Cryptolanders Master Guide

10 min readOct 28, 2021


Be part of the world’s first crypto island with Cryptolanders, the most meta-epic NFT collection.

Cryptolanders Master GIF

Cryptoland, the number one crypto destination on earth is launching its official degen-approved NFT collection. This master guide covers everything you need to know about Cryptolanders and the sheer depth of its’ spirit. Read on to find out the many areas of crypto culture that have inspired the Cryptolanders and how to mint your own!


The Collection

The Distribution

The Culture

The Kings

The Utility

The Specs

The Collection

Crypto island NFT collection Cryptolanders
  1. The Origin.

To truly understand the story of Cryptolanders, watch Cryptoland’s origin video below!

The Cryptolanders NFT collection comes from Connie, the very soul of Cryptoland. He represents the thinkers, the dreamers, and the doers, who have built this space as well as those of us who just have a deep love for it and can’t see ourselves anywhere else. Think of Connie as all of us rolled into one entity, illustrating our passion for connection, the construction of a better world, and yes, fun for fun’s sake!

2. Cryptoland


Cryptoland is crypto’s promised land that the global community currently lacks. Think of it as both the number one crypto destination in the world for relaxation and connection, as well as the epicenter for the Crypto Renaissance, a new-age Florence, if you will.

3. Cryptolanders

There will only ever be 10,000 Cryptolanders minted because we believe that is a large enough supply to get a wide array of voices involved in the creation of Cryptoland.

Cryptolanders +

King Cryptolanders

As you will see below, each and every trait leads to each Cryptolander NFT being rare in its own right because each trait was inspired by the history of the Crypto movement itself. We, the Cryptoland development team, are true believers in remembering where Crypto came from and allowing that to fuel where we’re going.

This collection reflects this belief as well as what we see as the key elements that define all Metaversians.

By becoming a Cryptolander, you’re showing off who you are in the Metaverse and how that ties into the past, present, and future of Crypto itself as well as what you bring to the upcoming Crypto Renaissance, which will be centered on Cryptoland, offline, and the Metaverse, as it is today, online.

In the end, the Cryptolanders’ collection is what you make it. Each and every trait chosen matters and that’s a beautiful thing.


1. The Giveaway

Cryptolanders is a community-driven project, designed to be distributed entirely for free. If you’re wondering why we’ve chosen to go this route, it’s simple. Cryptoland will be both the world’s first physical space for Crypto’s participants to meet and build year-round in an exotic locale and the world’s number one crypto destination. For us to achieve that vision, we need to operate in a manner that shows our commitment to a fair, equitable effort at bootstrapping our community, involving as many members of the Crypto movement as we can.

In other words, Crypto’s first global hub needs to stand out on every level, from the beginning and as we move forward.

2. The Distribution Details

We have restricted ourselves to just 1 NFT mint per team member, and we are preventing users with different addresses from minting multiple Cryptolander NFTs to the best of our capabilities, to ensure as decentralized of a foundation for our future community as possible. Decentralization occurs on a gradient scale and the less of an extent that a small percentage of a community controls a community, the better it is for that community as a whole.

All Cryptolanders are distributed only via our official giveaway and will not ever be distributed in any other manner. If you see someone claiming to do so, please report that to our team immediately.

Cryptolanders(Who gets one?):

  • The aim is to distribute the collection amongst those who really want to be part of Cryptoland’s journey and feel passionate enough about the project to stick around for the long term. If you’re simply here for “number go-up,” then you’re in the wrong place. Those who fit the mold of a Cryptoland lifer will be eligible for a share of our 4840k Twitter giveaway.
  • Alongside all of this, those who are deemed the most active within the NFT space will also receive shares of the launch, namely, 5,000 NFTs in total. With that being said, after a lot of careful thought, we decided on the below as the ideal approach for the distribution:
Cryptolanders NFT Distribution

King Cryptolanders:

These are the 60 most, ultra-rare NFTs from the collections. “King Cryptolanders” are distributed to those who pay for, and therefore, own a real piece of the island’s exclusive, future community called the Blockchain Hills.

To acquire your own King Cryptolander with its parcel to match, visit and click through the parcels on the top of the island to view how many acres they are as well as where they are located. Once you’ve made your choice, type your name and email in the pop-up box for the parcel you want and the Cryptoland development team will help you finish the process! We encourage you to reach out during that time with any questions you might have about the defining features of each parcel.


Cryptolanders are composed of a large range of crypto-culture-inspired traits. Each set of traits that you put together tells a highly unique story inspired by those who made this wonderful industry what it is today, those who doubt it, and those technologies that helped allow it to be possible.

All in all, you can imagine each Cryptolander as a self-contained story of what crypto was, is, and will be. Below, you’ll find our guide to each and every trait your Cryptolander NFT can have!


In the crypto space, we can say we have skin in the game, can’t we? Each one of our skins tells its own story. Whether that’s a nod to the power of Crypto to change the world or just a dig at Crypto’s critics, there’s something for everyone!

Cryptolander NFTs Skins- Set 1
Cryptolander NFT Skins- Set 2
Cryptolander NFT Skins- Set 3
Cryptolanders Skins- Set 4


For your Cryptolander to truly come alive, it needs the ability to speak! Each one of our mouths gives your Cryptolander something unique to say, just like each of you has something special to bring to the Crypto space. Discover all of their stories below!

Cryptolander NFT Mouths- Set 1


Now your Cryptolander can speak, but it still needs to see! Each one of our sets of eyes tells a unique tale because each person involved in the Crypto space has a unique vision of how the world should be. Explore those tales below and no matter what your vision of the future is, let it shine through on your Cryptolander.

Cryptolander NFT Mouths- Set 2


If you’re in Crypto, then you belong to some sort of tribe. The magic behind the Metaverse movement is that no matter what that is, you’re accepted!

Each one of our hats represents a different type of Metaversian. Whether you’re a jokester who likes to poke fun at Crypto’s critics, a true Etherean who believes ETH is the only sound money, a die-hard Bitcoiner, or something else entirely, there’s a hat for you to rock on your Cryptolander!

Cryptolander NFT Hats


What’s a true Cryptolander without the right chain to round out its outfit? Whether you want to poke fun at the sins of Crypto’s past, show off your commitment to privacy, or simply shill your favorite cryptos, our necklaces have something for everyone!

Cryptolander NFT Necklaces


What is a true Crypto Degen without some killer ink? The beauty of Crypto is everyone has different ideals they hold close to their heart and still, we all build together. Why not wear those ideals on your Cryptolander?

Cryptolanders Tattoos


King Cryptolanders are easily recognizable because of their crowns and their unique designs. Above all, however, it’s the fact that each one is custom made, with traits that do not exist anywhere else in the collection, that makes them ultra-rare.

King Cryptolanders- the first set
King Cryptolanders-the second set
King Cryptolanders-the third set

Each King, regardless of its’ combination of traits, carries a rarity of 0.0047%.

On the upper left corner of each King, you’ll find “Cryptoland Parcel” written on a golden seal as shown below.

Cryptoland Parcel Identifier

This serves a special purpose, indicating that a true deed to a real parcel of land is owed to the NFT’s holder. This inscription will disappear when the holder requests that the Cryptoland Development team transfer ownership of the parcel to them.

All in all, the role of the King Cryptolanders in the Cryptoland universe goes far beyond aesthetics alone. They are the ones that together, make the impossible happen. They are the pioneers and visionaries of this project, and their King title is very well deserved because they are the OGs who have enabled the creation of the number one crypto destination on Earth.

What an amazing space to be in!

Only in crypto can we imagine things as extraordinary as Cryptoland and attract folks with the drive and the power to make the dreams of the community come true. Here’s to you, King Cryptolanders, whoever and wherever you may be!


You might think we’re done, but we haven’t even gotten to the most important part of the guide! What, you might be asking, does my NFT get me?

The Cryptolanders and King Cryptolanders NFTs serve different purposes, simultaneously:

  1. Both grant membership to access the exclusive Vladimir Club. The term “Vladimir Club” sprung forth from the BitcoinTalk forum in 2012 and was originally applied to Bitcoin alone. A user calling themselves Vladimir suggested that owning 1% of 1% of the max supply of Bitcoin was a good idea, and the term Vladimir Club was coined right after. Since the max supply of Bitcoin is 21,000,000 coins, anyone with more than 2,100 BTC can be considered a member of Vladimir Club.
Vladimir Club-Cryptoland

2. Both give voting power for creative and management decisions over Vladimir Club.

3. On top of all that, Cryptolanders NFT collection is in itself an art piece, that marks a historic moment where the digital crypto space bridges to the physical world and that will always represent something magical.

All in all, holding a King Cryptolander HODLER offers you several benefits:

  1. It entitles you to a 1-acre parcel in the Blockchain Hills, which will become the world’s most valuable land when it acts as the only exclusive neighborhood inside of Crypto’s Florence, the new epicenter of the Crypto Renaissance.

2. It allows you to benefit from several exclusive features of Cryptoland, such as access to Vladimir’s Club, a private beach that only King Cryptolander holders can access, and if you decide to acquire multiple Kings, you could get yourself memorialized for all eternity in an embedded coin in the walk of fame, together with your own dedicated mooring spot in Cryptoland’s marina, in case you need a place to park your royal yacht.

3. Above all, King Cryptolanders are the movers and shakers, those who are all-in to the Metaverse and will always be so. When you HODL one, you truly earn the title of King that you deserve and have always dreamed of.


Before we leave you with a very important choice, let’s get down to brass tacks, or, the specs of the Cryptolanders!

The Cryptolanders NFTs have been algorithmically generated by randomly combining numerous traits and over 150 rarities, making each one unique and rare in its own right, as well as 60 that rise above the rest as ultra-rare.

They are, on a technical level, ERC-721 tokens stored on the Ethereum blockchain and will be hosted on IPFS, due to its status as the most secure and most used decentralized storage system today. At the moment, they are hosted on Cryptoland servers because this permits updating the collection with a higher resolution version of the pictures a bit further down the road.

Once that’s done, they will become IPFS native because let’s be real, without IPFS, the NFT itself isn’t an NFT. Don’t worry, this won’t require any extra effort on your part. It’ll all be handled under the hood.

All of our NFTs come with full commercial usage rights. This means that once you’re a HODLer, you can do with your NFT as you wish. We’ve chosen to go above and beyond in this regard, both because of Cryptoland’s vision as well as that we believe every Metaversian has the right to use their NFT as their identity in the Great Online Game. However you wish to apply that right, it’s up to you!

A 5% fee from secondary sales will be used to sweep the floor price of the Cryptolanders NFT Collection, which will then be put towards Cryptoland’s overall development and ongoing operations.

No matter who you are and no matter whether or not you have the resources to become a King Cryptolander, we encourage you to remember that in crypto’s future number one destination, everyone has a place. Join our giveaway now and let the world know that you’re lending your voice to crypto’s future, number one destination!




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