How CryptoFlix Was Created

3 min readMar 16, 2018


The film industry is glamorous and mysterious for those looking at it from the outside.

I consider the film industry as a combination of old school trades. There is writing (script), production (photography and business) and sales/marketing. Obviously, it is much more complicated than that, but this is the principle.

Now while it is now easy to make a film, let alone a great film, it is indeed possible to do so, but without distribution — no one will ever see the film.

Distribution in the film industry is done through a network of local distributors throughout the world. Usually there is one per country or one for a group of countries, depending mostly on the film. Each distributor will have the right to release the film in theatres, DVD or Blu-ray, Television, Pay-TV and finally on Video on Demand (VOD) platforms.

When we were selling the Oscar winning film IDA by Pawel Pawlikowski, which I co-produced, we found it very difficult to find distributors in many underdeveloped countries. And in fact, the total population of the countries where we could not distribute the film was more than 2 billion. We thought it was a shame that so many people would not be able to see our award-winning film.

When we compared the territories sold for IDA with previous films we had worked on, we saw a pattern. Because of the limited distribution opportunities in these markets, none of the films we had worked on, which by the way are all top 1% rated on IMDB, were sold there.

But at the same time, we also found out that our films were indeed available in these markets — in poor quality pirated versions.

So, I decided to create a trustworthy and flexible VOD solution for the Film industry content owners that could be used in these markets. In part to grant access to this massive market, but also to fight piracy by way of convenience, a large selection of new international and local movies and TV and pricing which is competitive.

When we explored the individual markets closer, we learned that across the underdeveloped world, 2 billion people do not have access to credit cards and banking. This leaves them without many of the modern-day options for VOD. Moreover, they do have smart devices and internet access, but the global VOD providers are striving for higher quality on their platforms in general. Therefore, many potential users are not able to use the existing platforms because their device is not from Apple, not new, or because their internet connection is not very good.

That is why we assembled a great team and created CryptoFlix — a blockchain based Movie and TV streaming platform and a Film Financing Market Place.

CryptoFlix uses “YourDef” to detect the users device and internet connection. By reducing the streaming quality to fit the device and internet connection, the users will have a good viewing experience and at the same time the price of the streaming will be lower due to a much lower data consumption.

The benefits of CryptoFlix are just great:

For the users in the underdeveloped world there will be access to new international and local movies and TV without having a credit card or a bank account. Streaming can be purchased through the use of our FLIX tokens.

For the content owners there will be a trustworthy partner in the underdeveloped countries to distribute content in a market, which is largely undistributed. Furthermore, the content owners will be in a more flexible position for pricing on the platform and CryptoFlix will not have the very high-quality requirements as other global VOD platforms. It makes sense for almost every film and TV show to be on CryptoFlix.

I strongly encourage you to visit our webpage and to read our White Paper.

Our ICO is set for April 15, 2018

Please do not forget to sign up for the Early Bonus Alert on

Take care,

Christian Falkenberg Husum, CEO and Founder, CryptoFlix

