Rony Brown
3 min readDec 28, 2017


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HOQU is a new advertising platform created to bridge the gap between advertisers and the people going to run their adverts (also known as the affiliates). Every new venture is established based on gaps and weaknesses in a particular system. HOQU is no different and that is why HOQU is better. Let’s take a look at what makes HOQU much better.


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When you think about ads, what comes to mind? Is it the small pop-up that slowly crawls up your screen from the bottom left corner? Or maybe the blinking ones-I hate those ones. Whichever it is, advertisers splay their products online with the main aim of getting consumers to see what they are offering and get them to patronize their wares- like what I am doing now.

The means to this end is rife with so many challenges that advertisers and affiliates must face. Fortunately, HOQU is here to deal with those challenges. Here is how it is dealing with four of such challenges.

  1. FRAUD

Fraud, ranges from invalid clicks to bots and click-baits that make claims that may hurt the advertiser. For example if an affiliate claims that the advertiser’s services are free even though they are not, it may invariably hurt the advertiser.

To deal with this, HOQU employs blockchain technology and smart contracts, the reputation control system and CPA system, and thus completely eliminates the opportunity for fraud.

Also with HOQU’s Anti-Fraud System(HAFS) fraudulent leads will be identified using more than 50 different metrics, neural networks and machine learning.


Advertisers or the affiliate network (The service provided by this network is to charge advertisers and pay affiliates) can ‘shave’ off consumer actions. When there is under-reporting of actual consumer actions by the network or the advertiser, affiliates are cheated of their legitimate dues.

Although the whitepaper does not categorically state how HOQU is going to deal with shaving, it can be assumed that the reputation control system would be able to deal with this.


One technical feature of the platform is described as folows in the whitepaper;

The HOQU platform will have a set of decentralized applications, with the help of which one can easily add offers and leads, as well as create custom affiliate networks from scratch with all the benefits offered by the platform.

With decentralization, intermediaries that charge exorbitant prices for their services are eliminated and the advertiser and the affiliate can interact directly.


HOQU’s whitepaper has this to say about cost;

The traditional business model for a centralized affiliate platform has a high threshold for entering affiliate networks. Also, centralized platforms charge for their services. For example, on the Hasoffers affiliate platform, the minimum entry fee is $279 per month, on the Affise platform — $299, and on the Cake platform — $399 per month.

With registration on the HOQU affiliate network, each affiliate and advertiser gains free access. HOQU does not charge for platform use. Blockchain solutions reduce the cost of storing platform user data and reduce the commission for affiliates and advertisers.

This speaks for itself, doesn’t it? Another good thing is that the HOQU platform, which uses the blockchain platform, is absolutely free and HOQU gets a 0.5% commission for all deals that are carried through their platform. Isn’t it also great that payment can occur within minutes when using the HOQU platform?


Despite all of these, HOQU cannot guarantee successful project development or a return on investment. Which I believe are reasonable risks. I believe the rule of thumb is, do not invest what you cannot afford to lose. Despite all these risks, it must put your heart to ease knowing that it has a pretty low risk rating by ICOrating.com

Find HOQU on facebook, twitter, medium, youtube, telegram-rus, telegram, bitcointalks-rus, bitcointalk and reddit. Do not forget to read their whitepaper for more information.

Merry cryptoing!

