What Are The Benefits of a DAO?

Rick Porter
4 min readJul 8, 2022


Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are a type of organization that runs on decentralized governance. They are powered by code and not by people, which makes them borderless, permission less, and trustless. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of DAOs so that you can decide if they’re right for your organization.

What is a DAO?

A DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is a new type of organizational structure that is enabled by blockchain technology. DAOs are decentralized, meaning they are not centrally controlled by any one entity. Instead, they are governed by transparent rules that are encoded on the blockchain. This makes DAOs highly resistant to censorship and corruption.

DAOs offer a number of advantages over traditional organizations. For one, they are much more efficient because there is no need for expensive middlemen or intermediaries. Additionally, DAOs can quickly and easily raise capital through token sales. And finally, because DAOs are transparent and immutable, they build trust and cooperation among members.

If you’re looking for a more efficient, transparent, and trustless way to organize yourself or your business, then a DAO may be right for you.

The benefits of a DAO

There are many benefits to having a DAO, including:

- Having a DAO can help to create and maintain accountability within an organization. This is because members of a DAO are typically required to sign transactions with their private keys, which can be traced back to their identity. As such, members of a DAO are less likely to engage in fraudulent or dishonest activities.

- A DAO can help to decentralize decision-making within an organization. This is because decisions are typically made by consensus among the members of a DAO. As such, no one individual has undue influence over the decisions of the group.

- A DAO can provide financial transparency to its members. This is because all transactions made by a DAO are typically recorded on a public blockchain. As such, members of a DAO can easily view the financial history of the organization.

Overall, the benefits of having a DAO include creating accountability, decentralizing decision-making, and providing financial transparency.

How to set up a DAO

There are many benefits to setting up a DAO, including increased transparency and accountability, improved efficiency, and more democratic decision-making. Setting up a DAO can be complex, but the following steps can help you get started:

1. Define the purpose of your DAO. What goals do you hope to achieve? What kind of decisions will need to be made?

2. Choose the right platform for your DAO. There are many different blockchain platforms available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Consider your needs and choose the platform that best suits your purposes.

3. Set up the governance model for your DAO. How will decisions be made? Who will have voting rights? What kind of voting process will you use?

4. Create the smart contracts for your DAO. This step can be complex, so it’s important to consult with experienced developers who are familiar with the platform you’re using.

5. Launch your DAO! Once everything is set up, you’re ready to launch your DAO and start achieving your goals.

What Are the Risks of a DAO?

When it comes to DAOs, there are a few risks that need to be considered. These include:

1. Smart contract vulnerabilities — If the code underlying the DAO is not secure, it could be exploited by attackers. This could lead to loss of funds or other issues.

2. Centralization of power — If a small group of people control the majority of the tokens in a DAO, they could make decisions that are not in the best interests of the community as a whole. This could lead to conflict and division.

3. Lack of transparency — DAOs can be opaque, making it difficult for people to understand how decisions are being made and who is responsible for them. This could lead to frustration and mistrust.

4. Inexperience — Because DAOs are still relatively new, those involved in them may not have the experience or knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about how they should be run. This could lead to mistakes being made that could have negative consequences.


The DAO offers a number of benefits that make it an attractive option for businesses and individuals alike. With its decentralized structure, the DAO provides greater transparency and accountability than traditional organizations.

Additionally, the DAO allows members to have a direct say in how the organization is run, giving them a greater sense of ownership and control. Finally, the use of smart contracts enables the DAO to automate many of its processes, resulting in increased efficiency and accuracy. Overall, the DAO provides a unique and appealing alternative to traditional organizational structures.

Are you looking for a DAO to join? Visit the Social Bees University DAO to learn more how they are working together to bring positive change to the world.



Rick Porter

Entrepreneur, writer, crypto and blockchain advocate. Web 3.0 and Metaverse enthusiast.