RepuX — Artificial Intelligence on the Blockchain?

Crypto Lee
2 min readMar 24, 2018

After kicking off my new blog with a recap of EQUI Capital, I jumped right back into the research process. Due to my self-imposed 30-days-challenge, I’m more motivated than ever before. Even though I was researching ICOs for over a year now, I was never that motivated produce some quality content and share it with you guys. To cut my emotional talk short, I’ll present you the next ICO I’ve researched and found quite interesting:

What’s RepuX you ask? Well, basically it’s a platform that allows people and businesses to exchange data in order to reach their individual goal. Let me explain:

In the current time and age data is worth gold. It’s basically digital gold that everyone is trying to get his hands on in order to do various tasks. One of those usages of big data is the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning. In order to develop a working algorithm you have to feed the AI enough high quality data in order to let it find similarities and continuously improve machine pattern learning. High quality data however is hard to be found and mostly harvested by the current tech giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon — you name it.

The new gold of the 21st century

The problem we’re facing through this centralized power is a growing gap between individual developers and those tech giants. Individual AI developers which are eager to create new programs and new applications based on machine learning can’t get enough high quality data to continuously improve their systems. This is a huge problem since it’s actively withholding them from creating possible ground breaking applications all together. In order to provide those individual developers, RepuX was created. Besides insane possibilities that open up for those developers, other business entities can also profit from using the RepuX platform, as I will share later on today!

Additional information on RepuX can be found on their Website, in their BTT/ANN threads or you can just chime into their Telegram and shoot RepuX team members your questions directly!



Crypto Lee

Entrepreneur in the Morning, E-Business Expert during the day, ICO Researcher by Night; Long-term success > short-term gratification