Go Help Fund — First blockchain-based platform for fast Humanitarian Fundraising 3.0

Crypto Preacher
3 min readDec 2, 2017


GoHelpFund is a distributed platform powered by the Amazon Web Services infrastructure and Ethereum’s network which empowers people to:
• Donate for various charitable causes ranging from poverty to terrorism prevention,
being focused on the concept of fundraising.
• Use the HELP token as the main currency for transactions, thus allowing increased
growth and scalability with instant transfers compared to traditional currency.

HELP Token is a form of currency based on the ERC20 Token Standard which will be used in the given crowd sale, on top of Ethereum’s Smart Contract to eliminate counter-party risk and allow fast secure payments to investors.
• The HELP token will be used as the primary type of currency on the GoHelpFund
• In the near future, we are going to migrate to our own blockchain to have more
flexibility to implement features such as master nodes and more.

We see a huge opportunity in this market since we have the privilege of being the first ones to combine the cryptocurrency’s blockchain features with the latest technologies and best practices available, in a new platform, which will challenge the status quo.
A part of this will consist of our Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence features which will have a big impact in the user-experience overall, making it more easy and reliable for them to use the platform and be active within the community.
The success stands in the main description of the platform: “People-oriented” — because it’s not about starting up a business, but about solving a problem; as long as people have problems, they will always search for better, faster and smarter ways to accomplish the related solutions.

Why GoHelpFund is the next big thing?

  • Every fundraising campaign from the platform will use HELP token as the main currency, which will increase its value continuously.
  • Best plaform — best suited for NGOs like Red Cross, UNESCO, UN, Save The Children, World Relief, Refugees International, Action Against Hunger, People in Need.
  • The only platform that uses cryptocurrency for fundraising based on humanitarian actions.
  • We are developing the first global platform that brings together the NGOs & supporters. The fastest way for NGOs to get funds, without the overhead of using traditional payment methods.
  • Funds are stored in smart contracts which eliminates counter-party risk and allows fast automated payments to entites.

Why HELP token is unique?

  • Our platform will be using the HELP token as its primary currency which will have a market penetration of up to 1 billion dollars in the next three years.
  • Entity Master nodes will generate the growth of the coin and create constant demand for HELP tokens.
  • Migration to our own blockchain and wallet
  • 0.0002 ETH / HELP token — high growth potential
  • 125 ETH Token Pre-Sale | 600 ETH Token Sale — small crowdsale cap
  • Monthly roadmap features releases — constant activity and updates

— — Useful Links — -
GoHelpFund Website: https://gohelpfund.com
CacheOverflow Company : https://cacheoverflow.io
Telegram Chat: https://t.me/gohelpfund

