McAfee, Matonis, Hoskinson and other specialists name 3 favorite tokens

6 min readDec 5, 2018


McAfee, Matonis, Hoskinson and other specialists named 3 tokens they believe in the most. Here are their answers CryptoFriends!

Nowadays when the crypto market is full of unexpected highs and lows, words from the most experienced can be comforting and reassuring. During the Malta Blockchain Summit, we asked leading specialists of the blockchain community about 3 tokens they believe in right now. John McAfee, John Matonis, Charles Hoskinson, Michael Dupree, Brandon “Synth”, Yonathan Parienti and Herbert Sim revealed their views and opinions.

John McAfee, McAfee Crypto Team

  • DocAdemic
  • Monero
  • Bitcoin Private

There are 5 thousand tokens all with a problem that they solve. If you are in medical applications — buy DocAdemic. If you are looking for privacy — choose Monero or Bitcoin Private. Just choose which one you want to use today and for the right reason.

John Matonis, co-founder and executive director at Bitcoin Foundation

  • Bitcoin
  • Monero

Bitcoin, bitcoin and Monero. There are only two. Because you have to follow the proof of work on the blockchain. It is a computation and hashrate. People don’t look at that. They look at media, at marketing. But if you follow the hashrate it tells you what really computational power is and that’s the most secure in the Bitcoin blockchain. Nobody wants to use insecure blockchains. And the reason I picked Monero is that it is one of the most private.

Charles Hoskinson, CEO of Hong Kong blockchain company IOHK, creator of the Cardano project

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Cardano

Bitcoin will always be relevant. It holds all the values, the whole ecosystem. If you turn to such cryptocurrencies, like Ethereum and Cardano, you will understand that these are next generation systems. Ethereum brought smart contracts. Cardano will allow you to manage social, global processes, create and execute decentralized applications and contracts in an inexpensive, secure and scalable way. If you want to start your own business in the blockchain, these three projects are great. They give an idea of ​​how blockchain philosophy and initial goals are integrated into application processes. Bitcoin gives an idea of ​​history, of the origins. It helps to understand how everything works. Ether — immerses in the revolution of smart contracts, in practical solutions. Cardano builds on this and uses a more scientific approach to achieve scalability and efficiency in executing processes and transactions.

Michael Dupree, CEO & founder of Easybit

  • Bitcoin
  • Namecoin
  • Ethereum

Bitcoin, Namecoin and Ethereum. Bitcoin solves the biggest issue. Everybody knows why we like bitcoin. Obviously, it’s the largest play market capital and the most significant cryptocurrency in the world. We can’t forget about bitcoin. Namecoin is cool because it tries to remove the ability for governments and authorities to sensor its main aim. So, it’s one of my favorite cryptocurrencies I’ve been watching for at least 5 years now. Also, Ethereum is cool beсause obviously the whole idea of decentralized smart contracts is revolutionary. Even though Ethereum is kind of broken and not correctly doing this, it is the idea that really counts and they were the first people that actually create this.

Brandon “Synth”, co-founder of Skycoin

  • Skycoin

The ones that gotta be successful, the ones that gotta be like billion dollars are all the platforms. And, if you look, there are only like 6 platforms. Skycoin is one of them. When you have a platform you have to have a method for people to launch coins, some token that monetizes the coin’s launch. You have to have a scripting language that allows customers, and companies to develop applications. You have to have cases in the real world why people do use the thing. You have to have a large valuable team supporting it and a platform that allows people to launch blockchain applications. In Skycoin we have our next generation programming language CX. We have a blockchain platform called Fiber. We have lots of partners and we have our own consensus algorithm Obelisk alongside things like the Skywire infrastructure. So, all the platforms — they are really what investors are looking at. An individual token is interesting, but a platform could have 68 tokens. My favorite platform is Skycoin because it is one that I built.

Yonathan Parienti, CEO & founder of Horyou Token

  • Bitcoin
  • Horyou
  • DigiByte

Firstly, I believe in Bitcoin.
This is the source, and equivalent to the « Gold » standard for BlockChain. Bitcoin have a strong likelihood to keep attracting a significant portion of future capital entering Blockchain universe. Institutional players and future ETF managers will be the next wave of purchasers supporting the scenario of an ending of this current depressed environment and opening a new cycle with the possibility of reaching higher highs for Bitcoin. The second one is the one I developed — the Horyou token, because it is time we open a new path aiming at building a more Sustainable and Inclusive world. Benefiting from the existing Horyou ecosystem with its community spreading in more than 180 countries on its social network for social good,, as well as in real life initiatives like the Social Innovation and Global Ethics Forum, or on the ground campaigns to support social or cultural initiatives, the HoryouToken supports Social and Economic inclusion aiming at benefiting all Citizens, through its disruptive Philanthropic distribution mechanism called Proof of Impact. To reach mainstream adoption of Blockchain technology, we have to demonstrate concrete usage that are solving some of the challenges we are facing today, like the ones expressed within the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. HoryouToken is a good candidate to empower this emerging trend called “Blockchain for Good”. The third one is DigiByte — it is a strong candidate to help solving the challenge of numerous secure and scalable transactions, when the mainstream adoption of Blockchain Technology would be reached. And DigiByte, benefits from a genuine and diverse community of early adopters, as well as supporting socially responsible initiatives, which echo our commitment to expand Social Good values.

Herbert Sim, Founder of Crypto Chain University, and; CMO of Cryptology Exchange.

  • Zilliqa (Zil)

I represent a Crypto exchange, so I cannot show favouritism. That said, one of my personal investments prior to joining the exchanges, is in Zilliqa (ZIL). It was founded by 4 guys, of which 3 are PHD holders in Computer Science, and from National University of Singapore. More importantly, Zilliqa created and implemented the ‘sharding’ technology more than a year ahead of Ethereum. Sharding is a way to divide up a large database — such as a public blockchain — into smaller chunks, a.k.a. “shards.” The reason it’s important is that (provided the technology works) it’ll enable a blockchain project to process thousands of transactions per second; similar to Visa’s centralized databases.

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The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be treated as investment advice.




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