GitHub Review: NeuroChain (NCC)

Crypto Laboratory
3 min readMar 27, 2018


Blockchain powered by AI or ‘Bot-Chain’

Date: 27.3.2018

NeuroChain Description: The NeuroChain technology is a newly augmented blockchain based on intelligent decision-making mechanisms. It is composed of Bots and a set of rules represented by flexible and scalable protocols (Proof of Involvement and Integrity & Proof of Workflow). It runs on a network or media with an adaptive communication layer.


Overall Assessment: By the time of our review, NeuroChain has 5 well-maintained repositories in their GitHub profile which gets very frequent updates. Their last commit was March 23, 2018 and also all of their repositories get frequent updates which indicate they are in active development. Their repositories are well documented as well, so kudos for that. Right now they have 2 main repositories which are their prototype and UI of their prototype. We took a deep look into those.

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Repository Name: Prototype

Last Updated: March 12, 2018

Total Contributors: 1

Number of Commits: 45

Programming Language Used in Repository: JavaScript (NodeJs)

Description: The current version shows a 4 bots environment playing a Traceability use case. Each bot has a specific role: producer, carrier, warehouse, and shop.
The producer creates fruits and converts it into transactions.
Transactions are propagated to the other bots.
When there are enough transactions, bots create blocks.
The consensus is established between the 4 bots to decide which one is going to write in the ledger. The block is written.
When Production transactions are written into the NeuroChain, the carrier, then the warehouse, then the shop can perform their jobs too.
Every information is shared, approved and validated by the network.

Analysis: This repository is the prototype of neuro chain and very well built as the first public version of the sandbox prototype. We were able to test it on our test bench and start the bots. Though their instructions need a bit improvement, for example, we run a hiccup during the installation process as it requires a mandatory package to run the prototype called pm2.

But after installing the package it ran smoothly.

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Repository Name: prototype-ui

Last Updated: March 12, 2018

Total Contributors: 1

Programming Language Used in Repository: JavaScript (NodeJs, Electron)

Description: This user interface is a minimalist blockchain simulator. In this environment, few bots run together and perform a specific use case. We chose a traceability example to implement the business side of our bots.

Analysis: Repository is in frequent update cycle with a very well documentation. We were able to run the UI Prototype as mentioned in their documentation and we think it is a very good start. The project is based on NodeJs and the UI is created with Electron.

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The rest of the repositories contains whitepapers and random scripts for research purposes.

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