Comprehensive Guide to Crypto Futures IndicatorsUnderstanding open interest, liquidations, funding, and cumulative volume delta.Dec 13, 20238Dec 13, 20238
WOO X, Execution and the True Cost of TradingA comprehensive summary of the importance of order execution in trading, and how to assess it using WOO X’s dashboard.May 2, 20232May 2, 20232
WOO X’s Transparency DashboardUsing WOO X’s live transparency dashboard to monitor risk and exposure.May 2, 2023May 2, 2023
Crypto Trading and Counterparty RiskAn introduction to counterparty risk when using a centralised exchange.May 2, 20232May 2, 20232
Crypto Leverage Trading IntroductionHow to use leverage effectively and safely when trading crypto.May 2, 20231May 2, 20231
TechnicalRoundup & WOO X — Deep DiveA full introduction to WOO Network, WOO X, and thorough risk overview.May 2, 2023May 2, 2023
Trading Psychology: A Non-Cynical PrimerGet comfortable with being uncomfortable.Aug 6, 202012Aug 6, 202012
Using Previous Day’s High/Low for Intraday BiasDerive an actionable intraday bias using the daily chart.Dec 28, 20198Dec 28, 20198
Technical Analysis Series: Directional BiasIdentifying, systematising, and trading with a technical directional bias.Jul 19, 201920Jul 19, 201920