About Cryptofitnessclub business model

2 min readMar 3, 2018

“The world’s largest taxi company, Uber, owns no vehicles. The world’s largest accommodations provider, Airbnb, owns no real estate. The world’s largest media company, Facebook, creates no content” We are in the midst of an incredible revolution in business models. Industries that have operated the same way for decades are being wildly disrupted by new startups that are thinking differently”

The traditional business model requires the need for central bodies like banks for payments, which levy their commission for transfers and currency conversions and the international payments can take up-to days. This discourages the online fitness coaches to accept international clients even when the training can be provided online. That’s why we created cryptofitnessclub which is leveraged on the robust digital tokens where the transactions are instant, secure with low fees and without the need for the central banks. This helps to bring uniformity and transparency in pricing.

We act as a hub that connects the users and the fitness trainers by fulfilling their needs. Our business model removes the borders and eliminates the need for any central bodies. By using our GYM Tokens that are based on blockchain technology there are no regulations and no restrictions by central authorities. Payments can be made directly between trainers and clients instantly with no fee. This opens new avenues and opportunities like micro payments. Now the fitnessclubs don’t have to force an entire fitness programme on the users. Users can request small sessions or the trainers can upload small educational videos or publish some blog posts and receive small payments. This increases the confidence in the users and removes the feeling that they are paying for something that they don’t need and this attracts more user base. Users can get tailor made programmes or follow the articles that best suits them instead of having to follow a one size fits all model. Cryptofitnessclub is a place where content is created and shared by the peers ensuring the sustainability in the long run. Our platform can also be used for virtual training, live one-on-one sessions, uploading videos, getting expert advice via chat or blogging.

Our next article will be on the reward system at cryptofitnssclub stay tuned.

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