Opiria & PDATA — If it’s free, you become the product (IV)

Crypto Lee
2 min readApr 18, 2018


You see, your data is being collected by any service you use. The data will be used to target you specifically through ads that will be paid for by advertisers which identified you as their target group and potential customer. You get nothing out of this deal (Except some ads in front of your face). Opiria is going to change this:

A fair and square deal, allowing both parties to profit

In order to let everyone profit from the data usage in the 21st century, Opiria provides consumers and businesses a platform that allows them to openly exchange data with an adequate payment as reimbursement for openly transmitted user data. People can transparently sell their user data to businesses who are interested in gathering information about certain target groups in order to optimize specific business processes or marketing campaigns.

Often time this kind of data will be purchased through backend deals with huge data collectors since there is no other solution available for businesses. With the implementation of the Opiria platform however, this might change forever.

The Opiria platform does also come with a platform intern token called PDATA. This cryptocurrency will be used to pay consumers which are willing to provide their data to interested parties. By utilizing the blockchain technology, secure and transparent transactions are guaranteed.

Let’s talk about data quality

Using a specific platform will also allow businesses to gather high quality data, which is still a pain point in today’s data economy. Low quality data can interfere with algorithms and distort the results to such an extent that they are basically worth nothing. Opiria provides businesses the possibility to cherry pick their needed data which at any given time. High quality data paired with an nearly instant delivery can be used to boost marketing activities through the roof or make quick short term assessments on running campaigns if needed. And all of this without stealing someone’s data through deals behind closed doors.

Now that the basic functionality got explained, we’ll follow up with some specific use cases to provide some more practical insights before we finish off with the ICO deal Opiria has to offer.

Official Opiria sources: Website, BTN/ANN threads & Telegram



Crypto Lee

Entrepreneur in the Morning, E-Business Expert during the day, ICO Researcher by Night; Long-term success > short-term gratification