Blockshipping ICO — Leading The Project with Expertise and Relentless Ambitions

Crypto Lee
3 min readJul 4, 2018


Blockshipping ICO Review — Part 4 out of 5

If you have missed the previous parts, check out part one, two or three to learn more about the shipping industry, Blockshipping’s vision and their passive income model.

Successfully launching such an ambitious project needs some serious human capital to realize. Blockshipping gladly isn’t lacking this resource, as the following presentation of the individual team members will show.

Peter Ludvigsen

Peter Ludvigsen is the CEO and Founder of Blockshipping ApS (ApS is the Danish equivalent of an Ltd. in the US/UK) and has over 40 years of experience in the shipping industry. With various positions as C-Level Executive in several companies, Ludvigsen has amassed an insane amount of first-hand expertise on how to lead businesses through hardships while steering the business wheel towards success. With strong connections across the shipping industry, Ludvigsen is also well known in the industry with ties across the globe. Due to the fact that networking is playing a bigger and bigger role in today’s business world, this sets the right tone for a fast expansion and implementation of the GSCP across the shipping industry.

Jesper Vedelsby

Jesper Vedelsby is joining the ranks of Blockshipping ApS as Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Similar to Ludvigsen, Vedelsby has great expertise in the role as an leader which he amassed over the years as CIO at INTTRA, an ocean trade platform managing containers through their own private network. This first-hand experience will pay off greatly for Blockshipping since the level of expertise Vedelsby brings to the table will be unmatched in this industry, especially across blockchain based container shipping projects.

Christian Gyntelberg

Last but not least in the C-Level Trio is Christian Gyntelberg, Chief Operations Officer. Gyntelberg is an insanely experienced IT professional. He gathered experience across the globe as Sales Manager, Key Account Manager, Contract Manager and General Sales Manager across Asia, Africa and Europe. After exploring the globe, Gyntelberg started as IT Director at the logistic giant DHL for whom he worked for 5 years, two of those researching and dedicating a master’s thesis about the business strategy of DHL Supply Chain Nordics which then was successfully implemented! After working for DHL he started his own venture Exec-it ApS which is still in business 7 years after it’s founding date. Since June of this year, Gyntelberg joined Blockchain Services ApS, a consultancy firm focusing on the implementation of the blockchain technology into operating businesses.

Climbing up the way to success — Together

This trio will be eager to lead their team, with the help of their Business Development Director David Green, towards success and hopefully realize their vision of an organized container shipping network across the globe. With the sheer human capital they bring to the table, the chances for a successful implementation of the GSCP couldn’t be better.

For us investors is only one thing left to know: How do we get our tokens and what do we have to know about the token sale? This and more will be addressed in the next and last part of our Blockshipping ICO review!

If you want to know more about Blockshipping have a look at their website, ANN/BTN threads or contact them on Telegram!



Crypto Lee

Entrepreneur in the Morning, E-Business Expert during the day, ICO Researcher by Night; Long-term success > short-term gratification