Emodicons Algorithmically Generative Art from Levitated Arts

Rick Porter
3 min readJul 16, 2022


What is Algorithmically Generative Art?

Algorithmically Generative Art is a term used to describe art that is created using algorithms. Algorithms are a set of instructions that can be used to generate a result. In the case of generative art, algorithms are used to create images or patterns that are then outputted as art.

There are many different ways to create algorithmically generative art. Some artists write their own algorithms, while others use existing software programs. Still others use hardware devices such as computers or printers to generate their art.

Algorithmically generative art can be created for a variety of purposes. Some artists create it for its own sake, while others use it as a tool for exploring new ideas or concepts. It can also be used as a way to create unique and personal artwork.

What are Emodicons?

Emodicons are a new type of non-fungible token (NFT) that are algorithmically generated from images. Levitated Arts is one of the first companies to create this type of NFT. Emodicons are unique, digital art pieces that can be used as avatars, stickers, or even just collector’s items. If you’re interested in collecting NFTs, or if you’re just curious about this new technology, be sure to check out Levitated Arts and their Emodicons.

These Cool Emodicons Can be Found on Opensea

Levitated Arts Emodicons Featured on T-Ray Show

Levitated Arts Emodicons Starts at 9:02

According to MagnewsBlog.com Emodicons are an assortment of algorithmically created artwork created for Levitated Arts. The first-generated artwork was created in collaboration with Levitated Arts. The first Generation of Emodicons of 7,777 will be made using over 150 different features.

The rarest traits include animation and music integration of Levitated Artists. They are creating an image by using Web3 along with blockchain technology. It is also a base that yo , as a community member can use to create the legacy you want to leave!

Different Types of Algorithmically Generative Art

There are many different types of algorithmically generative art. Some artists use algorithms to create random patterns, while others use them to create more complex images based on real-world data. still others use algorithms to generate music or soundscapes.

Some well-known examples of algorithmically generative art include the work of Roberta Holzmann, who creates images by randomly generating pixels, and Casey Reas, who uses algorithms to generate geometric patterns. Other artists who have used algorithms in their work include John Maeda, Zach Lieberman, and Ben Fry.

Pros and Cons of Algorithmically Generative Art

There are pros and cons to everything and algorithmically generative art is no different. The pros of this type of art is that it can be created by anyone with a computer, no artistic talent required. All you need is an idea and the ability to code. This type of art is also very affordable since you don’t need to buy any materials. The cons of algorithmically generative art is that it can be very repetitive and formulaic. Since the art is created by a computer, it lacks the organic feeling of traditional art.

What is the Future of Algorithmically Generative Art?

We are in the midst of a digital renaissance where art is becoming more and more accessible to people around the world. With the rise of technology, artists are now able to create stunning works of art using algorithms.

So what is the future of algorithmically generative art? Will it continue to grow in popularity? Will we see more amazing works of art created using algorithms?

Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure — algorithmically generative art is here to stay.

For more information on Emodicons Visit https://LevitatedSociety.com/



Rick Porter

Entrepreneur, writer, crypto and blockchain advocate. Web 3.0 and Metaverse enthusiast.