Momentum — A Ethereum Marketing Campaign on the Momentum Platform?

Crypto Lee
3 min readApr 2, 2018


In the previous articles we’ve learned about the current market situation and what problems brands face when trying to build a solid customer relationship. If you haven’t read the past articles yet, I would strongly advise to do so before you dive into the functionality of Momentum.

So, what is Momentum actually doing? To provide brands with the best possible service, Momentum completely redefined the way of customer relationship building. Their platform provides brands a possibility to launch their own branded token, which can be put to use individually as brands build their own reward scheme around it. These reward schemes can be used to gather customer data through rewarding customers to fill surveys. Another more guerrilla marketing like approach is the brand building through rewarding shares and reviews of the brand related content on their platform.

Mock-up of the Momentum Platform

For a better understanding, picture this:

You just purchased a neat smartphone case with the ETH logo engraved on the back of it. The Ethereum Foundation decided to use the Momentum platform as a marketing tool and reward those who spread the word about Ethereum and their upcoming Casper update by rewarding you with their own “Casper” tokens, launched on Momentum. By sharing your new purchase on different social media outlets you earn a few “Casper” every single time, slowly accumulating your “Casper”. After a while you decide to take a shot at day trading, even though you usually only invest in well researched projects done by high quality research channels. Based on the fact that you don’t have the possibility to set up a Coinbase account, you accumulate enough “Casper” to trade them for Momentum tokens, which can be then traded on every exchange that they are listed on. Exchanging them for ETH or BTC is easily doable and opens up your path to trading without having the need to inject fiat. Based on the fact that the Ethereum Foundation and Momentum have opened up a huge world of opportunities for you, you’re deeply thankful and stick with the Ethereum foundation and their products for the end of the day.

Don’t take the above too serious — It’s only purpose is the better understanding of the project

Well, even though the above example is highly unlikely (No, the Ethereum Foundation will not run a marketing campaign for the Casper update), you get the point. This example can be adjusted for every brand out there and is only one of many possibilities Momentum offers. To finish off this series, I will shine some light on the remaining possibilities of Momentum and talk a bit about their upcoming initial coin offering in the next article.

If you want to know more about the project, check out their website, BTN/ANN threads or join their Telegram group!



Crypto Lee

Entrepreneur in the Morning, E-Business Expert during the day, ICO Researcher by Night; Long-term success > short-term gratification