Crypto Life (CL)
3 min readSep 1, 2023

Cross-Chain Bridges: Connecting the Decentralised World

The world of crypto and blockchain is ever-evolving, and cross-chain bridges have emerged as a crucial tool for expanding the capabilities of decentralised ecosystems.

Cross-chain bridges enable seamless communication and interaction between different blockchain networks, overcoming the limitations of isolated blockchains and unlocking new possibilities for decentralised applications (dApps) and digital assets.

What are Cross-Chain Bridges?

Cross-chain bridges are protocols or systems that facilitate interoperability between multiple blockchain networks.

The term “cross-chain” refers to the ability to connect or transfer assets, data or other information between different blockchains that may have different structures, mechanisms or protocols.

The overall goal is to create a unified network that allows users and developers to utilize the strengths of various blockchains without being restricted to a single network’s limitations.

How do they work?

Cross-chain bridges typically function through a combination of smart contracts, dApps, and cryptographic techniques.

The process involves locking assets on one blockchain. From there, corresponding assets on another blockchain are generated that mirror the original’s locked value. Once the assets are transferred to the new blockchain, they become accessible and usable within that ecosystem. The process can work both ways, enabling assets to be moved back to the original blockchain when needed.

One common approach involves using a two-way pegging mechanism. For example, if a user wants to transfer Bitcoin to Ethereum, the Bitcoin is “locked” on the Bitcoin blockchain while an equivalent representation of the Bitcoin (often referred to as a “wrapped” or “synthetic” token) is created on the Ethereum blockchain. This wrapped token can then be used within Ethereum’s dApps.

What are the benefits?

  • Interoperability: Cross-chain bridges break down the barriers between blockchains, allowing them to interact and share information seamlessly.
  • Asset Mobility: Cross-chain bridges allow users to move their assets from one blockchain to another, expanding their options for investing, trading, or utilizing various decentralised services.
  • Diversification: Investors and developers can diversify their portfolios by accessing assets and applications from multiple blockchains. This diversification can help manage risk and harness the strengths of different ecosystems.
  • Scalability: Some blockchains face scalability challenges due to high transaction volumes. Cross-chain bridges tackle this issue by allowing transactions to occur on different chains, thus reducing congestion.
  • Innovation: By enabling different blockchains to collaborate, cross-chain bridges encourage innovation and the development of use cases that leverage the strengths of multiple networks.

Does it have any challenges?

While cross-chain bridges offer immense potential, they also come with challenges. These issues include:

  • Security: If a bridge’s security is compromised, it becomes an easy target for hackers or bad actors to exploit it. Since June 2016, around $2.5 billion has been stolen through these hacks — the most famous example being the Ronin bridge hack that saw a loss of over $600 million at the time.
  • User Experience: For example, if a developer is building a dApp and wishes to invite users from the first blockchain to the next. To do this, users are required to go through a third party, which can become a complicated process for them.
  • Limited Liquidity: When an asset is bridged to a new network, users must ensure that the function they want to perform (e.g. borrowing, lending or swapping) is supported on the new chain. If a DeFi provider doesn’t onboard or support the wrapped token, it becomes unusable.

That being said, we’re expected to see advancements in cross-chain technology, with new protocols and platforms designed to enhance interoperability and mitigate potential risks. For example, projects like Polkadot, Cosmos, and Avalanche are already pushing the boundaries of cross-chain solutions, aiming to create a unified and interconnected blockchain ecosystem.

Paving the way for a unified decentralised future

Overall, cross-chain bridges represent a critical milestone in the evolution of blockchain technology. They provide the means to unite diverse ecosystems, enable the transfer of assets and data across blockchains, and drive innovation in the decentralised space.

As the development of cross-chain technology continues, we can anticipate a more connected and versatile blockchain landscape, fostering the growth of decentralized applications, DeFi, NFTs, and beyond. Cross-chain bridges are a fundamental building block for the decentralised world of tomorrow.