JoyToken — Building Trust between Developers and Gamers

Crypto Lee
2 min readMar 27, 2018


If you followed my past two articles about JoyToken you already have quite an impression of the current inefficiencies of the online gambling market. On the one hand you have individual game developers who can’t get their games in front of an big enough audience to gather feedback for further development, on the other hand you have unsatisfied players who suffer under poor game qualities of the big online casinos. Neither of those parties can reach each other in an appropriate way due to money and trust conditions. In order to solve this poor construct of individual entities, JoyToken was created.

JoyToken is not only a cryptocurrency as mentioned in the first article; it comes with a whole blockchain based platform and company, the Joy Gaming Ltd. JoyToken aims to take on each of the mentioned problems in different ways and combine them to one single solution.

All-in-all JoyToken takes on 5 major problems as there are:

  • The trust issue between gamers and unknown developers
  • The trust issue between gamers and online casinos
  • The payments from casinos to developers
  • The non-existing transparency of online casino games
  • The liquidity and real time payment to developers
Various problems — One solution

As mentioned earlier , trust in unknown platforms is barely given from online gamblers. At this time and age, trust is a powerful tool which has to be earned through repetitive and on-going satisfying services of providers. Transferring money to a unknown website or online casino is a thing not many people are willing to do, which therefore makes it harder for developers to publish their games to an audience. Due to the incredibly possibilities of the blockchain technology, transparency is a given attribute which comes with the use of it. By seeing behind the scene and knowing what goes on when transferring their JoyTokens, people know exactly where their money is going.

But this is not the only positive attribute the blockchain utilization brings with it as we will learn in the next article!

If you can’t wait for the next article, have a look at JoyToken’s website, BTN/ANN threads or shoot them a message on Telegram!

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Crypto Lee

Entrepreneur in the Morning, E-Business Expert during the day, ICO Researcher by Night; Long-term success > short-term gratification