HotCrypto: ICO Lending Platform, Cashless Transactions and Casino

6 min readDec 9, 2017


ICO’s in the crypto space are growing more and more ambiguous with each one that because available. It’s nice to finally see one that is following all the rules, with complete transparency and getting things right the first time.

Hot Crypto or HCR is a lending platform based on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC20 token, which to me straight away is perfect, it allows the user to control their own tokens right from the start and can be seen on the blockchain by everyone. Lets get into the details.

At a Glance:

Coin Type: Proof of Stake
Total Supply 8,000,000
ICO Offering 1,500,000
Price: Start at 50c
ICO Date: 15 December

The Product

Hot Crypto at offers very competitive rates when compared to other platforms, with incredibly short loan terms at only 90 days standard across all loans!

Lending Platform Terms

They also add a bonus when lending with a higher amount, I personally will be doing a loan on this platform trying to get as much bonus as possible.

Lending isn’t the only thing available, they also state that their coin is of course only PoS so the incentive for the user to maintain the system is massive. They state in their white paper that returns will be up to 120% per year on coins held in wallets! I know where I will be holding the lions share of my HCR.

Trading will also be coming to the platform, although its not currently available on their back office yet I was able to find some preview images of what it will look like.

HCR Exchange

But they don’t just stop at lending, staking and trading; now here is where things get really interesting, they state in their whitepaper that upon completion of the Lending platform they will have other upcoming projects!

Hot Cash
Will be a cash based system that will be pegged to the USD value, that means that no matter the swing of the HCR token the Hot Cash value will remain the same, this makes it viable to be accepted from merchants as the risk of the currency isn’t susceptible to massive swings associated with other Cryptocurrencies. They state they will be releasing a mobile app with a payment system similar to Android pay that will be able to be used to make transactions.

Hot Cash Payment System

But theres still more!

On top of a lending platform and a cashless transaction system they will also be releasing Hot Entertainment. For all the gamblers out there this will be a online casino where you will be able to gamble with their token Hot Chip. HCR their initial token will be able to be traded for chips and used on this platform to play all the usual online casino games. They also offer bonuses when purchasing Hot Chip tokens, you effectively can never lose with their white paper stating that they will “reload 10% amount monthly of your every deposit of HOTCHIP for 24 month even you lost all your HOTCHIP (HCC) in the beginning.”

This is an excellent promotion tool that is often seen within physical casino’s around the world that will really get this platform off the ground.

So hows this all going to run?

Their ICO will be broken up into 15 rounds starting on December 15. Keep in mind there will be only 8m tokens ever and they will only be offering 1.5m during the ICO so this will be a very difficult token to get your hand on. 100k tokens will be offered each round starting at 50c a token and ending a whopping $4.70 in the final round! If you get in at 50c that’s an instant 9.4x your initial investment! The hype on this is huge so try to get in at the beginning and hope for the best.

ICO Breakdown

The Downsides

Now there was a few things that really pricked my interest when I was looking over the ICO. Firstly the website uses a lot of stock images and isn’t overly visually appealing when compared to other ICO websites, I put this down purely to using a sub standard website designer, we might see this get better following the ICO period when they have more money available to them, we’ve seen this before across other platforms and they’ve always improved over time so i’m not reading too much into this.

Now I was doing my diligence when researching this ICO and stumbled across some very interesting discoveries. Firstly I went to check Etherscan to see if it actually exists and lo and behold it does, massive tick in my book.

HCR on Etherscan

Secondly I looked into their website, where it was hosted how long the domain name had been registered for etc. To my surprise the domain has been registered since 27/1/17 so it looks as though they’ve really been developing this for a while now, to sweeten my discovery the domain name has been registered til 2027! They really look like they’re going to go with this platform for a long long time.

Domain Registration

I didn’t stop there I kept digging and I found their registration with Company House in the UK, the governing body for incorporation’s within the United Kingdom.

Incorporation Registration

Note the registration dating back to the 27 January 2017 proving they’ve really had this one in the works for nearly a year now.

So what does this all tell us? Although their web page isn’t exactly perfect or the best out there, their block explorer, domain name registration and incorporation registration all prove to me that Hot Crypto is really trying to do thing’s legitimately and are focused on getting things right the first time.

The ICO phase is starting in 5 days time and getting your hands on some of these tokens is going to very hard but I’ll be right there next to you!

You can join my team here:

I will also be offering to the first 20 people who join my team a 100% credit of their referral of any tokens they purchase! Just message me on Facebook or Twitter with your username and upon purchase during the ICO I will credit you with your tokens.

Trust Level: 10/10 Long term domain registration, Incorporation registration and block explorer and Github page all prove to me that Hot Crypto is going to be around for a long time and wont be exiting with ICO funds.

Profit Target: Now this is where things get very interesting. Its going to be instantly 10x out the gate but honestly who knows where it could go with such a small supply and massive hype. I’ll be aiming for a minimum of 40x and even then I’ll only be selling 50% of my position and holding longer.

Dont forget to sign up with my affiliate link for cash back on tokens

Follow my Twitter and Facebook for all updates and keep your eyes peeled on YouTube for my video review where i’ll go into more detail on the ins and outs of this platform.

Good luck out there, Much love,





Strolling through the ever-changing world that’s crypto; there’s money to be made and I’m here to do it. It’s achievable on your own, yet easy together. Join me