Sanctum : Initial Features

3 min readMar 22, 2023



By the end of our current sprint, we will have the game on the testnet available for all to try, with its core features implemented. This is by no means the final state of the game — there is so much more we’d like to implement. However, this will include a couple of modules that make up an engaging game and will serve as the foundation for extra features, modules, and updates in the future.

The first modules will be split into two distinct styles: active & idle. This article will give a short primer on what you can expect.

Module 1 : Active, Combat

Within the Combat module, players can participate in turn-based battles (1v1, 2v2, or 3v3) against fellow players or engage in PvE encounters. We have devised a distinctive combat tempo that enhances the fundamental turn-based combat structure. Termed “staggered” combat, in this system most abilities will be activated at the conclusion of the opponent’s next turn, allowing everyone a turn to respond to incoming (standard) spells.

A screen-grab from the current testnet, UX/UI will be improved over-time. Pictured facing an army of Mages

Each pawn, functioning as a member of your combat group, can be outfitted with items, advanced in level, and have their spell configurations tailored to align with your tactics. All these features will be available in the initial release; however, aspects such as balance, spell selection, and UI/UX will be refined over time, as we respond to player feedback and continue to develop the system further.

Our team builder, and pawn equipment screen. Screengrab from Testnet. Consumables will be available soon.

Module 2 : Idle, Quests

In this module, players can immerse themselves in Sanctum’s lore by dispatching their pawns on quests provided by factions across the city. This aspect represents the game’s “idle” component and will serve as the initial economic foundation. Successful completion of quests will yield things such as our token, items, or potentially other unique rewards.

UI design for when you are assembling your team to go on a quest, UI implemented already but still needs polishing

Every quest will present distinct challenges tailored to the quest category, narrative, and the faction providing it. We’ll elaborate on the systems more in the near future, however, certain aspects will remain a mystery — allowing players to discover these upon launch, themselves.

Each person will be given a unique set of quests, increasing over-time in difficulty.

Upon initial release, the quests will be fairly straightforward. As we progress towards the mainnet launch, our efforts will be concentrated on enhancing their appeal and intrigue. This will encompass increasing their difficulty, incorporating distinctive narratives, and exclusive quest chains to progress through, rewarding unique rewards.

