Gym Rewards

1 min readOct 11, 2018


Gym rewards token is an eos based token which has been developed to work as proof of exercise. And it also has a ledger that has been built to support the Gym rewards mobile app.

The goal of gym rewards is to encourage people to exercise more and get healthy by rewarding them with gym token.

The gym rewards token was created in the 1st quarter of 2018 and it had it’s ICO on the ethereum blockchain and it’s successfully reached it’s soft cap.

What makes the gym rewards token special is that they are backed up by mobile apps which makes the minting of the tokens via exercising possible.

The ico proceeds will be allocated as follows 40% goes to product development, 20% goes to marketing, 12% goes to business development,10% goes to legal& regulation,8% goes to operational , 6% goes to partners and investors and 4% goes to contingency.

The tokens offered for ico were 20milllion while the soft cap was 4 million and the hard cap was 340million, all the tokens offered for ico were distributed immediately.

The gym rewards mobile apps are used for Bluetooth heart rate monitor and also as a cryptocurrency hardware wallet.

You can contact gym rewards with their twitter handle

and their website through this link

