Sanctum : Pre-sale

3 min readOct 20, 2021

Whitelisting CLOSED :

The pre-sale (on Binance Smart Chain) will be conducted via selling Sanctum Pawns, in game units, which will have initial token supply airdropped to them upon TGE. Your potential whitelist allocation increases with a higher rank in Discord. You will have until the sale itself to obtain that rank.

  • 1200 BNB hard-cap
  • 800 BNB will go to seed liquidity
  • 6% of total tokens are available to be distributed across pre-sale-1 NFT holders.
  • Pawns will be 0.2 BNB each, and will have 100 tokens airdropped to them (~the same value on listing.)
  • Unsold whitelisted pawns will be shifted into a FCFS sale after 24 hours, available to anyone.
  • Any NFTs unsold after 72 hours, will have their associated tokens burnt.
  • Pre-sale tokens will be fully unlocked upon TGE

This is the first pre-sale, and is sort of like an “early-bird” sale, you’ll be getting tokens equal to the value of the BNB you input, + the pawn NFTs. This should allow for a solid ROI for early supporters, and help us guarantee development & liquidity funds.

The second pre-sale, along with marketing competitions & rewards, will be another 4% of total supply — putting the starting market-cap at ~$1.4 million upon launch, assuming it’s ALL Sold. This will make each token worth ~$1 upon launch.

*please note that I will be providing strategic whitelisting to influencers (never more than a knight will be allocated), and potential partners of Sanctum. I wanted to be transparent about this : it’s really the best way to garner support from people with reach.


Below is our current tokenomic model. Please note that the in-game economic model is still to be revealed, so these numbers aren’t the full story. But it gives you a good idea on initial circulating supply, and the allocation for different parts of the project.

Total Supply : 10,000,000

Pre-sale 1 : 6% | 600,000 tokens

Pre-sale 2 : 4% | 400,000 tokens

liquidity pool : 4% | 400,000 tokens

liquidity incentives : 10% | 1,000,000 tokens

Team : 15% | 1,500,000 tokens

Development : 15% | 1,500,000 tokens

Marketing : 6% | 600,000 tokens

Game economy : 40% | 4,000,000 tokens

We will release the lockup schedule for Team, Development, and Marketing tokens as we approach TGE — but they will be vested for a very considerable amount of time >1 year.

What are pawns?

Pawns are the in-game characters of Sanctum, you’ll be managing them : sending them on quests, leveling them up, and equipping them. These will be mandatory in order to play the game, and to earn profit.

The initial supply will have 3 different classes : Mage, Warrior, and Archer. These can all be accessible via the pre-sale, each mint will have a random class. Pawns also have varying tiers of rarity, (tier 1–5), with each tier unlocking additional traits & stronger base stats. These stats will directly affect capabilities on quests, and thus your total earning potential.

Additionally, it should be noted that pawns will be revealed and tradeable immediately upon purchase. We have built our own marketplace that will be live with the pre-sale on November 3rd!

We’ll expand on details regarding pawns later on, before the pre-sale!

How do I become a Knight?

Becoming a Knight is the key to accessing a larger pre-sale allocation, plus additional benefits! You gain experience in the discord channel by completing quests, which are displayed in the #quest-board channel.

In general though, anything that you can do that will support Sanctum, will be met with XP rewards. When you reach the rank of Solider, you’ll then need to seek out an Unattended Knight, to become their squire! Once a squire, you’re then able to rank up into a Knight simply through earning experience.

Check out the #getting-started tab in our Discord to begin earning XP!

