Welcome to Sanctum

4 min readSep 27, 2021


Guild masters, welcome to the city of Sanctum. Get ready to embark on a journey to explore the rich history of our dark medieval low-fantasy world. Sanctum is the burgeoning capital of humankind. It symbolizes hope to some, and a blight on the world to others. The avenues, streets, and alleyways are always a buzz of activity: from the noble districts all the way to the poorest. Every corner you turn there is an equal measure of danger, intrigue, and opportunity.

Sanctum is a play-to-earn game, launching initially on Binance Smart Chain, incorporating RPG, strategy, and (eventually) PVP elements, as well as a dedicated NFT marketplace & unique economic system. Players in the game assume the role of a Guild Master. You will be in charge of managing the adventurers of the city: recruiting, deploying, and leveling them up. As your pawns (adventurers) complete missions : you will uncover pieces of Sanctum’s history, learn about the political and faction tensions within the world, discover secret side quests, and earn rewards.

WIP inventory screen, with slide-out revealing pawn traits

Our team was first inspired to develop Sanctum after seeing the potential of play-to-earn games in the blockchain space. As of 2020, there are an estimated 1.7 billion gamers worldwide with an estimated global gaming market valued at $177.8 billion — expected to exceed $252 billion by 2025. Yet, unless you are a professional esports player, a gamer’s expected ROI playing video games has been $0. We believe gamers are ready to embrace this new era of gaming, and blockchain technology is advancing at a rapid pace to meet this demand. Leveraging blockchain technology, for the first time, developers are able to program money and utilize a decentralized network to prove digital ownership of in-game items. These innovations open up a world of possibilities for developers to build different incentive structures and a thriving in-game economy that translates to real-world value.

The potential of blockchain gaming is very clear, but also there is a major flaw: the volatility. Typically at launch, games have massive demand and in-game items, gameplay, and rewards would be extremely lucrative. This however is unsustainable, and the in-game economy crashes soon after. Our team came up with a method to not only minimize this volatility and help our players earn a steady, reliable yield, but also take advantage of the initial volatility to ensure Sanctum will always be able to pay out yield to our players no-matter the circumstances. The details of this unique system will be revealed just before launch.


  • Mission : Founder
    Defi Veteran & co-founder of The Selective. Mission will be managing the direction of the whole project.
  • SaintP : Co-founder
    Experienced development team lead with nearly a decade of IT leadership experience.
  • Simbad Chains : Technical Advisor
    Founder of Tokemon, and highly experienced developer. Will be advising on all technical matters, including contract development.
  • Crypto Flight : Community Manager / Advisor
    Co-founder of Volcanic Gems, and experienced strategic advisor, and project lead.
  • WindScr3wer : Lead Artist
    Very talented pixel-artist with over a decade of industry experience.
  • & the Selective Development Team :
    Filling all the other roles are a talented group of developers, who will work behind-the-scenes to assure Sanctum lives up to the community’s standards — more about them & Selective Development, to come!

Building out the world of Sanctum is a dream of ours and we are lucky to have a team of experienced community managers, developers, and artists to help make this a reality. First to be released will be our dedicated NFT marketplace on BSC, then we’ll do a sort of pre-sale (information on that to come) that will utilize this marketplace. Then, shortly after that, the initial state of the game will be launched.

Sanctum has received no VC or seed round funding of any kind. The costs of the game were fronted entirely by the team. We hope the level of development before asking for our sale shows our confidence and commitment to the game.

There’s so much to talk about, but don’t want to cram it all into one post. So, we’ll post some new content exploring Sanctum, our ideas, and the state of development, at least every week from now until the launch. The next post I’ll speak about the lore & gameplay mechanics of Sanctum! Stay tuned.

Follow our socials below to be the first to receive news about our genesis portrait sales and pawn NFT sales!

