Sanctum: Quests & Alpha

5 min readMay 4, 2023



Tomorrow (Friday, May 5th) we will be releasing the Alpha state of our game to be played on mainnet. This version of the game will include the two base modules of the game (combat & quests) in an early state — both will be playable with your pawns.

Combat will include 1v1s, 2v2s, & 3v3s — playable against rudimentary bot wizards, or other players. Pawns will gain experience, level up, and be able to equip items. Quests will include ~30 unique quests that you can send your pawns on and get an idea of what the finalized version of quests is going to look like.

The current version of both combat & quests are just in an alpha state, and we actually have a ton already made — just not ready to release — that will greatly improve both. Combat especially will be upgraded a lot in the weeks following Alpha.

As will be discussed in another post, select communities will have the opportunity to mint a single (<Rare) Pawn tomorrow, too. This will allow them to hop in and try the game.

Near Future :

  • Constructor : this will change the game drastically, allowing us to implement items, new spells, and new animations very quickly. This is our biggest feature that we’ve been working on for months now, and are super excited to share it. Expect it 2–3 weeks after alpha. This is our top priority after TGE & Alpha.
Example of a new spell coming when constructor is finished
  • Quest UI rework : all the screens for the quest will be redone entirely to bring them in line with the quality of our current design. Below is an example of the quests screen with the most up-to-date design. These designs will come fairly quickly.
  • Extra Quest Mechanics : what will be on alpha is the most simple version of the system, and we have quite a few features that will come out fairly soon to upgrade the base mechanics.
  • Economic Design Documents : we’ve been designing an economic system that will create an exciting gameplay loop + be as sustainable as possible. Our focus first is the gameplay itself, but will try to share ideas we are exploring with the economy soon.
  • Various fixes & improvements to the app : we’ve already highlited some weak points in our apps user experience and design, and will be fixing them over time. For example, tooltips are still needed in a lot of parts of the app / game. Also, we’ll improve readability for marketplace using $SANCTA — firstly by implementing a new “listing” price section.
Design work on this, it will be the gold one.
  • Sound Design : UI sounds will be implemented when we have some free time, and an addition of tons of new music. New sounds for spells will come whenever Constructor is finished, as you’ll be able to easily add sounds to all effects in the combat system.

Marketing material and updates will be continuously pushed out during this time, and we will really push hard once the Constructor is out, leading up to mainnet launch.

Idle Quest Mechanics

Aside from fighting in the Arena, our Guild Masters can partake in some idle questing via our Questing tab. As we discussed before, this module will see the player sending their pawns on various quests that they receive from 3 (initial) factions within the city. Each faction will give out differently themed quests that explore different parts of the lore, and ultimately will yield different rewards. As you quest for a faction, you’ll gain reputation with them (or lose it with others!) — which will affect the quests which they offer you.

new up-to-date UI

Each quest has a rarity & difficulty rating, that are determined by various factors (including player level, faction reputation, and overall quests completed.) The quests are all hand-written, but the selection you receive with be randomized based on the previously listed factors.

After receiving a quest, you can open up the quest card to view the details of the offering. You’ll need to read the quest, and see the category — like the genre of quest — in order to determine what sort of pawn will need to be sent on the quest. For example, a quest that requires players to guard a caravan will probably need some warriors with high strength, but maybe some other stats depending on the specifics of the quest.

After you send your pawns on the quest, it will take them a period of time to finish the quest. Once they are done, you’ll receive a report that tells how they did, with a story built explaining their specific performance against the challenges they faced. If they are successful, you’ll gain reputation with the appropriate faction, and receive some sort of reward.

There is more to the quests than just what stated — such as chain quests, unique item drops, & quests that lead to discord quests/combat — but this can be seen as a primer for the quest module in general. As we test it, and roll out more of the features we’re working on, we’ll discuss further the specifics — but some things will be left as a mystery to be explored on main-net!

