What Is the Crypto Hash Rate?

6 min readJan 20, 2024


The crypto hash rate is important for the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Hashing is the process of taking an input of any length and generating a fixed-length output, known as a hash. In blockchain and cryptocurrencies, hashing plays a crucial security and verification role.

Join us in this blog as we dive into the world of crypto hash rates and discover how to calculate them, hash rate changes, the best hash for crypto, and more in our comprehensive guide.

Miners on proof-of-work blockchains compete to be the first to find a hash that meets the network’s difficulty criteria, allowing them to mine the next block and earn rewards.

The “hash rate” represents the number of crypto hashing attempts or computations performed per second by the entire blockchain network or an individual miner. You can check out “Bitcoin’s hash rate” for a detailed example.

Higher hash rates mean higher levels of security and crypto mining difficulty. Calculating hash rates can offer insight into a blockchain’s adoption and growth over time.

crypto hash rates

How do I calculate crypto hash rates?

Several methods exist for estimating hash rates in crypto networks.

Here are some of them:

Using mining difficulty and average block times

As the network difficulty adjusts to keep block times consistent, you can back-calculate the necessary hash rate.

Checking publicly reported data

Some blockchain sites report estimated hash rates derived from multiple data points.

Running a full node

Operators that run a full node on the blockchain have access to data like total network hashes per second. You can check “types of blockchain nodes” to learn more about full nodes.

Surveying major mining pools

Since the biggest pools contribute the most hashing power, their self-reported estimates factor into overall calculations.

What happens when the hash rate changes (increases or decreases)?

Fluctuations in a network’s hash rate can have important effects. In general:

  • When the hashing rate increases, the blockchain’s processing power and security increase too. It becomes much harder for a bad actor to disrupt or manipulate the network.
  • However, crypto mining also becomes more resource-intensive and competitive. This can drive some smaller miners out of business if energy costs rise too high.
  • A decreasing hash rate means lower overall security until network difficulty adjusts downward. It could potentially make the network more vulnerable to attacks.
  • Volatility in hash rates can also impact factors like transaction processing speed and cryptocurrency prices in the short term. Stability is ideal for widespread adoption.

What is the current hash rate of crypto?

Some of the largest reported crypto hash rates include:

You can track daily and weekly fluctuations across different blockchains on tools for a full picture of relative crypto hash rates over time. It’s a great way to analyze the scale and growth (or decline) of individual networks.

crypto hash rate

How do you increase crypto hash rates?

There are a few approaches crypto networks and individual miners can take to boost hashrate outputs:

  • Upgrading to more powerful ASIC mining rigs built for specific algorithms like SHA-256 or Ethash.
  • Expanding mining operations through building larger warehouse facilities with thousands of ASICs operating at scale.
  • Forming strategic partnerships between crypto mining pools to combine their hashing power for a given blockchain.
  • Improving access to affordable, reliable electricity sources for energy-intensive mining operations.
  • Advancing ASIC chip and mining hardware technology over time through continued R&D by manufacturers.

One company at the forefront of this is Cryptobunq. As a one-stop-shop crypto service provider offering numerous crypto solutions, Cryptobunq integrates with mining and crypto payment solutions to boost crypto adoption and scale. Our services empower growth across the industry.

These services include custody and wallet, exchange APIs, batch payments, tokenization, and more. You can easily integrate crypto services into your business and grow your crypto and blockchain projects with security thanks to CBQ!

What is the best hash for crypto?

There is no single “ best hash “ algorithm that works equally well for all use cases; different goals like security, speed, or energy efficiency lend themselves to specific algorithms.

Some of the most commonly used and effective cryptocurrencies include:


Used by Bitcoin, it provides high security through very high computational costs to attackers. However, it also uses significant energy.


Ethereum Classic’s algorithm offers a balance of security and accessibility to the average user through GPU mining early on.


Powers Litecoin, faster and ASIC-friendly vs. GPUs, though somewhat less secure than SHA-256.


Used by Monero, it emphasizes ASIC resistance to decentralized mining and values privacy. Slower than some others, though.

Ultimately, the “ best hash for crypto” depends on a project’s objectives. But all highlight the vital role of hashing algorithms in keeping cryptographic networks secure.

What is the highest hash rate for crypto?

Currently, Bitcoin lays claim to the highest hash rate reported of any proof-of-work cryptocurrency network, hovering around 527 trillion hashes per second. This is miles above the nearest competitors.

Bitcoin’s incredible lead stems from both network effects and the competitive nature of its SHA-256 mining algorithm, which incentivizes efficient, large-scale operations.

Ultimately, its real-world use and first-mover status have attracted an enormous amount of hashing power over the years.

cryptocurrency hash rate

Why is the crypto hash rate important?

Crypto hash rates are a key metric for blockchain health and security for a few core reasons:

  • A higher overall crypto hash rate results in more calculations to secure the network with robust proof-of-work.
  • Rapid changes can indicate issues like losing miners or the risk of attacks until difficulty adjusts.
  • Higher rates show crypto investment in hardware protecting that chain long-term, which can be competitive.
  • A higher hash means faster block times and generally lower congestion for transactions.
  • Crypto traders may interpret spikes or drops as signals about a project’s momentum.

At the end of the day, the hash rate is a reflection of real-world resource commitment to running the nodes, mining, and infrastructure underpinning each blockchain network.

Where can I see different crypto hash rates?

There are several top sites that provide tracking and historical charts for a variety of cryptocurrency hash rates:

  • Blockchain.com/charts offers reliable stats on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others over time frames from days to years.
  • BitInfoCharts.com offers comparison views of hash rates side by side for easy analysis of multiple coins.
  • CoinWarz.com/mining offers detailed hash rate charts with marker points for key events like Bitcoin halvings.
  • Charts.bitbo.io offers live hash rate meters as well as archive views dating back to each network’s inception.

For on-chain blockchain transparency, it’s useful to watch hash rates on blockchain explorers too. Overall, these tools equip enthusiasts and investors with key crypto hash rate intelligence on their favorite proof-of-work crypto coins.

The bottom line

Hash rates play a crucial role in cryptocurrency security, as they represent complex under-the-hood metrics.

By demystifying crypto hash rates, we gain a deeper understanding of blockchain’s innards and how best to evaluate a network’s resilience over time.

For more insights on harnessing real-world applications of crypto, check out services from Cryptobunq, a one-stop shop for expert BaaS, CaaS, WaaS, NaaS, and more solutions.

Unlock the full potential of your business projects with CBQ through the power of blockchain technology. Contact us today!

Originally published at https://www.cryptobunq.com on January 20, 2024.




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