Chibi Fighters : Street Fighter Meets Cute Chibis on the Blockchain

CryptoEngineer Q8
8 min readApr 2, 2018


Damn, look at those graphics!

Ready your weapons, and ready your cutest faces, cause we about to fight to the death with our Chibis.
Chibi Fighters is one of the newest and most innovative games on the ethereum blockchain. It is 100% run through a smart contract, making it fully powered by the ethereum network. So how does the game work, and what is it’s purpose?

What Are Chibi Fighters Exactly?

To put it simply, this game is made so you can have a tonne of fun. You gather your force of Chibis (seasoned warriors), send them out to fierce battle, and see who owns the most powerful Chibis on the blockchain. Every time your Chibi is successful in a fight, they cheat death and wins you some lovely ETH prizes. But be wary, because under certain circumstances, should your soldier fall in battle, he will die, never to be seen again!

OOF, look at those Chibis.

Each Chibi Fighter is an ERC721 token (so it’s non-fungible). What this means is that you possess full ownership of this fighter, guaranteed by the smart contract. You can never lose your token, unless you sell it, trade it or let it die in battle. You see, your Chibis are living creatures. If they are killed in serious battle, they disappear forever.

Each and every Chibi bought in this game starts off as a baby. You must wait and watch them grow to adulthood, showering them with nothing more than your care and adoration. Once they have matured, they are ready to make battle. Prepare your horse and rations, it’s off to war!

Little baby Gen0.

Founder Chibi Fighter Tokens

As a game, Chibi Fighters has it’s own token: FCF (previously known as GARRYs). Each FCF bought in the presale is equivalent to one Gen0 Chibi (you exchange each FCF token for a single Founder Chibi Fighter after the game is launched). At game launch there will be approximately 30 different types of Chibis. The facial expressions and weapons can be varied among these, and according to the algorithms used in the game for Chibi creation, this can result in up to a thousand different and unique Chibis at game launch. Speaking of game launch, we have some pretty tasty information for anyone who buys Chibi Founder Tokens before April 30th, which is the date for the official early founders access launch. What this means is that anyone who buys FCF tokens before April 30th to summon themselves some Chibis, will receive special edition Founder Chibis. Founder Chibis will never again be available after the presale period ends.

That Founder special glow!

What makes Founders so special though? Well, they will be enveloped in a unique Founder Glow, giving your fighter that special Super Saiyan aura. In addition they will have a special Founder Tag, and they will also receive a super cool Legendary Weapon! These weapons are exclusive to founders and only ten different types exist. I think you will agree with me that they are RAD BEYOND BELIEF!! You can buy your FCF to secure your Founder Chibis here and they are currently sold for 0.01 ETH per FCF (Founder Chibi Fighter Token). After the presale ends, Chibis will increase in price. The price change will be dynamic, but buying a Gen0 Chibi directly should end up costing the equivalent of $40 approximately. Remember, all Chibis bought after the presale period will no longer be Founder Chibis. Put all this information together, and FCF tokens start to look like a really good deal.

Did someone say legendary weapon?

Trading, Collecting & Fusing

Chibi Fighters has its very own Fusion Chamber. This is a place where you can offer two Chibi blood samples and they are fused together by diabolical science, to create a totally new Chibi. This fusion process does NOT destroy your original Chibi. You merely offer one of your Chibis for a blood sample and another player will offer one of theirs too. As a result, a brand new Chibi will come out of the fusion chamber and you can add the newly generated Chibi to your collection. Two Gen0s fused together result in a Gen1, and so goes the pattern.The current Fusion process can create up to 68,999,505,236 completely unique Chibis. Awesome! This means that you can collect, collect, collect to your hearts content. Hec, build an army of cute Chibi Fighters. By the way, Chibis have rarity and traits associated with them and depending on their rarity/traits, your Chibi might be a very valuable specimen for others to fuse with. You can use this to your advantage and charge a higher ETH price for fusing with your Chibi.

If, however, you do not want a specific Chibi that you own, you can very easily list it for sale on a marketplace such as OpenSea or RareBits, both of which are very well known peer-to-peer crypto collectible markets. Set the price as you wish, and see how many people are willing to buy your Fighter. You can also do the opposite and buy yourself some new Chibis from these markets. Full market integration is being worked on and should be ready by game launch.

Wanna Fight for glory?

Okay, so collecting is all good and fun, but surely there is more to this game? They are called Chibi Fighters after all. This is where the game gets interesting..

Fight Fight Fight!

Chibis are born to fight, it’s in their blood. When you send off your Chibi to battle, you can send some ETH along with them. Any other player thinking of challenging you must match your ETH deposit. Once this has been done, a battle is initiated and the data from both parties is sent to the blockchain via the smart contract. This is where all the gruesome details of battle are figured out before being finalised by the Chibi Fighters server. Once a result has been reached it is released onto the blockchain, and all wins, losses and ETH are distributed to those who were involved in the skirmish. No stats or levels are involved in the process. The game fight system was designed to be fun, light and quick. No hassle involved and no hierarchy of character levels. You do get to choose your moves for the battle though, so that’s always fun. The very best part is, that all Chibis will return safely to their owners after every fight. That’s a relief! Death cannot touch your little ones here, even if they fall in battle. This brings us to the next topic. One with more dire and lasting consequences..

The Ring of Death… Will This Be Your Chibis Grave?!

This place is brutal. This place is serious. This place is final!

It’s a 1-on-1 arena. Two Chibis will face off here. Only one will return alive. The other will perish and become nothing more than a name in the Halls of the Fallen. This is permanent. You WILL lose your Chibi forever should they fail to be victorious.

Now this sounds like it’s too much. Why on Earth would you risk losing a precious and cuddly Chibi?? Well first of all, you should calm down. You don’t need to send in your Gen0 Chibis to the Ring of Death. Remember Fusions? Yeah, this is where they come in handy. Fusions cost a small amount of ETH to generate your newly Fused Chibi, so you don’t lose a lot if they die in the Ring of Death. It may cost you emotionally though. After all, these Chibis are your children. And who can withstand seeing their kids perish in battle..

Okay, that’s all fair and dandy. But why oh why would you risk losing a Chibi, whether it’s a Gen0 or a Fusion? Isn’t the promise of ETH tempting enough? That’s right. Good ‘ole fashioned ether. Each Ring of Death match offers a superb ETH bonus, and winner takes all. Pile on to those winnings a bonus from the Seasons Pot and it’s a prize not to be taken lightly. Glory prevails as does your wallet. These particular battles are only solved once per week though, making them a good opportunity for seekers of challenge.

Who will win? Who will perish?

Free-to-Play & Future Development

Yes, you heard correctly. This game CAN be played for free. All you need as a minimum requirement to get started is one Chibi. Anything you can find on the Chibi Fighters servers will be completely free to play for you. The only caveat or downfall here is that you cannot compete for ETH this way. This doesn’t mean you can’t have fun, on the contrary. Go battle and prove your worth. Climb the ranks. Become number 1! Gain battle experience with your Chibi. Drink some ale.

One of the most important things being worked on right now, is game integration between Chibi Fighters and other cryptogames. This will allow 3rd party developers to integrate their games into the Chibi Fighters framework or to build new games on top of Chibi Fighters as a platform. The API and ABI will be made public so that anyone who wants to develop can do so freely. These cute Chibi collectables have a lot of potential and we decided not to limit them to a single game. Let’s allow them to take over the world. There are a lot of other things being worked on behind the curtain, but that’s all for now. We gotta keep a few surprises up our sleeves.

Game Related Links & Resources

We’ve touched on all the important aspects of the game, and not much is left to say. You can follow Chibi Fighters on their social media accounts to keep up to date with their development progress and to see what the newest additions to the game will be. Exciting times are upon us fellow warlords. Use this time wisely to pick up some FCF tokens and prepare yourself for some sword-swinging mayhem.








Why can’t it come sooner?!

