purchases in online stores, pay your bills, or just send money across borders in seconds reliably and for a fraction of a penny.

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