OGZ Club: The First MemeFi Project to Combine the Fun of Memes with the Power of DeFi

Crypto Chamara
5 min readJun 5, 2023


Today memes are very popular among us. Especially in social media platforms. Meme is an idea, behaviour, or style that spreads utilizing imitation from person to person within a culture. Meme is a fun way to interact with each other and also they can be a powerful tool for social change. For example, If you remember the Kony 2012 meme? It was used to raise awareness about the Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony.

Also, today memes have become a powerful force in the crypto world too. These funny or relatable images, videos, or phrases can be used to spread awareness about new projects or promote existing coins. For example, we can get DogeCoin, Shiba Inu, BabyDoge, etc… But did you ever heard of a crypto-related project that combines meme and Defi? So let’s dig into this awesome project called OGz Club.

What is OGz Club?

Briefly, OGZ Club is a memefi project that combines the fun of memes with the power of DeFi. OGz Club is based on a meme called Original Gangsters and it was launched in March 2023. We all know there are plenty of these kinds of projects last couple of years. Doge, Elon, and Pepe are the best examples.

First, we all know most meme project’s sustainability depends on their staking, liquidity providing, buy & sell pressure, use case etc… But In OGz it’s completely different. Because they introduced some innovative features based on their Defi Experience. Such as Dynamic Staking, A referral programme, an Anti-cheat system, marketing and a future vault.

Not just because of the above features Ogz is stand out from other meme coins. OGz is unique because of its partners also. Look at the below photo that shows OGz partners including Binance, Uniswap, Metamask, and Trustwallet.

OGz club partners and explorers

Here are some of the key features of OGZ Club:

Anti-Cheating System

OGz created the first anti-cheating system for their referrals. With this system, no one can create multiple wallets and make their own fake referrals. So you don’t need to worry if someone creates fake referrals and becomes a top in the board. It’s a nightmare for anyone with Ogz Anti-Cheating System.

Dynamic Staking

With the Dynamic Staking feature 1% of the tax will be filled inside the staking contract. Also, there will be different staking pools based on the demands in Ogz.


If you have an OGZ token then you can vote for Ogz club’s future proposals. Also, there will be a dashboard to discuss with the community before you vote on the proposals.

Future Plans Wallet

Here 1% tax will collect and transfer to the future wallet for Ogz wallet’s future developments. And also 1% additional reserved for non-referrals users. This method is a good thing to secure the OGz club’s place in the DeFi space and also for community growth.

The Tax System Of Ogz

In Ogz club there is a tax system for every buy and sell. The tax percentage is 8% and its distributed as follows. You can refer to the below picture to clarify the tax system.

OGz Refferral Program

OGz have thier own refferral programme. It’s very simple and you can join it easily with 3 steps.

  • First, Join the OGz Affiliate Program

Visit the OGz website and connect your wallet. Then you will get your unique referral link and username.

  • Second, Spread the Word About OGz

You can use your favourite social media like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Youtube to spread the word about the OGz club. You can encourage and guide people to join with OGz club by sharing your referral link with them. This will also help OGz to build the community.

  • Third, Track Your Earnings

You can track your referral earnings with OGz online tools and the best thing is there are no middlemen involved with your rewards. That means your referral earning will be directly coming to your wallet.


OGZ is the native token of the OGz club. OGz has a 118,000,000,000 Total supply.

Token Name: OGzClub
Token Symbol: OGz
Token Decimals: 18
Blockchain: Ethereum Network
Smart Contracts: 0xB7BDa6a89e724f63572Ce68FdDc1a6d1d5D24BCf

The supply will be distributed as follow. The best thing is 60% were on liquidity. This will clarify one point, that is there is enough liquidity to buy, sell and trade OGz tokens.

Tax distribution of OGz club

This is also another picture that clearly shows more about the distributions of tokenomics.

OGz tax distribution table with more info



OGz club is overall born with a rare concept. Because it is the first Defi+MEME token. With its amazing features such as Dynamic staking, future value and anty-cheating system it has some powerful signs to stand out in the long run in the market. So it’s best to keep an eye on this project. We can add this to our conimarketcap favourites list and follow the updates from there also. So below I will let you know their all official platforms. You can keep on track from the above platforms also.

If you want to know more updates please follow OGz's official platforms:







Writer proofs:

Bitcointalk Username: Shobhikhan_007
Telegram Username: @nibmcmb
BSC Wallet Address: 0xCEb26908010555b656Fe507D3426F984aeB865E0
Proof of Authentication: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5453647.msg62282425#msg62282425



Crypto Chamara

Passionate writter, investor and social media infulencer.