Importing Bouncy Castle into Eclipse.

2 min readJan 19, 2018


This is a supplementary guide for the simple blockchain from scratch Java tutorial series.

What is Bouncy Castle.

Bouncy Castle is a cryptographic API for Java, provided by a non-profit charity based in Australia. It provides a number of cool cryptographic tools, like allowing elliptic curve digital signatures…

Downloading BouncyCastle.

You will need to download Bouncy Castle Jar ( “bcprov-jdk15on-159.jar” ) from the website. As always, make sure to keep a note of where you saved it.

Creating a User Library for BouncyCastle.

Open Windows >preferences in the Eclipse menu, and navigate to the Java>Build path > User Libraries tab. Click new and enter a new User Library name: like “bouncycastle_lib” and hit ok. With “bouncycastle_lib” selected press Add External JARs and find the bcprov-jdk15on-159.jar (or what ever version you downloaded). Apply and Close.

Adding the User Library to a package.

Right click your package in package explorer > Build path > Add Libraries. Select User libraries and then press next, now just tick “bouncycastle_lib” and click finish.

Import it with import org.bouncycastle.*;

