Introduction to Crypto Jingles

Crypto jingles
3 min readFeb 3, 2018


Hello world, we’re happy to announce that Crypto Jingles has been released on the Ethereum mainnet. You’re probably wondering what the hell are crypto jingles? This article will give you a better insight into what I am talking about.

Crypto Jingles is the first sound based game based on Ethereum. The goal of the game is to create the best sounding jingle and to have fun while doing so. There are 3 main concepts to this game:

* Sound Samples
* Composing
* Jingles

A sound sample is a short audio recording that is between 3 and 8 seconds long. Currently, there are exactly 100 sound samples available in the game. When you buy a sound sample, it is randomly chosen from those 100. There are 4 types of sound samples: common (59), rare (30), legendary (10) and mythical (1). All sound samples are hosted on IPFS. All sound sample IPFS hashes are written into a smart contract so that we can’t change them. Sound samples have a fixed price of 0.001 Ether. Essentially, samples are ERC721 tokens, but they aren’t tradable. With your samples you can do one thing and one thing only, build jingles!

In order to create a new jingle, you have to build it from your sound samples. You need to combine 5 sound samples in order to create a new jingle. When a sample is used to compose a jingle it becomes a part of it and you can’t use it in other jingles. It’s important to note that the sounds in a jingle get merged together not concatenated. You can play around with different combinations but when you submit it to the blockchain it becomes a permanent. A jingle is also a ERC721 token, the same a sample. The only difference is that you can trade jingle on our marketplace.

Every jingle is unique in two aspects. One, nobody can create a jingle with the same combination of sound samples. Two, we generate a unique cover image that is based on the jingle identificator. As a result, a jingle can have value because of its cover image and its sound. Jingles are tradable items that you can put on sale in our marketplace for whatever price you think it’s worth. Putting a jingle on sale is free, but we do take a 3% cut on a successful sale. Additionally, a jingle has a name and a author. They are set when a jingle is composed and can’t be altered after that, even after a change of ownership. The default name for every owner is Soundtoshi Nakajingles, you are free to change this on your profile page.

That’s the gist of the game and it’s main components. The contracts are not upgradable, we cannot in any way change the game rules to hurt the users or steal tokens. All the samples are stored on IPFS and the algorithm for generating jingle images is publicly available in the client.

The goal of Crypto Jingles is to create a fun, decentralized and fair game that Ethereum users can play and enjoy. It is not it any way a ponzi scheme or a money grab.



Crypto jingles

Compose the best jingles on the blockchain, you can share them, sell them and love them.