Why Benjamin Netanyahu is Trump of the Middle East, as an astrologer

From Washington to Jerusalem, the underlying tones of xenophobia are clear

17 min readApr 27, 2024
Me & Bibi in Tel Aviv

Author disclaimer — I paused this article for slightly over 3 weeks. In the midst of writing, I found myself entangled in different personal conflicts — the negativity seemed to permeate everything. It was a chaotic time.

Simultaneously, on the global stage, tensions escalated dramatically as Iran initiated a strike into Israel, adding to conflict in the Middle East. These external events, coupled with my own disputes, made it feel as though the universe itself was in disarray, mirroring the tumultuous nature of my own thoughts and feelings. The US is also passing the bill to ban TikTok, a social media app that is speculated to be promoting pro-Chinese, Russian and Muslim propaganda.

From an astrology point of view, we were in the midst of a solar eclipse in the FIRST sign of Aries, the ruler of War. That makes so much sense doesn’t it? Coupled with the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction and Mercury Retrograde, nothing was going right!

This pause in my writing gave me a chance to reflect on how disturbances ultimately shaping the narratives we construct both in life and in our writings.

I’m back now and writing this piece. I’m so glad we’re out of eclipse season and Mercury Retrograde is finally over! With these challenging astrological periods behind us, I feel a renewed sense of clarity. The chaos has subsided, and I’m ready to channel this newfound calm into completing my piece. Let’s begin shall we?

Ah, Israel.

I know what you’re thinking.

This girl who is nothing remotely Jewish, Arab nor Israeli can’t seem to stop talking about that you-know-what country.

Yes, the bad word, “Israel”.

Well let me stop you there because I clarified my position in this post —

My Singaporean Perspective on Peacebuilding in the Middle East — My call for constructive engagement between governments of Israel and Palestine, as well as people back home.

You’ll also promptly see a barrage of angry comments left by a supposed converted-to-Islam writer who quite happily accused me of being ignorant of local politics and the IDF military, despite already dedicating a big chunk of my intro to illustrating that it’s from my perspective as an outsider. I was visiting as a tourist — entering with a romanticized view of Israel with good things I heard growing up + being plugged-in with the international techno music party crowd throughout my 20s. That being said, if I were born in Israel, it would have very well been me at the Light and Peace music festival and one of the hostages missing or killed on Oct 7.

The absurdity of some people just never fails to amaze me, but I’m just making my observations, and I’m pivoting to the man in charge today, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Increasingly, there has been a lot of flak on Bibi. People are waking up to the truth of what he really is.

“Satan-yahu”, tell that to the Catholics who identify as blue.

“Is-not-rael”, harsh nicknames that only serve to deepen rifts.

These comments hurt and undermine efforts to find common ground and foster understanding.

However as I did more research on him, and the more I looked, the more I realised there are increasing similarities between Netanyahu and Trump. They both feel like they’re the heroes of their own stories. And here’s the big kicker! It doesn’t stop at Trump. I draw parallels to Cornelius Vanderbilt and King George III too, as you’ll see in a second.

Let’s get into the astrology first, shall we?

The Astrology

The birth chart of Netanyahu

Some things stood out to me immediately when I saw his chart.

Well, the first thing isn’t anything astrology-related — it is simply that he was born a few days before my dad in the same year, 1949! He could be as old as my dad, literally! I thought that was interesting — but it is probably not important to you. So, let’s move on to my next point.

Kite configuration

The next thing that immediately stood out to me was a Kite configuration. Kites are very rare grand aspect patterns, and I’ve only ever seen 2 in my lifetime. One is a lady who lives in Baltimore, she goes to the same astrology class as me. We became instant friends and we still keep in touch.

Another is a man who is long dead, but was also known as the “Commodore”, the Grandfather of all American railroads. His name is Cornelius Vanderbilt, and he is responsible for significantly shaping America’s transportation infrastructure and economic development in the 19th century. Yes, he is a big deal. Just look up what the Vanderbilts are up to today.

A kite made of an equilateral triangle at the base, and a tip that forms at the top. Can you see it in the astrology chart above?

Kites are considered very lucky configurations, and whoever holds this in their chart are very, very blessed. First, you need to understand what makes a Kite. A Kite forms when there is a Grand Trine, which is already a notable aspect involving 3 planets to form an equal triangle at 120 degrees on each angle.

Then, in addition to that, at one point of this triangle, there needs to be an extension of an additional planet to form a 60 degree aspect with the other 2 points of the Grand Trine. Not only that, the tip of this extra planet will then form a direct opposition 180 degrees away from the planet that forms the base of the kite. I hope I explained that mathematically right…either way what you need to know is that because of these specific requirements, forming kites are very, very rare.

Now, Grand Trines are already thought to be a harmonious configuration of energy, and the extra opposition offers a balancing challenge that can catalyze the potential of the entire configuration.

Let’s process this and look closely at it shall we?

1.The tip of the kite

Libra Stellium 11H — comprising of Sun, Moon, Neptune, Mercury, and the South Node. (3 personal planets)
A New Moon baby (Sun-Moon conjunction) — a strong sense of purpose and identity that is heavily influenced by emotional and intuitive undercurrents.
Moon conjunction with the South Node (same as Trump) — a strong pull towards past habits, patterns, or themes from past lives.

The tip of the kite is made up of a bunch of planets in Libra, hanging out in the 11th House. We’ve got the South Node, Moon, Sun, Neptune, and Mercury all piled up there — that’s three personal planets and an extra Node, which really says a lot! Plus, having all this Libra energy in the 11th House points to a big focus on things like making friends, connecting with others, and working together towards shared goals or causes.

This tells me that he’s set up to stand out in their social groups, thanks to having a real drive to keep things fair and balanced both for themselves and others. He can feel a strong call towards understanding the dynamics of relationships and social structures — the type of person who gets really into figuring out how people tick together in groups and uses this understanding to make waves in their community.

2. The base of the kite

North Node in Aries, in the 5H — opposing the North Node and Libra stellium in the 11H

This astrological setup speaks volumes about his personal journey towards independence and self-expression.

The North Node in Aries in the 5H points to a destiny that calls for embracing leadership, boldness, and assertiveness. In the 5H, that tells me it’s about learning to take risks, stand out, and prioritize one’s own happiness and self-expression.

Now remember the South Node is where we begin our journeys. It’s our comfort zone. We feel a call of destiny but we don’t always know how to get there. We might feel drawn to break away and forge our own path, yet find ourselves pulled back to familiar patterns or ways of being that feel safer or more comfortable.

In this case, with the SN Libra 11H/NN Aries 5H axis, there’s a natural inclination to blend in with the crowd, seek consensus, and rely on social connections, but at the same time, as he grows and matures in this lifetime, there is a call to taking personal risks contrasting with his comfort zone of collaborating and contributing within group consensus.

3. The sides of the kite

Chiron conjunct Venus in Sagittarius 1H— wounding and healing related to personal identity and relationships, with an element of foreign or philosophical influence due to the Sagittarian influence. Personal healing comes through the broadening of one’s horizons, and engaging with other cultures and beliefs.

Pluto in Leo in the 9th House — which brings intense, transformative energy to areas related to higher learning, philosophy, and international or long-distance matters, colored by Leo’s flair for drama and leadership. This manifests as a powerful drive to lead or influence others through philosophical, educational or cultural means.

4. Putting it all together

At the base of the Kite is the Grand Trine. Let’s look at how this energy flows. It’s a grand fire trine, meaning made up of 3 fire signs — Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries, in the 1, 5 and 9H.

This grand fire trine suggests a life where personal identity and development, creative endeavours, and intense, crisis like experiences are deeply interconnected. They’ve got a built-in advantage when it comes to making their dreams happen, especially in stuff that involves their own identity, exploring big questions, and being creative. Basically, it makes it easier for them to pull these things together. In astrology, this setup is like a special gift.

The sextile aspect to form the tip of the Kite based off the Grand Trine forms the Libra stellium in 11H. This shows that social interactions and larger community involvement can enhance personal healing and transformation. They provide opportunities to apply personal insights and creative energy in ways that shape the bigger picture.

The opposition of the tip puts the person in a spot where they have to balance their own creative interests with what the community expects or needs from them. This involves navigating between personal passions and collective responsibilities.

Does this sound like Bibi to you?

New Moon Baby

We’ve already established that Bibi was born under a New Moon, ie. his Sun and Moon are pairing up (conjunction) like buddies in the sky in the sign of Libra. Not only that, it’s also conjunct the South Node. That my friends, forms the very heart of this whole article.

Netanyahu and Trump both have this configuration, but the cosmic settings are different for each. Trump’s setup is supercharged by a solar eclipse, which makes those themes more intense and noticeable in his life. For Netanyahu, it’s more about a fresh start because his conjunction happens during a New Moon. There is a blending of familiar traits with new ideas — a chance for him to refresh or kick off something new.

Mars-Pluto conjunction

Let’s talk about Mars-Pluto conjunction in Leo 9H for a second. Mars-Pluto is always contentious, as it manifests as a strong will, and an intense drive for power and recognition. In Leo and the 9H, it also shows strength, power, passion and courage in their beliefs and convictions, and a strong desire for recognition for their expression and influence. There can be power struggles or conflict, and a tendency to go to extremes in defending or promoting one’s beliefs.

So that’s Netanyahu/Bibi’s birth chart.

Drawing parallels

Moon conjunct South Node

Now remember the title of this article — why Netanyahu is the Trump of the Middle East. Yes, an outrageous and scandalous title pick that even I hesitated to publish before my writing assistant egged me on “for the views!” This one’s on you, Frankie.

For this to make sense, you need to go into this piece —

Footnote — I’ve never met Trump and I imagine being in the same room as him would fill me with a mix of shock, awe, and admiration (he is a marketing god), but also a twinge of disgust. It’s one thing to meet a mega-celebrity and ex-President, another to meet a convicted criminal that’s about to turn America to shreds with his leadership. It’s both.

In my article, I mention that Trump has a Moon conjunct South Node placement, which tells me, as an astrologer, that whatever feels safe and remotely similar to where he came from, quite literally, gives him a sense of safety and comfort. Not only that, this is exacerbated by a lunar eclipse, which can amplify emotional responses. Such configurations might explain his tendency towards expressing racist and xenophobic remarks, as these can be viewed as a defense mechanism, clinging to what feels known and safe in times of perceived threat or insecurity

As you can see above, Netanyahu has the same placement of Moon conjunct South Node too.

From an astrological perspective, this suggests a strong attachment to one’s roots and past, which can manifest as a desire to protect or restore what one perceives as their foundational values or homeland.

This explains why figures like Netanyahu and Trump are seen vigorously defending and advocating for a nationalistic agenda. In both cases, these leaders may feel an intrinsic pull towards what they consider traditional or foundational. Make America Great Again, anyone? This psychological undertone explains why they take stances that emphasize security and preservation over change or integration.

There are many, many recordings of Bibi taking a strong stance for Israel, and wanting to push for a complete state of Israel.

  1. NY Times, 23 Feb 2024, International Calls for a Palestinian State Clash With Netanyahu’s Plan, https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/23/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-netanyahu-plan-war.html?smid=url-share
  2. CNN, 21 Jan 2024, Netanyahu again rejects Palestinian sovereignty amid fresh US push for two-state solution, https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/21/middleeast/netanyahu-palestinian-sovereignty-two-state-solution-intl/index.html
  3. Al Jazeera, 18 Jan 2024, Israel’s war on Gaza updates: Netanyahu rejects Palestinian state, https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/1/18/israels-war-on-gaza-live-medicine-arrives-for-captives-palestinians
  4. The Guardian, 4 May 2014, Netanyahu pushes to define Israel as nation state of Jewish people only, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/may/04/binyamin-netanyahu-israel-jewish-state

More parallels — are you ready?

Vanderbilt didn’t get to become the American Commodore for nothing.

He had to earn his reputation and wealth through entrepreneurial ventures, primarily in shipping and later in the railroad industry, where he built a mega monopoly at one point.

In the same way, Bibi had to work his way up and earn his political stature through decades of working through complex domestic and international political jurys, eventually becoming one of Israel’s longest-serving Prime Ministers.

Yes, I’m aware that saying Bibi is a mix of Vanderbilt and Trump is quite a statement. It suggests that like Vanderbilt, Bibi has built a significant legacy through natural tact for making the best of what’s at hand to form formidable strategies, and like Trump, he’s been a polarizing figure with a knack for dominating the political scene, having at their very core, a common nationalist ideology.

The actions taken by Netanyahu in Gaza/Palestine are not without historical parallels.

Consider World War II and Japan, where then-president Harry Truman authorized the dropping of the second atomic bomb on Nagasaki shortly after Hiroshima, a decision widely criticized as unnecessary and more about making a point than a strategic necessity. He just wanted to make a strong point, and the the war.

Similarly, Netanyahu’s military directives in Palestine are perceived by some as excessive, with motivations beyond mere defense.

Next, drawing another parallel, George W. Bush’s decision to send troops to Afghanistan reflects a propensity for engaging in conflict, a trait that some see mirrored in Netanyahu’s continued military actions. Simply put, addiction to conflict is in Netanyahu as well. Perhaps, it is written in his birth chart too? (North Node Aries)

This addiction to conflict is also reminiscent of historical figures like King George III, whose relentless pursuit of power ultimately incited the American colonies to revolt.

The key difference, however, is that Netanyahu is not a dictator — he operates within a democratic system. Yet, I am concerned that over time, his continuous pursuit of power might lead him down a path toward more authoritarian behaviour. Simply put, given enough time, he will become drunk with power.

My take on Bibi and his policies

american flag. star spangled banner. red white and blue.
The American Flag. Red White and Blue baby. Photo by Crystal Tubens on Unsplash

Let’s pretend I’m a US taxpayer. As an American, I’d be pissed. What are you telling me, that 15% of my American taxpayer money goes towards funding the war in Gaza? That my hard-earned taxpaying money goes towards your military and armed operations and the killing of innocent civilians?

I’d be deeply concerned and angry that these funds could be better spent on domestic priorities such as education, healthcare, or infrastructure.

This has already been done before in history. Nixon’s time in office really stirred things up with the Vietnam War. Although he didn’t start the war, he made some big moves that a lot of Americans really didn’t like. He expanded the war into neighbouring countries and even secretly bombed Cambodia and Laos. This didn’t sit well with folks back home. People all over the country protested and got pretty upset about it. It really shook their trust in what the government was up to.

Every time I see a portion of my paycheck deducted for taxes, I can’t help but think about where that money is going. Knowing that it could be supporting armed operations rather than helping struggling American families or schools doesn’t sit right with me. The thought of my hard-earned money potentially contributing to the loss of innocent lives overseas is unsettling. I feel that these funds could be more morally and effectively spent on projects that directly improve the well-being of our fellow Americans.

Either way, this situation is f*ked.

The Singapore Flag. Majulah Singapura. Photo by Justin Lim on Unsplash

As a Singaporean, I have different concerns. Singapore, being such a small tiny country in Southeast Asia, has a completely different approach.

Singapore’s strategy has traditionally involved maintaining balanced and strategic diplomatic ties with a wide range of countries. It’s part of our foreign diplomacy strategy that is carried out very well by our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vivian Balakrishnan. This nuanced foreign policy is crucial because any perceived alignment with nations involved in high-profile conflicts — like Israel — could potentially disrupt these carefully managed relationships. In short, we try to be friends with everyone.

Given the ongoing conflicts involving Israel, as a Singaporean, I am wary of the implications for Singapore’s foreign relations. The potential fallout from being seen as too closely aligned with a country at the centre of such a contentious and polarizing conflict could be detrimental to Singapore’s interests in maintaining regional harmony and stability.

Now, what does it make Israel? In short — don’t be more trouble than you’re worth.

We — just like you, are surrounded by Muslim neighbours. Our geographical and cultural proximity to Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei means that our foreign policy needs to be carefully calibrated at all times. We cannot afford to tip the scales too far.

Power to the people

Traditional media no longer has ultimate power over the news. Power to the people.

I can’t talk about the Israel-Palestine conflict without bringing up TikTok. The rapid dissemination of information — or misinformation — through Tiktok and other social media channels allows narratives to be framed strategically, and quickly, by those with vested interests. The rapid spread and quick-to-consume nature of unverified information has already exacerbated tensions leading to misunderstandings about the conflict. Propaganda is everywhere.

Not only that, with a large portion of its user base being younger people, TikTok engages a demographic that is not only tech-savvy but also highly influential in shaping public opinions and trends. This makes it a pivotal tool for sharing news related to the conflict. This sway in public opinion can directly impact voter sentiment, which ultimately influences policy formation.

In terms of astrology, there are some big movements in the sky to take note of.

Pluto has since moved and changed signs into Aquarius this year. The world, as we knew it, no longer exists. Now, the opposite sign of Aquarius is Leo. With Leo, the focus is on grandiosity and spectacle — think of the old Hollywood era, characterized by its glitz and glamour, where a few powerful individuals held the spotlight. This era celebrated individual charisma and dramatic flair, fitting the Leonine love for attention and adoration.

But now? It’s a whole new ball game. With Pluto in Aquarius, power isn’t just in the hands of the big shots in Hollywood anymore. We observe a transformation in how power and influence are distributed. TikTok and Instagram are where it’s at. Aquarius, a sign associated with innovation, community, and egalitarianism, shifts the focus from individual stars to collective voices. In the digital age, fame has become democratized. Anyone can gain visibility and influence, regardless of their background or status.

So, instead of a few powerful people calling the shots, it’s more about everyone getting a piece of the action. These are modern-day town squares where everyone’s voice matters. Anyone can have their 1 minute of fame. Anyone can self-broadcast. This new paradigm enables ordinary people to have their say and potentially make an impact. The power’s been handed over to the people.

Pluto’s move into Aquarius is changing the game. The patterns of the past no longer dictate the patterns of the future. That also means the little guy gets a chance to shine and own communities and digital spaces to shape the world in their own way, for better or for worse.

And you wonder why the US is trying to ban TikTok.

The fate of Israel-Palestine

Lady Justice. It increasingly looks like there’s no room for diplomacy here.

You don’t need astrology to tell you that this situation is f*ked.

During his presidency, Barack Obama advocated for a peaceful two-state solution between Israel and Palestine but failed to implement clear, actionable steps that made significant progress. His efforts to strengthen ties with Islamic nations and maintain covert communications with Iran intensified Netanyahu’s distrust towards him. This ongoing tension strained their relationship, culminating in public displays of disdain.

Throughout Obama’s eight years as POTUS, Israel’s most significant ally, these micro-aggressions continued to escalate, affecting relations between the two leaders.

Looking ahead to the potential of either Trump or Biden winning the next US election, it’s worth noting Netanyahu’s forming of close ties with Trump and the Republican Party. They share similar conservative views and teamed up on big moves like recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the Abraham Accords, which smoothed things over between Israel and a few Arab nations. If Biden wins, things could shake up a bit between the US and Israel since Biden might have different ideas and policies from Trump.

Netanyahu has increasingly been openly seeking support from Trump and his Republican party. They share similar political ideologies, particularly regarding conservative and right-wing policies.

It appears Benjamin Netanyahu aims for the complete elimination of Palestine, asserting there’s only room for one Israel, the Jewish homeland.

Similarly, Ismail Haniyeh, leader of Hamas, seems to advocate for Israel’s total destruction, creating a dangerous stalemate where both sides face mutually assured destruction.

The writing is on the wall — Anyone who tries to help ends up being roadkill.

Written by Lilac




Hi! I’m Lilac. Astrologer and Yogi. I also write on travel, finance, art, foreign policies, festivals and mental health. If you don't like it you can shove it.