What should we expect from Blockchain Gaming Platforms in the future?

Crypto Gamble
2 min readAug 28, 2019



At the end of 2017, CryptoKitties, an online game created in Canada, which offered players breeding virtual kittens, selling them or trading them, as well as breeding them to get new kittens, and gain crypto, appeared. It used the Ethereum Blockchain Gaming Platform.

A few days later, some of these virtual creatures traded for tens of thousands of dollars, while thousands of enthusiasts gloated, gathered and thought about “crypto cats”, until the entire Ethereum network was temporarily clogged. For some observers, CryptoKitties is nothing more than a simple and childish game, a kind of digital transformation of a Tamagotchi’s concept. Some consider it to be another example of collective hysteria caused by greed and speculation. For others, however, the game is much more important and even marks an almost historical step in the adoption and generalization of cryptocurrencies.

Perfect companions: games and blockchain

Despite (or thanks to) its apparent simplicity, the CryptoKitties game illustrates for an ordinary person the whole interest of blockchain: a constant, unchanging and indestructible register in which property names can be registered (linking the user and his kittens here), while integrating mechanisms for securely transferring them to a global market that itself is protected by cryptocurrencies. All the mechanisms used are based on blockchain, offering fun and functional gaming platform that could not exist without this technology.

The future of blockchain gaming

BLOCKCHAIN GAMING is supposed to be more popular. Many games and platforms will have their own cryptocurrency, but several cryptocurrency projects also intend to become the “currency of gamers.” This is the case with GameCredits, which was designed to become the global currency of the gaming world, while Nitro, in addition to a similar goal, intends to impose itself on the entire production chain, allowing individuals to help launch the game and benefit (financially ) of her success. Others are working on building real-life online gaming platforms, such as Chimaera, to create blockchain-based multiplayer decentralized universes, or Xenio, a distributed P2P network for games.

Gambling in the traditional sense of the word (Craps, Blackjack, slot machines or online Poker) will also benefit from the use of cryptocurrency for two reasons: firstly, due to the simplification of money transfers (anonymously or not) between players and platforms (or only between players), then providing new mechanisms to ensure game integrity. e-Gaming will be also closely connected with blockchain.


