XYO Network— The Four Core Components

Crypto Lee
3 min readApr 7, 2018


Even though we’ve already looked at the basic functionalities of the XYO Network, we have yet one step deeper to dig in order to full get the concept of the project. To see the more technical side of the project, let’s inspect the core functionalities and how the XYO network is interacting as a network with it’s individual parts

The XYO Network is built on four core components:

Sentinels produce ledgers filled with gathered location data. These ledgers are filled with irreversible and secure data, providing the network with the much needed data in order to use the location functionality.

Bridges are a gateway to pass data from Sentinels to Archivists (see below) with the addition of adding the Proof of Origin. Bridges act as a security gateway that forwards data and adds another security feature to it in order to enhance the transferred data.

As the name already implies, Archivist’s role in the network is to store the received data from Bridges in a decentralized form. These allows the data to be available to Diviners (see below) anytime with the knowledge of it being stored in a secure and decentralized way. Furthermore Archivists can exchange data between each other, adding another Proof of Origin every time data gets exchanged.

Diviners are the last piece in the XYO smart contract cycle. Diviners take on queries and try to answer them through analysing the gathered and saved data of Archivists. Based on that, heuristics in the XYO Network are being validated through the level of Proof of Origin they demonstrate. Based on the fact that Diviners have to provide correct and honest analysis of these heuristics a reward system has to be implemented. Based on the trustless system that the blockchain technology provides, mining is required. Diviners deliver the necessary Proof-Of-Work to ensure a high quality and secure data exchange.

(If you want to read more about the basics of PoW and why trying to inject wrong data into the system can be a very costly matter, please check out this insightful Wikipedia article)

Each component plays it’s crucial role in the network

Even though this might sounds a bit confusing, it makes perfect sense if you think about it. The individual components of the network each handle their own task and exchange the needed data between each other, allowing the system to function as a whole while gathering, saving, securing and analyzing data through the individual components.

In the following article we’ll have a more practical outlook on the XYO Network and will display how the network conducts it’s smart contracts and how it interacts with other public ledgers.

Additional information on the XYO Network can be found on their website, BTN/ANN threads or directly in their official Telegram!



Crypto Lee

Entrepreneur in the Morning, E-Business Expert during the day, ICO Researcher by Night; Long-term success > short-term gratification