Utilizing RPG Maker MV

Developing a game with the use of a great tool.

Blockchain Knights
3 min readFeb 19, 2018

With the release of our first article we have received several remarks from people skeptical about the fact that we are utilizing RPG Maker for this game. Instead of trying to respond to every individual we have decided to write this article to explain the reason behind this.

Why RPG Maker?

As we mentioned in our first article, we are just a small team of individuals who have a passion for the blockchain technology and a love for games. This project is a huge undertaking for us. We all currently work full time jobs and spend our nights and weekends working to make this game. We currently have our responsibilities split up into three different areas: Ethereum/Solidity code, game/story, and art. Our team came into this project with the experience needed for everything except the Solidity and game coding. As it stood, our strongest programmer needed to focus purely on the Solidity side as it is vital to the vision we have. That left us desperately needing an easy way to code a game without having to learn every intricate detail. This is where RPG Maker came into the picture.

What is RPG Maker MV?

RPG Maker MV is a program published by Degica that allows users to create their own RPGs. It basically gives you a GUI to work with instead of having to write all of the lines of code needed to make a game work. It also allows you to either use their pre-made sprite artwork or import your own. Even though it allows users the ability to utilize a GUI they can also write their own JavaScript code to further help develop the game. Finally, there is a large and friendly community of people with tutorials and pre-built scripts/plugins to help new users feel comfortable with the program.

Why make this article?

There seems to be somewhat of a negative stigma towards games that utilize RPG Maker. Some people seem to treat it as a lazy way to develop a game. We truly beg to differ. It is most efficient to utilize the tool that works best for what is needed. We could spend hours learning and practicing the code needed to create a game, or we could utilize RPG Maker to help shorten that time and instead put it towards truly fleshing out our story. For us, it was an easy choice. The game we are creating is not going to be groundbreaking because of gameplay mechanincs. The groundbreaking aspect will be how we utilize the blockchain technology to create our inventory system and tie that into the game. Therefor, does it truly matter to our players whether the game they are playing was written line by line or created through a GUI? We don’t believe so as long as our game is truly fun, engrossing, and utilizes the blockchain technology in a unique way.

Final Notes:

We truly do appreciate the feedback we have been receiving, and would love to hear what everyone feels about our use of RPG Maker MV after reading this article. So please feel free to respond or comment with any questions you might have. Also, if would like to support us then please clap this article and share with anyone you think may be interested.

If you would like to look into RPG Maker MV then you can find more information at their website — rpgmakerweb.com

We are still looking for talented and motivated individuals to join on us on this ongoing adventure. We are interested in team members who could help with the following:

Creating sprites and later level designs for the game.

Composing video game music.

If you are interested in joining us then please send an email to info@blockchainknights.io.

Otherwise, if you would like to receive emails from us regarding when the marketplace and game go live then please submit your email here — https://goo.gl/forms/Te260znWrHxBGjI52



Blockchain Knights

A Role Playing Game set in a fantasy world that utilizes the Ethereum blockchain for collecting and trading in-game weapons and armor.