Rony Brown
4 min readDec 16, 2017


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HOQU has come with a lot of talk about decentralization. Knowing the challenges that are rife in affiliate marketing. HOQU has come with various solutions to these problems. The question now is, “What exactly is decentralization and how does HOQU aim to achieve this decentralization?”

According to Denis Degterin a Senior Full-Stack Developer at HOQU, decentralization consists, first and foremost, in the fact that we do not store the key data ourselves, all platform data like offers, merchants and leads is not kept by us and not by anyone, it is all decentralized in the Ethereum blockchain. And because we do not have a single repository, anyone can organize their system to work with platform data. We create our own applications as an example, but this does not limit the system, we only show how we can do it, but we do not limit anyone from doing the same on our platform.

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Other platforms are more expensive because they basically act as brokers. This is quite the contrary for HOQU as it provides a free platform that removes any bridges between the affiliate and the merchant. And for whatever deal that is brokered between the merchant and the affiliate HOQU only has 0.5% stake in it. On the plus side, blockchain sites are also fairly easy to navigate and becomes second nature when one gets used to it.


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Setting up at HOQU is pretty simple. You need to register at hoqu.com. HOQU demands an e-mail and a phone number to gain access to their platform. Your details will be verified, then an ethereum (cryptocurrency) wallet will be created. You then have to specify your role-be it merchant (advertiser) or affiliate — and then viola, you are good to go!

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HOQU has this to say about other centralized networks:

If a centralized network is hacked, attackers can access all accounts in the system. Also, in the case of a technical failure on a centralized platform, all affiliate networks stop working until the cause is resolved.

That is why decentralization is really the top-notch option here. It ensures that, units or modules are limited to individuals networks on the HOQU platform and thus one slip does not equal all slips! This is as a result of the blockchain solutions that HOQU employs on its platform.


HOQU has this to say about other traditional networks

The traditional business model for a centralized affliate platform has a high threshold for entering affliate networks. Also, centralized platforms charge for their services. For example, on the Hasoffers affliate platform, the minimum entry fee is $279 per month, on the Affise platform — $299, and on the Cake platform — $399 per month.

Affiliate programes has its own problems. Thus it being costly and running its now separate risks does no one any good. So what the above is tells us is that indeed, affiliate programs are costly…well until HOQU stepped in.

With registration on the HOQU affliate network, each affliate and advertiser gains free access. HOQU does not charge for platform use. Blockchain solutions reduce the cost of storing platform user data and reduce the commission for affliates and advertisers.

Yes, you read that right and with their performance marketing model, they offer an affiliate program to which 0.5% of the total issuance will be allocated, then tokens will be distributed among affiliates according to their invested amounts.


HOQU has carefully crafted all of this in much greater detail here. Go on and read their white paper for more information about HOQU.


HOQU is on several social media sites. Find them on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Telegram (Rus), Telegram Bounty and get interactive with them.

You can also find some great articles and other upcoming events on their Reddit and Medium sites.

Merry Crypto-ing!

