Cryptobontix Community Update #1

3 min readFeb 26, 2018


Hi guys, this is Philipp and I’ll be the Social Media Coordinator for Cryptobontix and Arbitrade at the moment. Thanks a lot for your patience over the last months — we’re aware that we need to improve our communication on all levels.

How to stay updated

Please see this approach as a first step in a more transparent direction. To reach you where you are we set up an official Twitter account as well as two Telegram channels

Feel free to join / follow both of them to catch the latest news. They were also added on the website this morning.

My job is to help Dr. Timothy McGarvey (CIO and Co-Founder of AXenS, trade finance and supply chain management company with April ICO) and the team to share news and new info more frequently across all channels. I will also help to summarize small pieces in articles like this to keep you updated.

First answers from Dr. Timothy McGarvey

I can fully understand that you have a lot of questions and starve to get more input. That’s why I asked the early members of the official Telegram group to send over questions that one of the board members will answer.

Today I’m happy to share the first answers from Dr. Timothy McGarvey, who’s one of the board members of Cryptobontix (the main brand for $DIG, $ECHO, $NAM, $ORE and $HNR) and Arbitrade.

When we will see a proof that you really have Gold Billions backing the Tokens?

The bullion and mining company partners will be revealed before our official launch in approximately 8 weeks (estimated).

What is the correct number of the tokens? I read the number of tokens will be reduced from 10b to 3b the number on etherscan shows 3.504.415.970 in general.

There is only 3BN tokens total for DIG.

In my modest opinion, all of the market (world of crypto) needs is a PROOF, a Certificate from a TRUSTED company, showing that you really have GOLD enough to back the DIG… That’s the major point.

Yes we agree and everything will be revealed once our development and set up is completed which has been in progress for months. We are unlike many other crypto-related assets which have only a white paper or have a white paper and is very early in the development stage. We built everything first.

Any idea of when the DIG token will reflect on Coinmarketcap?

It will be roughly two weeks, but that’s just an estimate.

Any other dates for DIG to keep on mind for upcoming announcements?

We will start doing regular PR commencing this upcoming week.

Please also comment on the Management team: Who is the CEO, CTO and CMO?

That will be released as soon as it can be released. Our team has been built from Wall Street and the companies are being treated as if they were public companies. So information gets released officially when all the i’s are dotted and all the t’s are crossed.

Is there a backup plan for C-CEX exchange UNY Swap? Their UNY wallet has been broken for a long time but “should be fixed next week”. Based on the last 2–4 months scams, silence and inaction of C-CEX, it seems hard to believe? There is no support at all. Deposits and withdrawals may work or not, many of the wallets and broken.

C-CEX has a voucher system which allows moving crypto from one user to any other user, and it works even without the wallet. Maybe a potential swap alternative?

Yes, good idea.

Is there a more secure way of storing tokens. Is there an offline wallet or company that the Dignity team would endorse?

Anyone can use a MyEtherWallet, the new Trezor we are told will be able to hold a lot of different coins and Ledger also works.

That’s it for today. There is more information coming soon that can’t be shared until the lawyers have signed it off. We will also establish a weekly 30min Q&A with Tim in the Telegram group soon.

Thanks a lot so far for your patience and feel free to ask any questions here, on Twitter or Telegram.


P.S. If you like the approach — feel free to follow this medium channel also. Thanks!




Tokens backed by bullion. Catch the latest news on $DIG, $ECHO, $NAM, $ORE and $HNR. Feel free to ask questions!