This is not just a high load — this is unprecedented!

4 min readDec 6, 2017


Over the past few days, some of our token sale participants have been unable to access our token-buying platform. The issue has been resolved and now we’d like to tell you what caused it. We hope our experience might help other projects to learn from our experiences and make them focus on their system’s scalability and reliability.

High load?

A few days ago, our users started to experience troubles when trying to log in and buy CRPT tokens. At first glance, one might jump to the assumption that the issues were caused by the large number of visitors on our site — and that the obvious solution would be to increase the server’s capacity. However, this is not the actual reason why we had to limit access to our bookbuilding platform for a few of our followers.

Both our main website and our bookbuilding platform have been exposed to a high load since the very start of our ICO: over 5 million people have visited the page since the start of our token sale, while the number of simultaneously active users peaked at around 5 thousand people.

This is how many active users are on our site right now (according to Google Analytics):

Pic. 1 Number of active users on our site right now

Few popular websites can boast such high traffic. All this time, the load has not been an issue to us; moreover, we are ready to welcome an even larger number of new CRPT token buyers.

So what’s the deal?

Foul play is never easy to discuss, but we have to state that we’ve had to face several DDOS attacks over the past couple of days. Someone has been coordinating persistent attacks on our servers. Those attacks have been obviously costly, sporting intricate bot AI able to imitate the behaviour of real users.

We’ve been witnessing up to 7 000 obvious bot connections at a time.

Pic. 2 DDOS attacks

That’s why you may currently see this transitional message:

Pic. 3 Transitional message on

We were able to successfully deflect all those attacks; however, our tokensale platform ( was often overloaded as a result. The vast amount of registered users showing steady activity also contributed to the platform’s partial inaccessibility.

Users from all over the world have shown interest towards Crypterium’s ICO. At the moment, the ICO has over 100 000 registered users, while the number of token holders has exceeded 18 000 (typically, an ICO only has about 4 000–5 000 buyers).

Thus, Crypterium’s ICO is one of the biggest projects of 2017, which implies additional requirements for the system’s reliability and scalability.

As of now, the issue has been resolved. Measures are being taken to prevent similar issues from happening in the future.

Tips for token holders

Now that the technical issues have been resolved, we would like to remind you of the functions that are always available to our token holders.

We have substantially increased our technical support team’s capacity; you can always contact us via to get information or perform the needed actions.

You can always open a support ticket via Our support team will be happy to:

  • Inform you on your account balance in USD, cryptocurrency and/or tokens;
  • Send you your unique wallet number (to deposit cryptocurrency) or invoice (to deposit fiat money);
  • Manually buy CRPT tokens for you at your request, using the money in your account. Note that only you know the number of your support ticket, so you are fully protected from any scam attempts.

To get 24/7 live support, make sure to join our Telegram chat, which now has over 10 000 active users. We’ll be glad to see you there!

Token distribution

There’s one more point we’d like to address. Our active token-holders often ask us when we’re planning to implement automated token distribution via the token sale platform.

Over the past few days, our technical support team has been fully focused on resolving the bookbuilding platform’s accessibility issues. As a result, the deadline for automated token distribution has been pushed back to a later date; after all, token withdrawal is pointless if the platform itself is down.

The implementation of automated token distribution is our top priority task right now.

We’d like to remind you once again that any requests you have can be processed via

We’re extremely grateful to all active participants of our ICO for your support. Without your dedication, we wouldn’t have managed to get the spotlight in the world’s cryptocurrency community. We promise to perform all the needed optimization and to make it even easier for new users to become CRPT token holders. With loyal users like you, Crypterium will be an unstoppable force to be reckoned with!

Join us!

