I imagine what it would be like to talk to Donald Trump, as an astrologer

Eclipse season and upcoming elections made me do it!

10 min readApr 2, 2024
Image generated by AI — let’s pretend that’s Donald Trump. Let’s also pretend he’s well behaved and civilized during this entire consult.

If Trump were my astrology client today and he sat down for a consult with me, I imagine how this conversation would go, and these are the things I’ll tell him about himself to get things moving along.


Love him or hate him, you can’t deny — at least from an astrologer’s lens — that Donald J Trump’s chart is a powerful one.

Born under a lunar eclipse, Trump’s supercharged chart configuration would show us why he has such a unique — for better or for worse — role to play in the future of America, and subsequently the world, and shows us why he is the way he is today.

The time of any full moon is of heightened energies, awareness and sensitivities. Add on the nodes of the moon (ie. the North/South node), a lunar eclipse is thought to be a supercharged full moon on steroids. It is thought to be an astronomical event of significant cosmic energy, and that is why people born under eclipses are thought to be born with a deep imbued sense of power and influence.

I have mixed feelings about Trump. He undeniably has a polarizing effect on people, and opinions on him fall on very extreme ends of the spectrum.

On one hand, his comments promote racism, xenophonia, and inequality. I am a woman. I am not white, nor am I American. All these in fact, would make me prime target to be at the very receiving end of his xenophobic and racist comments. Next, if Trump wins the 2024 elections, America will sadly, not become great again, but become exacerbated in its social divisions, weaken in its democratic institutions, and harm America’s global standing as a world superpower.

On the other hand, like it or not, Trump is an excellent cult leader. He is a skilled and charismatic leader with a superhuman like ability to connect with a devoted fanbase of supporters. Having studied marketing myself, that trait and skill is admirable and impressive. He has tapped into the frustrations and grievances of a significant portion of Americans, to channel their discontent into political support. His communication style, even though direct, uses simplicity and repetition, added with some charm and bold comedy, mixes into a lethal combination to elevate him into the status of supreme cult leader.


  1. Excellent cult/community leader
  2. Great at marketing/wrapping shit in gold, ie. the art of sensationalizing things
  3. Bold and charming, direct communication


  1. Promotes racism, xenophonia https://www.axios.com/2024/04/01/trump-reverse-racism-civil-rights
  2. Promotes inequality for women https://apnews.com/article/abortion-federal-ban-trump-2024-election-61c3edcd3780ce94be3bd8d65f100f23
  3. Abuse of power https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html
  4. Mismanagement of COVID-19 pandemic https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/president-trumps-historic-coronavirus-response/
  5. Environmental Deregulation https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/03/01/how-republicans-view-climate-change-and-energy-issues/
  6. Trying to overturn an election https://abcnews.go.com/US/timeline-special-counsels-probe-trumps-efforts-overturn-2020/story?id=101537003
  7. Openly declaring he would become a dictator https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72
  8. Fraud https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-posts-175m-bond-ny-civil-fraud-case-averts-asset-seizure
  9. Convicted Rapist https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-posts-bond-e-jean-carroll-case-91-million/

However, since this is an astrology article and not let’s-bash-Trump article, I’d like to examine if I could spot some things in his chart that point me the direction of why he behaves the way he does. If there’s anything about astrology that I enjoy, it’s diving into the crux of the issue and slicing people’s hypothetical brains open, allowing me to examine their core psychology, and deep dive in my own time, without having to talk to a person at all.

Social etiquettes and ethics aside — which I also believe are very important — come when I do meet people in real life. As this is a case study however, and since Trump is a well known public figure, I’ll proceed with an objective analysis of his astrological chart, focusing on the indicators that could shed light on his behavior and motivations. This approach allows for a deeper understanding of his personality traits and tendencies, beyond my personal opinions and biases.

PS/ Too many an astrologer have come up to me asking me damning details about my chart without first adhering to the social norms and approaching with some civilility and manners, when getting to know me in real life. I personally don’t think this is the right approach. Astrologers are people too, social cues and ethics matter! Anyway, I digress! Let’s begin the pretend consult and conversation shall we?

The Consult

Donald Trump’s chart — birth time accurate

Trump walks into my office one fine afternoon in New York.

Hello, Mr. Trump! Welcome, it’s a pleasure to have you here today. I’m excited to dive into and explore your astrological chart with you today.

Now, before we begin, I want to assure you that this consultation is a judgment-free zone. My aim is to explore the unique energies and potentials in your chart, so let’s get started.

As I speak, I observe Trump’s demeanor, noting any signs of apprehension or curiosity. I try to establish a sense of privacy in my reading from the outset, especially when discussing personal matters. I continue –

The first 3 things I’m looking at is your Big 3 — your Sun, Moon, Rising

With your Leo rising and Sun in Gemini, you’ve got this killer combo of confidence and charm. People are drawn to your charismatic words and confident energy like moths to a flame. Your way with words? Totally on point. It’s no wonder you’ve been rocking it at your campaigns. They see you as a leader, as if whatever you touch turns to gold.

I see Trump smiling to himself as I go on. He likes hearing favourable things about himself. Who doesn’t?

Now, your Moon’s hanging out in Sagittarius. You’re not one to hold back, are you? Your optimism and directness are killer, but sometimes you might rub people the wrong way. That’s ok, cuz I am a Sagi too, and I get it. We do give off that unhinged vibe sometimes. Hey, you’ve got big dreams, and you’re not afraid to chase them.

However sir, I also noticed that it’s also conjunct the South Node.

This suggests to me that you have a tendency to cling to familiar beliefs and viewpoints from the past. Sagittarius energy is often associated with a love for freedom, exploration, and expansion of horizons. However, when coupled with the South Node, there can be a temptation to stick to your own cultural or ideological background — ie. anyone who looks and sounds like you — and resist embracing diversity or different perspectives.

It’s cool to stick to what you know, but being open to new ideas and different cultures is where the real magic happens in all the awesome diversity out there. It’s what makes the world interesting, you know?

So, I do hope you consider being more inclusive and respectful of different cultures and backgrounds. It’s all about creating a more harmonious and understanding world for everyone.

Trump probably winces and cringes in discomfort at this point. He doesn’t like what I just said. His Moon conjunct South Node tells me that sticking to what he is familiar with, on tried and tested ground, gives him a great sense of safety and comfort. Anything else feels like a threat to his own personal security. Not only that, in the sign of Sagi, it flavours this combination with an air of judgement and self-righteousness. This manifests as a “high horse” attitude, feeling superior or more enlightened than others. (I get to say that because I have Sagi placements myself! I know this energy very well) It is in his tendency to cling on to his belief that he is right no matter what, but I continue —

Next, let’s talk about the way you think. Your Mercury’s in the sign of Cancer in the 12H, that tells me you’ve got major intuition and emotional smarts. No wonder you just know what people want. You’re like a mind reader, understanding people on a whole other level. You know what they’re thinking, but not saying. It’s as if you’re so in tune to their most guarded, private secrets.

I seem to have struck a chord with this one. He knows I’m right, and this appears to have eased his discomfort from what I said earlier.

I’m going to talk about your Venus and Mars next, now who doesn’t love that? You’ve got a Venus-Saturn conjunction in the 12H, in Cancer. You’re all about finding that emotional connection that feels cozy, wrapped up in a big warm hug. It’s no wonder you found Melania. She meets your high standards and a need for security and stability in your relationship. You tend to side of caution and reservation, to protect your heart.

Let’s talk about your Mars in Leo. You’re all about that spotlight, aren’t you? Ambition? You’ve got it in spades. But hey, remember to keep that ego in check. It’s all about using that drive for good, not stirring up unnecessary drama.

And how about Uranus hanging out with your Sun in Gemini? You’re a rebel with a cause, shaking things up and challenging the norm. Innovation’s your middle name, bake that shock factor in with your Midheaven-Sun combo. You will do things differently, that is bold and eccentric, and you will be known for it.

Finally, did you also know? That you were born under a solar eclipse? That is powerful time, your journey has been imbued with a sense of destiny and purpose. It’s no wonder you do what you do.

After listening to what I just said, I imagine Trump to respond.

Cool cool, you got me down to the T. Everything you said rings true for me, you got me. I have a question though, can you tell me about what’s coming up for me?

Now, let’s pretend Trump came in for a consult on the elections, because as we all know, the Nov 2024 US elections is a major event happening this year. He asks for some advice and what I see. I pull up his transits, and this is how the conversation goes.

Transit chart

Ok Mr. Trump, let’s talk about the upcoming elections and what the stars have to say, shall we? Are you ready?

So, Jupiter and Uranus are teaming up right on your Midheaven. (Jup-Ura cj MC) That’s like a cosmic high-five for your career ambitions! It suggests some unexpected opportunities popping up, maybe some big moves in the spotlight. You’ve got lucky Jupiter right under your wings, giving you that extra chance to really shine, shake things up and make waves.

But hold up, Neptune’s throwing a bit of a curveball with that square to your Sun. (Nep sq Sun) It’s like a fog machine rolling in, and making things a bit hazy for you. Keep an eye out for any illusions or misinformation floating around. Stay sharp and don’t let wishful thinking cloud your judgment. On the other hand, you could channel Marilyn Monroe and twirl and whirl your way through this and act as if you’re a God-given fantasy figure. I’m sure your fans will appreciate that.

Good thing though, Neptune’s giving your Venus a friendly trine. (Nep tr Ven) That’s boosting your charm and charisma, making you extra magnetic to voters. You’ve got a knack for connecting with folks on an emotional level, and that could really work in your favor on the campaign trail.

Oh, and do watch out for that North Node squaring off against Chiron. (NN sq Chiron) It’s like a reminder to address any old wounds or weaknesses that might trip you up. Take some time for self-reflection and healing, and you’ll come out stronger on the other side.

Trump listens attentively, and I’m about to close the consult.

So, what’s the takeaway?

Well sir, given all the polarity about you in the media, I am so eagerly curious to hear your plans and path forward, in the event everything turns your way. I do think your challenge here is to hear a proposal that doesn’t attack anyone, and more importantly, doesn’t repeat previous propaganda.

In other words — if you had to keep it fresh and tell me your plans as is, what would it be?

Either way, thank you for coming in for a consult. Don’t hesitate to reach out again, take care!

A few things could happen from here.

1) Trump probably ponders on what I say for a while, before we exchange some small talk and then leaves. (Least likely scenario)

2) Either that, or he explodes in my face and calls me all sorts of names and insults, because he didn’t like what I said. (Highly likely scenario)

3) I also imagine he would interrupt me several times throughout the consult, actually, without a doubt. (Very likely scenario)

4) There might even be a possibility he reaches out to grope and molest me, at which point I activate my Taekwondo skills and send a flying high kick to his face. (Very likely scenario)

I’d like to believe that he takes with him what he can. What do you think?

Written by Lilac

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Hi! I’m Lilac. Astrologer and Yogi. I also write on travel, finance, art, foreign policies, festivals and mental health. If you don't like it you can shove it.