x42 Protocol — July 2019

2 min readJul 17, 2019


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At x42 Protocol we always strive to keep our community up to date with our progress in development or partnerships. We’ve got some good news to announce to our community today, and thought no better way to do so, than in the first edition of our monthly update blog. We will be posting an update monthly — or more frequently if major announcements are needed from this day forward. These blogs will contain a one-stop place where you can find the newest relevant information pertaining to the project, it’s partners and development.

The team would like to thank our committed community for their loyalty and support over the past eleven and a half months, we have something for you!

New listing — CoinMarketCap

x42 Protocol official announcement of coin market cap listing.

We are proud to announce our listing on CoinMarketCap (CMC). For those of you unfamiliar with the service, CMC allows users to find information on most non-zero volume coins on at least one market. CMC also presents the capitalization amount of listed projects every five minutes.

Development Update

The tier 1 masternode remains the focus of our team, and on the testnet client at this time. Our development team has advised that more pieces may become available for beta testing in the near future.

Other notables

  • We’d like to thank the community for the support demonstrated in multiple community voting opportunities. Without all of you, we would not be where we are today!
  • We recently added an Ask Me Anything tab on our discord for the community to connect with the team. Feel free to address a question to any team member — we will answer it as soon as we can.

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