Smart Containers — A New Container Technology Set To Disrupt The Logistics Marketplace

Crypto Lee
2 min readApr 30, 2018


In today’s world, containers are a crucial part of the logistics industry. They are the main elements in the market which according to many, have no room for more transformations and adaptations.

However, for Smart Containers, which is a new startup based in Switzerland, containers can definitely change and adapt to the current technologies and trends. Founded by Nico Ros and Richard Ettl, Smart Containers is currently a team of several people, all focused on pushing this model through and seeing their company as the next leader in the logistics industry. According to them, the blockchain technology finds a perfect utilization in the shipping and transportation industry.

“But how would blockchain help the logistics market and change the way containers operate?”

Usually the use case of any project based on the blockchain has to be valid. In order to display the clear need for the blockchain technology in the logistics industry, we’ll dive deep into individual aspects of the industry and try to display the advantages which can be achieved through the usage of the new technology.

Smart Containers: A Fintech Company Integrating A New Model In The Logistics Industry

Smart Containers is a fintech company that combines the potential of the logistics and the blockchain industry, integrating them both in a unique way. By adopting the Internet of Things (IoT) methodology, this company has designed safe and temperature-controlled containers that can aid the transport of goods — especially the goods sensitive to heat or pharmaceutical goods.

The end goal of Smart Containers is not to replace the existing logistics model, instead they are trying to transform it into something new and more efficient. The goal is to ensure that the quality of individual goods stay acceptable during their transport and find a safe and secure way to their destination by utilizing the connected transportation containers of Smart Containers.

Tune into our next blog post to discover more about Smart Containers and their mission to reinvent the transportation industry thanks to blockchain!

Additional information about Smart Containers can be found on their website, ANN/BTN threads or you can get in touch with them directly through their official Telegram!

You can also keep up with their latest news on Twitter ,Facebook, YouTube or Medium.



Crypto Lee

Entrepreneur in the Morning, E-Business Expert during the day, ICO Researcher by Night; Long-term success > short-term gratification