9 min readFeb 3, 2022


🗓 DATE : 28th December, 2021
⏰ TIME : 12 PM UTC
🏠 VENUE : @Cryptofight1

👨‍💼 Guest: Mark

And here we will put some of the best questions:

Introduction Segment:

Q1. Can you make a brief introduction to Yourself and iFighter Infinity to our community?


  • Yeah. I am mark, the CMO of iFigher Infinity. I have been in the crypto market for 3 years. I have extensive experience in the Crypto industry particularly in DeFi and gamefi. iFigher Infinity is an exciting and innovative project on the market that has made significant strides over a short period of time compared to its peers.Our Twitter followers broke through 32K in a period of time, which is an important support for our later development. After getting into the crypto industry, I never looked back and my goal is to explore as much about this field as I can.
  • iFighter Infinity is a 3D Immersive space flight PlayToEarn game
  • In iFighter Infinity all players' gaming and social behaviours will be financialized. iFighter Infinity utilizes the new revelation brought by Defi, GameFi and SocialFi, making players' behavior meaningful and valuable! iFighter Infinity's goal is to build Web3 technology-oriented games based on blockchain technology, giving the players rights to the game's data. Players around the world can work together to create a fun and prosperous crypto economy.

Q2. What problem does ifighter aim to solve in the crypto world?


  • iFighter Infinity will use IPFS to store the files of NFT digital assets. IPFS is one of the more mature and widely used decentralized storage solutions in the market, which can help iFighter Infinity solve the problem of storing NFT digital assets files. IPFS is the most mature and widely used decentralized storage solution in the market, which can help iFighter Infinity solve the problem of NFT digital asset file storage.
  • As NFT. llml the carrier of future game assets, the fast-growing DeFi will become the core economic system basis of future games.
    In iFighter Infinity, all players' game behaviors will be financialized, and players' social behaviors will also be financialized. Through the new revelation brought by DeFi, GameFi and SocialFi play an essential role in iFighter Infinity and are the game’s core system, making every player’s behavior meaningful and valuable!
  • The goal of iFighter Infinity is to build Web3 technology-oriented games based on blockchain technology, so that the rights to the game's data belong to the players, and so that players around the world can work together to create a fun and prosperous crypto economy.

Q3. I noticed that there are four tokens in iFighter Infinity, can you tell me what they are?


  • In iFighter Infinity, there will be several tokens in iFighter Infinity, iGAS, iRON, iGold, and IIS, all of which can be earned through the trading market and different in-game play.
  • iGAS is the driving energy of the warships, and each mission will consume a certain amount of iGAS, and the amount of iGAS will depend on the mission. iGAS can be replenished in various ways, such as defeating an enemy ship, completing a mission, daily mystery box, and random mystery events.
  • iRON is a combination of parts to improve the performance of warships and equipment. iRON is also available during the course of the battle, and after completion, you will be rewarded with a corresponding iRON. Depending on the technical parameters of the battleship and equipment, the amount of iRON consumed for each performance upgrade will be different, and the amount consumed will also depend on the commander's talent. Different combinations of warships, equipment, and talents will have different amounts of rewards in different mission play, and a reasonable matching strategy is a key to getting rewards.
  • iGold is a valuable resource obtained during battles and is required for upgrading ships, equipment synthesis, equipment upgrades, and talent upgrades. iGold can be obtained during mission levels or you can try to buy it from the marketplace. If you have excess iGold, you can sell it in the marketplace and exchange it for the crypto assets you need. The rate of iGold production in the system is dynamically calculated based on the number of players per day, following the way described in Bonding Curve, when the number of players consuming iGold per day is small, the rate of iGold production will remain low, when the number of players consuming iGold per day is large, the rate of iGold production will When the amount of iGold consumed by the player in the game is large, the rate of iGold production will be accelerated and eventually will not exceed the set maximum production rate. In this way, the system can automatically and dynamically adjust the amount of iGold in the game.
  • IIS (iFighter Infinity Stakes) is the governance token of the iFighter Infinity. The members of iFighter Infinity have the final decision on the design of the gameplay and the right of ecosystem governance. The members of iFighter Infinity can use IIS to acquire NFT assets in the marketplace or to provide liquidity in AMM to earn iGAS and iRON rewards. IIS can be minted by staking game assets in DeFi protocols.

Q4. Do you have any plan of future development?


  • iFight has launched game research and development in the fourth quarter of 2021. At present, it has launched its official website and social media for users to understand the project. In the first quarter of 2022, iFight will open mystery box pre-sale, NFT trading market and release mobile game app. In the second quarter, it will update version 2.0, open new warships, new tasks and arenas, In the third quarter, team competition will be increased, new warships and equipment will be opened, new space exploration will be added, and the 3.0 version of the game will be released. After that, new game content will be continuously developed around the game experience and ecological development.

Q5. How can we participate in the game?


  • You only need a warship to start the game, it’s a truly low barrier game.
  • Of course earnings are related to the fighting ability of warships, you can buy equipment to upgrade your battleship after gaining some earnings in the game, thus gaining more earnings.
  • Obtaining iGAS is very simple: game rewards fixed iGAS, the higher the level the more iGAS, in addition, official platforms will sell small amounts of iGAS daily, users can participate in the purchase.
  • iFighter will open mystery box sale next. Users can purchase mystery to obtain the iFighter warship. At the same time, in order to reward the first batch of users ,users who buy the mystery box will give varying amounts of iron tokens. iFighter will launch the mobile game app in the first quarter of 2022. Users can log in and experience the game by holding the address of the warship.

Segment 2: Twitter

Q1. I really like your unique idea about space gaming but there are too many tokens of your project why you choose more tokens not less and how can you manage them all it’s tough to attract people to buy all tokens


  • We believe that the ecosystem in the game is much more complex than the average blockchain project, which makes the single-pass setup difficult to regulate the balance of the entire game ecosystem, as we can verify from the historical development of blockchain games.
  • Meanwhile, the multi-pass mechanism can well avoid the risk of the collapse of the entire game economic system brought about by the imbalance of individual scenarios, greatly increasing the risk resistance.

Q2. Gaming sector is extremely competitive and many platforms had to work very hard to reach their current user numbers. How will iFighterGame' team compete with the existing gaming platforms & what extra will iFighterGame' offer to get the gamers from the other platforms?


  • We will be able to enrich our gameplay, and combine with defi, combine some defi content, such as Staking, Yield farming, etc., to increase the financial attributes of our game, in order to attract users, we will continue to do so More community activities, to feedback our users


Q3. Currently most' investors only care about profits at the moment but ignore the long-term benefits. So can you give them some advice why they should buy and hold this token/coin in the long term?


  • IIS is the core token of iFghter Infinity, a value-sharing hub for the entire gaming ecosystem. It has the following application scenarios.

1. Buy warships and equipment

2. Upgrade battleships and equipment

3. Platform revenue buy-back dividends

  • In summary, IIS as the common token for the entire game market, empowers the properties of currency. This makes it necessary for new players to buy IIS to enter the market, which will increase the market demand. At the same time, the deflation mechanism is set to ensure the core rights and interests of the ecological stakeholders, and holders can share the dividends of the game development and value growth to the greatest extent. We believe that as more scenarios are disclosed, long-term investors or early partners in the project can reap the maximum rewards.

Q4. Many people want to learn about your project but they have problems with English, so do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not good? Do you have a marketing strategy aimed at developing many different communities?


  • We are focusing a lot on non-English speaking regions so this is a great question. We are already working with KOLs and community leaders in several different regions to create videos and tutorials about how to onboard and play the game.

Q5. Is your project only for elite investors, what about others with small funds, is it open to everyone?


  • We are definitely targeting the mass market and as such we need to make it as easy and user friendly as possible to do so.
  • Our GameFi platform is for all crypto skill levels beginners to advanced.
  • Outside of the game itself there will be tons of tutorials, support groups, YouTube videos in many different languages to help make it as easy as possible to learn every aspect of the game.

Segment 3: Live Segment

Q1. Can you tell us about your plans for long-term? What are you currently working on? And what strategy will be used to expand globally? Thanks.


  • iFight has launched game research and development in the fourth quarter of 2021. At present, it has launched its official website and social media for users to understand the project. In the first quarter of 2022, iFight will open mystery box pre-sale, NFT trading market and release mobile game app. In the second quarter, it will update version 2.0, open new warships, new tasks and arenas, In the third quarter, team competition will be increased, new warships and equipment will be opened, new space exploration will be added, and the 3.0 version of the game will be released. After that, new game content will be continuously developed around the game experience and ecological development.

Q2. When would #IFIGHTER IDO be announced please?? How can I also check for your beta product on test net?? please answer the quistion.


Q3. iFighter is a P2E 3D immersive space flight game. I saw that in order to play, one must own a warship. How much are we needed to initially invest to be able to play the game? How much iGAS shall we need to make a warship fight?


  • The blind box will be the first place where players get the battleship, but the price of the blind box is still a secret. You can follow our Twitter to get the latest news. Believe me, this will come soon and the price will not be very expensive.

Q4. As far as I know you have done a lot of AMA, my question is, what do you want to get from so many AMAs and what is your goal with the community? Do you consider the community a fundamental role in the project?


  • I think AMA is more to convey our vision and goals for iFighter Infinity, so that more people can learn about this project and even join us.
    For the community, we have always held great sincerity. We believe that the success of a project is inseparable from its supporters. We will continue to promote community incentives and activity fees in the future. We hope that everyone in the community can Always support us and stay with us until the day of success

Q5. COVID 19 has slowed down many economies around the world but as a crypto business, does it affect you negatively or positively.? Are you still on track to achieve your goals Or are you planning a new development?


  • I think it’s a positive impact
  • COVID 19 has brought more and more people's attention and gathered to the Crypto industry, while the emergence of NFT and GameFi has made the way of gaining income no longer limited to ordinary token
  • The games generated based on NFT have greatly enhanced the fun of gaining revenue, people can play to earn. All transactions and activities in the game can be verified on chain, providing a fair playing enviRONment for everyone.
    With iFighter Infinity as a new option for #P2E, I'm sure you'll be drawn to it!

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