
3 min readOct 6, 2021


As stated in our first medium post, “Welcome to Sanctum”, you’ll be assuming the role of a guild master. In this article, we’ll give an overview of all the key mechanics that will be included in the initial launch of the game.


The game revolves around quests that you receive from different factions throughout the city. These will be displayed as quest cards within your quests tab. Each quest will have a different category, which will favor pawns with different skillsets — “Arcane” for example, might favor Mages.

Once assembling your team for the quest, they can embark and will return to you after having either successfully completed the mission or failed it. In the meantime, the pawns and quest will be locked, until the timer has elapsed — time dependent on various factors, mainly the quest type and difficulty.

If they are successful, you will receive the appropriate rewards — including our in-game currency, and sometimes items, or even additional rewards!

WIP quest screen, not final in any way — will be polished and updated.


These are your hired adventurers, whom you send on the aforementioned quests. At launch there will be three classes — archer, warrior, & mage. Each recruitment (minting) will have a rarity, this rarity will determine the weight of the stat rolls, and also the quality, and number, of traits. More info on these traits, stats, and rarities, will be released the week of the first sale!

You’ll be able to recruit an unlimited amount of pawns, but only able to have a finite amount active at once time. This number can be increased by increasing your “fame” level — which is the guild master equivalent of experience. As pawns will receive experience and level from completing quests, so will your player character (the guild master.)


Every quest has a chance to yield an item upon a successful completion. Just like pawns, items will come with varying stats and rarities. Pawns have 6 item slots each, 5 of which will display visually on the equipped pawn. These include things like weapons, helms, breastplates, and boots.

WIP archer armor sets + a combination


Other than quests, or via recruitment, the other way you’ll be able to obtain items or pawns — respectively — is via the crafting tab. Here you’ll be able to break down items, or sacrifice pawns (if you really must), in order to receive a random result item / pawn. This system will be broken down more as we approach launch, but it’ll be there to provide an inherent value to all items and pawns, even if they’re completely worthless on a quest.

Interactive Story / Metaverse

Although not necessary to participate, there will be a rich story to be discovered in Sanctum. Each quest will have bits of a world that can be pieced together over time, and Discord will continuously have interactive stories to follow in order discover more about the world.

Governance, in addition to traditional proposals, will also be used to guide the story, bringing the players directly into the driver seat of the world. More about this to come closer to launch, too!

This was a very basic overview of the gameplay loops that will be present in the initial game. There is actually much more to them, a lot of which will be covered gradually as we approach launch. However, there are some systems / mechanics that I want to leave to be discovered after launch.

That said, this will just be the beginning for Sanctum. We’re hoping to be developing the game for years to come, and are already toying with ideas that will truly make something special.

Next week I’ll be announcing the date of the first sale! Stay tuned.

*a mysterious traveler has appeared in the Tavern

