Recap AMA with Crypto Hunters Official.

Crypto Hunters Forum
13 min readAug 22, 2020


On August20,2020 at 3pm GMT+ 9/10pmWIB Indonesia Time in the CryptoHunter Telegram Group ,AMA started with Mr.Joey Bertschler as guest speaker and dzola from CryptoHunters as moderator. When campaigning ,15 lucky AMA participants when asking questionson Google forms and AMA sessions will get a total UNW prize of 900unw

The following is a summary of AMA questions and answers announced by the moderator and gues tspeaker:

Session 1: Project introduction

Crypto Hunters: For the first. Can you introduce yourself and your UniWorld background? @joey_jaz

Mr. Joey Bertschler: Sure. I’m a multi-corporate tech executive and contributor to various outlets such as Forbes and Hacker Noon. CEO of Cool Japan Holdings — the environmental enterprise aiming to make Japan Co2 neutral by 2030 — and the VP of the Security Token Alliance, the industry’s largest think tank with over 100 partners. I am also a public speaker and member of the European AI Alliance, Harvard Business Review, YEC and MIT Technology Review.

I started my entrepreneurial journey as a teenager by managing a media outlet and an internet provider company before specializing in Content Marketing and Blockchain. Having visited over 20 countries I built a truly cosmopolitan mindset and eventually came across Mr. Daika Ginza.

Now we work together on the project, a tech syndicate consisting of various services started quite a while ago during the early Ethereum days. We wanted to solve the scalability, interoperability and regulatory issues with e.g. the ERC20 protocol and Blockchains in general. Because we didn’t want to raise any money before we had an actual product, we skipped the 2017 ICO wave and focused on R&D using the revenue we make from our bot solutions. Now we are at the mainnet stage and our products, though rough, are ready for the users.

In other words

We ( are an ecosystem based tech syndicate. In other words, we offer many different products and services ranging from chat bots to our blockchain platform (here is a link {hyperlink “link” to a list of all Uni services}). You can also outsource your tasks to our vetted team! We don’t waste your time with whitepapers and empty emails — we go straight for a prototype/MVP, because we want you to judge and value us based on our performance and quality.

While other BC projects are normally focused on one specific application (which they don’t really serve either), Uni takes a truly cosmopolitan approach. We have offices and employees all over the world all of which work remotely and are constantly tested for their skills — no slackers allowed!

We have the experience and capability to launch many products simoultaneously also thanks to our valuable long-term partnerships with software and design veterans. From blockchain to UX, Solidity to C+: we got you covered.

We believe that “the world is big, but true innovation requires a bold approach.”

In a nutshell, is a lot of things. Chatbots, blockchain, messenger, crypto, custom software (b2b) and much more!

Our most recent product is the 1 million TPS per second blockchain mentioned above UniChain.World

Accounts are free and come with an extra 0,5 UNW with no charge so people can test the wallets out!

CryptoHunters:Can you share the reasons why you joined the Uniworld team? @joey_jaz

Mr.JoeyBertschler: I’m interested in democratizing technology and making it accessible for everyone. Uni has fantastic solutions that work for your everyday person and not just someone technical. I believe they have great potential and their products are reliable — a rare attribute nowadays especially when it comes to blockchain or AI

CryptoHunters:Q1. What Is UniWolrd ? And What’s The Function ?@joey_jaz is our center. The main page and name of the entire Uni initiative. It’s a large world wide operating software company with many servies. The goal is to accelerate technological progress faster than could be done with relatively more conventional approaches (see above which). /done

CryptoHunters:Okay Next :)Q2. can you explain what is UniChain to us?@joey_jaz

Mr.JoeyBertschler:UniChain is what you can call a multi-chain. It can get quite technical quite quickly from here on out, so if anyone wants to look under the hook, please contact us anywhere and we will happily go through the codes, bits and bytes with you

In simpler terms: The Chain combines DPoS and HotStuff to reach a low trade-off high scalable performance with the virtually lowest transaction fees possible.

Here is a little overview on the chains stats:

Cryptography algorithms: SHA256, SHA512, Keccak256, Keccak512, Elliptic Curve Digital Signature (EDCA).

Private keys on UniChain: 256 bit long (64 hex characters) and start with the letter U

Consensus algorithms: DPoS-Hotstuff

Active witness nodes: 33, alternative witness nodes: 22 (55 in total)

Total UNW supply (fixed): (In words: one billion)

Block time: 1–3 seconds

Smart contract language: Solidity (compatible with Ethereum)

Inflation rate < 1% per year (may be zero or go negative, depending on transactions in the network).

Here are some good links explaining the individual parts. We put our graphics, code, algorithms and so forth into our White papers for anyone interested in the details.

What is DPoS — Binance Academy (3min)

HotStuff — Cornell University (Paper)

Blockchain Investor Guide — Investopedia

CryptoHunters:Q3. How to run a UniChain node ? and what are the Benefits of UniChain witness nodes?@joey_jaz

Mr.JoeyBertschler:To give an overview, let me quickly define what a WN is for Uni and then mvoe on to the technicals and benefits.

In the UniChain network, Witness nodes are the nodes that validate transactions, produce blocks and maintain network configuration. To encourage community becoming the witnesses, UniChain introduces a reward mechanism that applied for all accounts participated in voting process and becoming the witness nodes.

Let’s recap some of UniChain’s specification involved in witness reward calculation below.

Total supply: UNW (in word: one billion coin)

Maximum inflation rate: 2.15% per year (normally, It will be zero because the coins born may be less than the coins burnt)

Active witness node: 33, standby witness node: 22. (55 witness nodes in total)

Block time is 1 second, maximum is 3 seconds (in case network congestion …)

With that specifications, We have:

Maximum of reward in the whole network in a year is*2.15 = 21.500.000 coins/year or 21.500.000/365 = 58904.10959 coins/day

Every block there will be a block reward of 1 UNW for all active witnesses (33 witnesses). blockReward = 1; Block reward for 6 hours (election period) is blockReward*60*60/3 = 720 (assume that block time is 3s). periodBlockReward = 720

Every 6 hours, there will be period reward of 7363 UNW for all witnesses (55 witness). periodReward = 7363

Reward in the network will be shared for witnesses and their voters. The default ration is 4:6. witnessRatio = 0.4; voterRatio = 0.6

Reward for 33 active witness in 6 hours is calculated as below

reward = periodBlockReward*witnessRatio/activeWitness

Reward for all 55 witness nodes in network in 6 hours is calculated as below

Please note that, reward depends on the votes that witnesses received. The more vote the witness receive, the more reward the witness has.

Calculation sample:

Witness X receives 100 votes in total and becomes the active witness. Total vote for the network is 3850 votes.

Reward for all witness (in 6 hours) is 100*7363*0.4/3850 = 76.5 UNW

Reward for active witness (in 6 hours) is 7200*0.4/33 = 87.3 UNW

Total reward for witness X in 6 hours is 76.5 + 87.3 = 163.8 UNW or 655.2 UNW per day


CryptoHunters:Q4. Can you explain how DPOS-Hotstuff works and how to use it at Unichain?@joey_jaz

Mr.JoeyBertschler:As it would go beyond this AMA, please check out the previous answer where I (vastly over-) simplified it and added links explaining the concepts. Here, seperately, is our white paper explaining the technical details specifically to UniChain:

CryptoHunters:Q5. How UniMe implements a secure end-to-end chat app?@joey_jaz

Mr. JoeyBertschler:UniMe uses signal protocols. (greatly over-)simplified speaking, it doesn’t store data not even in-between.

It’s hard to put a fitting analogy, but it outperforms even the likes of Telegram and Signal. Here are the details in our UniMe white paper:

CryptoHunters:Last question from me ;)Q6: Regarding the vision and mission of the Uniworld . what is your target in 2020? what process is running? are there any obstacles in doing so?@joey_jaz

Mr.JoeyBertschler:Here is the thing.

There are so many projects that only exist for a moment (dead on the road,so many investors are traumatized by new projects). What makes Uni different? What’s Uni’s future?

The tech and blockchain uncertainties from 2017 are still a big issue. In 2017 over 80% of projects were scams. Some couldn’t, and some never intended to deliver. Now it’s 2020 and the public has grown highly sceptical of fundraisers especially ICOs (as they should be)

Uni works with or without funding. If we get the support we are looking for quickly, we will scale accordingly. If not, things will simply develop more slowly. Our channels have never been quiet for several years either. Anyone can contact or ask us anything at any time and each of our core members is quite accesible. I think this makes for quite the big difference.

We are not living out of suitcases with PO addresses for example 😉

We convince investors in quite the simple way: Here are our bots (we show them an example) here are our numbers (we openly show those, very transparent approach) and then they invest if they want to invest in the tech space.

We had quite a few offers over the years, but we didn’t want to give up any equity and also finish our products first. At least to a degree where, even if it’s a bit rough, everything runs.

Our initiative right now is really more of a stress test phase.

This project won’t make a huge and sudden impact like the iphone did back in the day. Our approach is more that of a 7-eleven. We want to increase utility, offer more products and services and refine those and suddenly Uni is everywhere before you realize it.

We derive our value from our products and not an expectation of a high-value exit. It’s the same philosophy Roger Ver applies in his quest to improve BCH (as opposed to BTC maximalism).I was hoping the users that ask these questions could join the chat for a conversation. If anyone has any questions at any time, please don’t hesitate to send us a message. Be it on the Bitcoin forum, via one of our emails, on LinkedIn or elsewhere. We will always get back to you.

Even just right now, UNW can be used

as a secure, low-fee transaction method (dust-level)

to run bots

to build on UniChain

to stake

but also further down the line to e.g. buy physical products, play in online casinos, tip people, to hedge with other cryptos and much more. The main reasons for this are:

The interoperability of our chain and bots means they can both be easily utilized by other projects and we can easily work with other projects ourselves.

Also for the reasons stated in 1. we chose Solidity as coding language. Ethereum has a vast community of dAPP devs and devs in general that will find it attractive to use their skills on more platforms. In more general terms there are use cases across supply chains, health care, real estate and so forth — all of which Uni is working on.

And that’s just a fraction of the functions!

Our current roadmap adjusts constantly as we do so many things it’s hard to put into a single timeline.

The main things are our listings on exchanges (UNW), our upgraded chatbots for UniMe, our new frames for UniChain.World, the new interface for Mia.World and that Uni is now, for the first time ever, raising funds — solely to scale faster.

Session2: Question from google form

Question1 : From @jobel4

What is your opinion for the new generation today? What is your strategic plan to realize your underlying vision and goal for UniWorld?@joey_jaz

Answer: Kind of already answered that above but in a few words: increase utility. Make Uni (all of it’s services) more useful and even better

example are Uni ATMsdone

Question 2 : From @Aleurich

• Is it possible to adapt UniWorld to small businesses or startups? Do I need any programming knowledge to use the platform?@joey_jaz

Answer: No. The entire point is to make everything as accessible as possible. Unless you want to to dive deeper into certain things such as UniChain — but it’s never a prerequesite nor needed to access anything.

Question 3 : From @Alika061

What is the uniqueness of Uniworld that cannot be found in other project. that’s been released so far? And how the demand of $Uniworld token will increase in the future? or what steps would you take to increase the demand?@joey_jaz

Answer: Uni doesn’t just alter or improve algorithms, it builds new things from scratch. UniChain is a unique blockchain, not some protocol of e.g. Ethereum. That’s how it can outperform others. No other blockchain comes even close to 1 million transactions per second without significant tradeoffs Uni is able to avoid.

The value increases with every product of Uni improving. Even if they are very low, we still make revenue from e.g. transaction fees and that funds a large cut of it all (because of the sheer amount of transactions and the huge userbase that comes from such a scalability)

Question 4 : From @Jhonathanch

What is the advantage of UniChain being a multi-chain project combining DPoS and HotStuff? Why did you decide to create your own chain and not use one of the existing ones? Also, how different is this project from ERC-20 and who is its target public? Can anyone use UniChain to create their own tokens? Thank you!@joey_jaz

Answer: One million transactions per second without significant trade-off (e.g. still decentralized, still secure…). For technical details check the white paper mentioned above.

Protocols like ERC20 are not complex enough and lack what’s needed to be compliant with e.g. the SEC and also to scale so Uni saw it as essential to develop their own BC. That was back in 2017 and just recently got finished.

The target demographic is your everyday person. Everyone should be able to benefit from this new technology, not just early adopters, technical people and insider!

Yes, anyone can — easily!

Last Question From Google Form 😁

Question 5 : From @Rosane1a8

Uniworld currently has a referral program where as part of the early bird squad users earn 5% from each direct transaction using their affiliate links. IS this program going to be permanent to the ones that join now, or when is it supposed to end? after that, will the early adopter keep any benefit?@joey_jaz

Answer: Our referal programs will certainly adjust, possibly be lowered or increased but we will always ensure that early adopters will have the biggest benefits. Should it increase to 10% for example, early adopters would get 15%. Should it get decreased to 2% early adopters would likely still get 5%. It’s necessary to value their early engagement a lot!

Session3: Question from community

Question 1: from @QuyTND

I usually consider 3 things on blockchains: flexibility, cost and security. How can you guarantee me that these 3 things are available on

Answer: Uni is a lot more than the blockchain, but sure. That’s the exact thing UniChain.World was built for. It’s code is hardwired to ensure this. Again, this would instantly turn into many lines of code if I wanted to illustrate how it works so please refer to the whit paper I posted above. It also has many visuals

Question 2: from @okokaja

Hello @joey_jaz

How does Uniworld offer strong incentives for users to join the network? I mean, why is it a good option to choose Uniworld among the hundreds of stablecoins that currently exist? Also, what are the specific problems that unichain aims to solve in the ecosystem? Thank you!

Answer: Ethereum faces many challenges and it’s 2.0 release has been delayed forever. Many developers are looking desperately for a sophisticated development platform and UniChain features smart contracts others don’t. It’s highly interoperable unlike any other chain so every chain can utilize Uni features and vice versa — unseen before (API)

Uni is fairly new on the market having been in silent production before. Given how sleek it is and that it relies completely on it’s revenue streams asking for funding only to accelerate processes rather than to completely fund them, it makes for an interesting early adoption option.

With other projects, you can be happy if there is any product at all. Uni has dozens

Question 3: from @Hirew

Answer: UNW has sold their token waay under value to counter act that. Early investors get token at massive discounts so instead of say 1 dollar falling to 50 cents, it will be 30 cents rising to 50

Answer ; To counteract whales, Uni handles its first listings on controlled and secure servers with tight KYC and limited enacting.

Question 4: from @vnmb788

You organized an AMA session very rewarding and received a lot of questions related to utilities and technology, future vision, …So now I want to ask what do you want to receive from the community?

Answer: Try our wallet out, help us stress test the system and if you enjoy it — spread the word (for which you will be rewarded wth more UNW, win win!)

Question 5: from @mrbitcoi

The crypto market has a lot of fiercely competitive. What strategies do you have to attract users, and keep them stay with your platform for longterm?

Answer: Simple: outperform them. Faster, bigger, stronger.

If there was any chaint hat came even close to our speed, we would either drastically upgrade or add some completely new and innovative features yet remain simple and accessible for the everyday person. Uni is about usefuln

Session 4 Quiz about From Google form :

  1. What is the name of the smallest unit of UNW
  2. Can you name the UniWorld products?
  3. What is the most problem of PoW consensus algorithm (in BTC, ETH …) that UniChain want to solve?
  4. Why UniChain is very suitable for Defi application?
  5. Which crypto/Blockchain/dAPP (name of the service/for what) are you currently using (if any) or have used in the past?

correct and fastest answer ;

  1. Ginza @mahmudMd
  2. UniChain Platform,Uni Platforms Services UniBot Platform, Uni Applications Services, UniMe Hub, UniBot Offline, Hybrid Marketing Solutions, MIA Communities, Aiomo (comming soon) @Sandysetn
  3. which consumes huge amounts of electric energy to secure a ledger @Jamaldobleh
  4. The capacity of processing up to million transactions per second by leveraging the side chain architectures and the flexible smart contract system, UniChain is suitable for any Defi solutions from payment platform to peer-to-peer lending network! @Jacksoarow
  5. Uniswap to buy some Defi token, binance exchange to trade and margin , trust wallet to hold token @Mekiacem

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