Preparing Your Resignation Letter: Life Beyond the Horizon of a 9 to 5 Job

6 min readSep 5, 2018

So, there’s that eternal young version of yours exploding with enthusiasm to do things that are far off from your comfort zone after a great weekend, sauntering into your office grinning like Cheshire cat and saying ‘Yes, sir!’ and turning your head to a sulky little world inside your cubicle — did you just see that alter ego going down the drain right at the start of the week?

It’s sad to even address that gusto of doing what you have learned over these years making your inner-spirits sink like that. But sadly, it’s the bitter truth if you’re a victim of the vicious trap of a 9 to 5 job.

Well, no matter how sad it is, there’s something you must know — people break out of it, and your story will be likewise if you’ve reached this far, because you won’t be reading this article if you’re someone who wants to whine about an unsatisfying life without taking any actions, you’re someone who wants tables to be turned, to break free.

Understanding the struggles of a 9 to 5 job and how to learn the PROPER way to break out of the pattern

If it was a cake walk, more than half of the people wouldn’t be doing a 9 to 5 job — although, it obviously isn’t. Here’s why:

Financial freedom.

In order to survive, bills need to be paid, stomach needs to be filled and a warmth of mental security should lurk behind the digits of your bank balance.

Having a job ensures that.

That sweet cushion that the smell of a paycheck gives you by the end of every month is hard to be rivalled, isn’t it? And the baggage of responsibilities and other constraints often thicken your pile and comes in your way every time you think about bringing the very change.

Well, it’s pretty natural and yes, it requires an impetus that is significant enough to push you up on the scale from Normal to Crazy. Point is, different people have different situations and it’s always debatable to question someone about not trying to be free from a job that the person finds suffocating or dissatisfying in any way.

One of the worst things about these jobs is the how they hold people from doing things, especially, when they really want to make a real contribution and have those curious, creative birds echoing in their veins.

People who enjoy the smell of freedom. Who like doing things in odd ways to change the world and hate spending hours in a cubicle. Doing the same drill all over the week and then getting a two-day ticket fun ticket in which the first day helps them get themselves together and the anxiety of starting the same old regime kills the next day too.

Vacations end before they get in the grove and the whole scenario makes them hate their lives and the pile keeps getting thicker as the time progresses.

But, you don’t deserve that, do you?

Peeking across the horizon

So, what lies in the world beyond the spectrum of 9 to 5?

Take a moment and think — taking an extra day off after a weekend (Monday) just to get yourself the weekend you needed. Going to your favourite place on a Monday at the time when people are working — a total 9 to 5 fun! Imagine going to work with that mindset. Sounds fun?

More or less, the constraints of a fixed working routine can drain out your creative juices and perhaps, the spirits that keep your chin up.

Let’s talk about creativity.

Can you foster creativity within the constraints of a cubicle? Maybe. But the chances are too thin to make it your anchor. Creativity needs the right environment (community), right vibes, and most importantly, the right mindset.

Your brain needs to be at peace to be at its best. So, the important point to be remembered here is to be in the right environment that is nurturing for your mood and mental health while working because if you’re not using the complete strength of your brain, think about what you can do when you will? Enough said.

But as mentioned earlier, leaving a regular job to do something of your own isn’t easy. You’ll have to give up on your luxuries, slice down your expenses and need to incorporate some serious discipline into your routine. Let’s recall a famous quote by Dan Stevens,

“The comfort zone is the great enemy to creativity; moving beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures new perspectives and conquers fears. “

Who wouldn’t agree with that?

Best things in life won’t come to you in the comfort of your cushion — ignore the commercials for a minute. It’s cliched but you have got to push the extra mile. Getting financial freedom is no joke, and its starting point is the terminus of your comfort zone.

And one thing is certain, you are not going to like things at the beginning of the journey. However, if you have the right mindset, things might not be as bad as you think they will be. Not even the path that you have to walk on is difficult if you walk smartly.

Where would you go if you had financial independence?

So, to sum it up, gaining financial freedom from a 9 to 5 job is more about being mentally ready for it. Before we suggest anything, we’d like you to take a look at how your life can shape up (here’s a little advice: if you want to stay motivated, keep the idea of life that you’re about to get in your head):

· Think about the level of freedom that you will get by working from any part of the world. Being on a holiday at a great place and still managing to make the money that is paying for that trip.

· How does your cubicle feel like? Wouldn’t it be great if your workplace felt like your favourite coffee shop? Well, you can actually work from there!

So, what do we have that’ll teach you the skills to gain financial freedom?

We’re a community of people just like you. You want more in your life and are taking significant actions to make that happen. We’re a premium community of like-minded people who strive to attain benefits using proven and calculated strategies, in the crypto market.

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Here’s a fun fact: by the end of this sentence you’ll realize that every word that you have read till now was rolled out of the keyboard of the author in a coffee shop.




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